I'm going to keep the list light this week.  Use your reviewing time as
you see fit and hopefully we can show some love to non-priority items
that have been sitting a while for glance_store and python-glanceclient.

1. Spec freeze extension: as you saw in an earlier email, the spec
freeze will happen at 23:59 UTC on Wednesday 19 April.  So there's a
little more time to get your spec revised and resubmitted.  You can
track the specs under review on the etherpad:

2. Glance virtual midcycle: due to popular demand, the Glance virtual
midcycle is scheduled for 14:00-17:00 UTC on Thursday 20 April.  Signup
and add discussion topics here:

3. There will be no glance weekly meeting on 20 April (see previous item).

Have a productive week!


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