Hi Folks

Sorry for missing today's meeting. Was reading the logs

Regarding the API: the instance groups API extension could be used as
a starting point although it could be refined. Right now its quite
simple and abstract. For example one can pass arbitrary policy

Should we use the next meeting to discuss what we need in a placement
API. In my mind, we need the following:
* policy description to encapsulate the rules? you can pass a bunch of
policy objects and be done
* description of the resources to be placed. Possibly a virtual
topology? For now the instance group API extension can be passed a
topology instead of a list of instances ... voila!
* do we need patterns etc? That should be done by a higher level API like Heat

My thesis: if we improve the instance group API extension a bit, we
should be able to cover the cases discussed in today's meeting. Happy
to do a deep dive next week!


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