Hey crew,

I'd like to send my candidacy for Fuel component lead election for a next

I would like to focus on the following priorities:

- Synchronisation with upstream modules. As a result fuel-library will
contain only few manifests. All other manifests will be consumed from
upstream. openstack and puppet-comunity manifests will be consumed from
upstream allowing quick contribution to upstream rather than own fork.

- Implement integration testing. library is suffering from lack of
integration testing. This means that state of processes are not ensured
after deployment. Also, I am going to spend time to introduce code coverage
metrics that will be used for analysing if coverage is getting better or

- HA upstreaming: library made a huge work such as OCF for rabbit/mysql.
It's time to contribute them to upstream getting more developers and

- Granular deployment improvements. Fuel still has some monolith classes
such as openstack:* With my leadership we'll continue breaking to simple
tasks that may be skipped or enhanced by plugins

Best regards,
Sergii Golovatiuk,
Skype #golserge
IRC #holser
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