I've got a new tool, currently called prep-source-repos, that I'd like to
set up as a new project. Most of the work was done by adamg and lifeless,
with a bit of polish from me to make it ready to be packaged.

The tool is something the tripleo-cd-admins have been using to let us
deploy a cloud from trunk + unlanded patchsets from Gerrit. It takes a YAML
file with a list of repos to clone, then allows for individual gerrit
patches to be added on top. It also creates a file with all the DIB_REPO*
variables required to have DIB use these local patched repos rather than
the upstream repos.

This allows us to test out patches - to TripleO tools, but also to any of
the other openstack tools we install from source - without needing to wait
for them to land.

I believe it's something that can be useful in other places as well though:

* I think that it could replace
as something we use inside TripleO to pull and update the tools we use
* In https://review.openstack.org/#/c/118426/ jp_at_hp proposed a simpler
tool that applies patches from gerrit to individual repos; I think
prep-source-repos solves the need for this as well
* At one point I was running Gertty from trunk with a whole bunch of
un-landed patches from lifeless and I. To make things easier on myself, I'd
pushed my changes to Gerrit as being a big dependency chain, which didn't
reflect reality. push-source-repose would make it easy to run Gerrit from
upstream trunk + pull in all my unlanded patches, without needed to set up
a fake dependency tree.

The code is currently sitting at
https://github.com/jamezpolley/prep-source-repos, but I'd like to add it to
git.openstack.org, (probably as a stackforge project) if there's consensus
that this is something we'd find useful.

So, right now, I've got two questions for the team:

* Can you think of a better name? prep-source-repos sounds a bit clumsy to
me, but I haven't been able to come up with anything I like better.
* Am I wrong in thinking that this tool is useful enough to be worth
splitting out into its own repo?
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