Hi All,

I would like to nominate myself to take the role of Heat PTL for Rocky
I'd been involved with the project for two and half years. And it's my
privilege to work and learn from this great team and have the honor to
serve as
Pike and Queens PTL.

With last haft year, team achieves following jobs:

* Policy in code
* Heat dashboard
* Heat tempest plugin
* Zuul migrate in Heat
* New resources/properties
* Gate stable maintenance
* become Interop add-on
* Deprecate/remove few resources

Also done 2 blueprints, 62 bugs fixed (still going) and quite a few non-bug
improvement (like memory improvement, etc.).

I would like to keep trace on above jobs and with some more task that needs
be done:

* Needs more reviewers and developers, we got few superman in our team
  God for that). Still, we need more reviewers and developers than ever.
* goals making and tracing. IMO, it's always a nice thing to make goals at
  very first place in a cycle, so all members can jump up and pick it up if
  you somehow fail to keep pushing or got a more critical task to work on.
  most important is we can have a way to trace and make sure our team keeps
  been productive(which it already is). We also need to filter and review
  with current community goals to make sure it's not making things worst for
* Cross project co-works. We have some features out within these few
  cycle. Heat team for some reason keeps been tightly co-works with TripleO
  team to sync with what we have (which is super cool). What I also like to
  see if we can get more sync up with other teams who use heat as part of
  infra which will potentially give us more feedbacks from multiple
* Inner team communications. We have faced some communication problem in
  cycle, which means as a PTL, I'm responsible to make sure our team have a
  more comfortable workflow to work on. Which means I have to try harder to
  sync up tasks within this team. At least provide team better
  which shouldn't try to take more time for all.

Hope you will consider me for Rocky PTL. Thank you!
Rico Lin
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