Just reminding folks with deliverables following the cycle-with-intermediary
release model that next Thursday is the final deadline to get those out.

There are a handful of deliverables that have not done a release yet in Rocky.
If we do not get a release request from these teams we will need to force a
release so we can have a good point to create a stable/rocky branch.

There are also a few that have done a release this cycle but appear to have
merged more changes since then. For these deliverables, if not requested before
the final deadline, we will need to force the creation of the stable/rocky
branch from the last release.

Finally, we have a large list than I would like to see of tempest plugins that
have not done a release. As a reminder, we need those tagged (but not branched)
to have a record of which version of the plugin was part of which release
cycle. This is to ensure the right plugin can be used based on the version of
tempest used to make sure the plugin interface is compatible.

These plugins do require some steps to get things set up before doing the
release, so please keep that in mind when planning the time you will need. They
need to be registered on pypi and a publish-to-pypi job added in the
project-config repo before we will be able to process a release for them.

Please raise any questions here or in the #openstack-release channel.


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