In conjunction with the release of VPP 17.07, I'd like to invite you all to
try out networking-vpp 17.07.1 for VPP 17.07.  VPP is a fast userspace
forwarder based on the DPDK toolkit, and uses vector packet processing
algorithms to minimise the CPU time spent on each packet and maximise
throughput.  networking-vpp is a ML2 mechanism driver that controls VPP on
your control and compute hosts to provide fast L2 forwarding under Neutron.

This version has a few additional enhancements, along with supporting the
VPP 17.07 API:
- remote security group IDs are now supported
- VXLAN GPE support now includes proxy ARP at the local forwarder

Along with this, there have been the usual bug fixes, code and test

The README [1] explains how you can try out VPP using devstack: the
devstack plugin will deploy etcd, the mechanism driver and VPP itself and
should give you a working system with a minimum of hassle.

We will continuing development between now and VPP's 17.10 release in
October.  There are several features we're planning to work on (you'll find
a list in our RFE bugs at [2]), and we welcome anyone who would like to
come help us.

Everyone is welcome to join our biweekly IRC meetings, every other Monday
(the next one is due in a week), 0900 PDT = 1600 GMT.

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