Today at 10:00 AM PST our Kola-Palooza Midcycle event begins!  Please join us 
remotely if you are not able to make it on site if you have an interest in 
deploying OpenStack using Ansible within Docker container technology.  If you 
are attending in person, please appear before 9:30 so we can get you checked in 
and settled.

The full midcyce information including remote attendance via Webex information 
Is here:

A map is present in the above link if your Uber driver has trouble finding 
building D.

The full agenda is present here:

Note if we are running early/late during the day, we wont “block” and wait to 
synchronize times, so if there is only one session your interested in, you may 
try joining our IRC channel #kolla where we will list off the topics as they 
come up so you know when to join.

Looking forward to seeing folks there!


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