# Keystone Team Update - Week of 30 July 2018

## News

This week was relatively quiet, but we're working towards RC1 as our
next deadline.

## Recently Merged Changes

Search query: https://bit.ly/2IACk3F

We merged 20 changes this week.

Mainly changes to continue moving APIs to flask and we landed a huge
token provider API refactor.

## Changes that need Attention

Search query: https://bit.ly/2wv7QLK

There are 43 changes that are passing CI, not in merge conflict, have no
negative reviews and aren't proposed by bots.

Reminder that we're in soft string freeze and past the 3rd milestone so
prioritizing bug fixes is beneficial.

## Bugs

This week we opened 4 new bugs, closed 1, and fixed 3.

The main concern with
fixing https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1778945 was that it will
impact downstream providers, hence the release note. Otherwise it's
cleaned up a ton of technical debt (I appreciate the reviews here).

## Milestone Outlook

This upcoming week is going to be RC1, which we will plan to cut by
Friday unless critical bugs emerge. We do have a list of bugs to target
to RC, but none of them are blockers. If it comes down to it, they can
likely be pushed to Stein. If you notice anything that comes up as a
release blocker, please let me know.


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