( with clicky things: https://anticdent.org/tc-report-42.html )

we can't always hold the belief which we believe 5 years ago

After [last week's report](https://anticdent.org/tc-report-41.html) I
got into an [interesting
about it. The quote above is from that, by flwang1. I thought it was
worth highlighting; OpenStack continues to evolve and grow and what
was once true may be no longer.

are in progress. Near the end of last week there was a period where
the candidates were presented with the opportunity to answer questions
from the community. If you can vote and you haven't yet (or even if you
have) there are some good questions and answers:

* [What does and OpenStack user look
  like? Who are you building 
* [What's something you wish the TC had done something
  about? What should have been 
* [What's a governance review that was
* [How can we make our community more
* [What will you do if you don't

Voting continues until _Oct 20, 2017 23:45 UTC_. If you are eligible
to vote you should have received an email from `"Kendall Nelson (CIVS
poll supervisor)" <c...@cs.cornell.edu>` with a subject of `Poll:
Queens TC Election`. Several people have reported finding theirs in
their spam folder, especially on gmail.

# Other Stuff

There's plenty of other stuff going on.

## Take your manager to the TC day

On Wednesday, Josh Harlow showed up asking if [a meeting between the
TC and managers of engineers committed to
might be fruitful. There were mixed reactions, much around "what would
we do with the information gained?" and "how do you make it be
something other than a festival of complaint?"

If we can figure out good answers to those questions, I think it could
be a useful engagement. There's an implicit assumption that there is
straightforward proxying across the several boundaries between the
happenings in the OpenStack community and what's going on within the
confines of an employer. That assumption doesn't seem to be valid, and
even if it is, having some conversations to re-align expectations
(from all sides) could be useful.

## Glare

The ongoing debate related to Glare's [application to be an official
project](https://review.openstack.org/#/c/479285/) stalled today when
the proposer chose to withdraw the application to give more time for
some of the issues to resolve in a more obvious fashion. This is
despite the application having crossed the requisite threshold for
approval. There are some highlights from the discussion that are worth
remembering for when this comes up again:

* Thursday's office hour [revisited some of the
* [Review comments](https://review.openstack.org/#/c/479285/) that
  represent some of the positions (all on patchset 6):
    * "We talk about encouraging innovation and a certain kind of competition
      in the project spaces, but it is clearly not a free-market, when it comes
      down to it we have more of a protectionist view in many areas."
    * "I think the Glare team is refocusing on the right things. I would like
      to observe that change for a while to see how it goes before approving."
    * The potential overlap with Glance and/or the image API or disruption
      thereof is a concern.
    * "lack of focus: storing binary blobs and associated metadata is not a
      goal unto itself"

## Foundation Board Activities

In today's office hour, there were two topics related to the TC's
interaction with the OpenStack Foundation Board. There will be another
joint Board/TC/UC meeting and while [agenda items are
there's general agreement that the meeting in Denver feels like it was

The other topic was about initial discussions around [expanding the
hosted by the Foundation to allow not-OpenStack,
but-related-to-OpenStack projects to be in the domain of the
Foundation. Examples include tools that enable NFV, edge computing,
CI/CD, containers. Stuff that _uses_ infrastructure. If this goes
through, one of the potential wins is that existing OpenStack may get
renewed focus and clarity of purpose.

# Reminder

If you can vote in the TC elections, please do.

Chris Dent                      (⊙_⊙')         https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent
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