tl;dr: The API-WG would like to change the format of the headers
used for Microversions to make them more future proof, now, before
too many projects are using them. See this review for more details if
you are interested and/or want to express an opinion or question.

Longer, read please:

Recently, when creating the an api-wg guideline for header non
proliferation[1] it was realized that the headers used for
microversions could cause some problems when used in realistic
scenarios. Therefore after plenty of discussion, including with
existing deployed microversioned projects (Nova, Ironic and Manila)
we've decided to explore changing the basic header from either of:

    X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version: 2.11
    OpenStack-Compute-API-Version: 2.11


    OpenStack-API-Version: compute 2.11

This allows us to use one header name for multiple services and
avoids some of the problems described in [1].

This has become a somewhat more urgent issue than it had been because
Cinder has implemented microversions (woot!), but using a style of
header that is different from the old style, pending guidelines and this
newest idea. We need to make an agreement now before the end of the
cycle to get everybody working in the same direction.

If you're working on APIs and are using or planning to use
microversions, please have a look and leave your comments or
concerns. It's probably best to read [1] as well, for context.

Thanks very much for your input.


Chris Dent               (�s°□°)�s�喋擤ォ�  
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent
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