Recently we encountered some ovs-agent crash issues.  [1][2][3]

*[Root cause]*
1. Currently only a 'restarted' flag is used in rpc_loop() to identify ovs
* ovs_restarted = self.check_ovs_restart() *

*True*: ovs is running, but a restart happened before this loop. rpc_loop()
reset bridges and re-process ports.
*False*: ovs is running since last loop, rpc_loop() continue to process in
a normal way.

But if ovs is dead, or is not up yet during a restart, check_ovs_restart()
will incorrectly returns "True". Then rpc_loop() continues to reset
bridges, and apply other ovs operations, till causing exceptions/crash.
 Related Bug: [1] [2]

2. Also, during agent boot up, ovs status is not checked at all. Agent
crashes without no useful log info, when ovs is dead. Related Bug: [3]

1. Add const {NORMAL, DEAD, RESTARTED} to represent ovs status.
NORMAL - ovs is running since last loop, rpc_loop() continue to process in
a normal way.
RESTARTED - ovs is running, but a restart happened before this loop.
rpc_loop() reset bridges and re-process ports.
DEAD - keep agent running, but rpc_loop() doesn't apply ovs operations to
prevent unnecessary exceptions/crash. When ovs is up, it enters RESTARTED

2. Check ovs status during agent boot up, if it's DEAD, exit graceful since
subsequent operations causes a crash, and write log to remind that ovs_dead
causes agent termination.

*[Code Review]*   Will be
appreciated if you could share some thoughts or do a quick code review.


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