This is the weekly summary of work being done by the Technical
Committee members. The full list of active items is managed in the

We also track TC objectives for the cycle using StoryBoard at:!/project/923

== Recent Activity ==

Project updates:

- extra ATCs for I18n team:
- move security team repos to the SIG: 

== Leaderless teams after Stein PTL elections ==

We had 7 teams without any volunteers to serve as PTL for the Stein
cycle. The TC is handling each on a case-by-case basis, working
with the project teams and considering the broader context of
activity over the last cycle.

Omer Anson has volunteered to be PTL for the Dragonflow team. Omer
is the current PTL, so I do not anticipate any issues with the TC
confirming him to serve again.

Sam Yaple has agreed to serve as the PTL for the Loci team. Sam is
active in the project, so I do not anticipate any issues with his

Dirk Mueller has volunteered to serve as packaging-rpm team PTL. I do
not anticipate any issues with his confirmation, either.


Jeremy and Julia are going to work with the RefStack team and Interop
working group to settle the ownership of the repositories currently
owned by the RefStack team. I anticipate the RefStack team being
dissolved when those new owners are found for those repositories.

Dariusz Krol has volunteered to serve as Trove team PTL. The TC
considered Dariusz's status carefully, because he is not currently
a contributor to Trove, but the Trove team seems willing to accept
Dariusz, so I anticipate the TC accepting him as PTL.


Paul and Chris are working to contact the Winstackers team about
whether they want to find a volunteer to serve as PTL, or if the
team should be dissolved.

In addition to missing the PTL election, the Freezer and Searchlight
teams missed enough deadlines during the cycle for the release
management team to drop them from the Rocky release. We do not want
to continue to list teams as official if the projects are not
maintained and the teams are not active in the community. Given the
apparent lack of participation in community processes, we are
considering removing both teams from governance. We will not be
rushing to make a decision, however, so if you are interested in
either project please join the relevant thread with your input.

- removing both from the rocky release: 
- removing freezer from governance: and
- removing searchlight from governance: and

== Ongoing Discussions ==

Ian has updated his proposals to change the project testing interface
to support PDF generation and documentation translation. These need
to be reviewed by folks familiar with the tools and processes.


Sean has posted a new draft of the goal to create automated upgrade
checker tools.


I have a patch to remove expired extra ATCs from several projects.
"Extra ATC" status is time-limited, just as regular ATC status is. This
patch is just housekeeping to remove some names that have expired.


The TC is planning 2 meetings during the week of the PTG. The
proposed agendas are up for comment.


== TC member actions/focus/discussions for the coming week(s) ==

The PTG is approaching quickly. Please complete any remaining team
health checks.

Besides the items listed above as ongoing discussions, we have
several other governance reviews open without sufficient votes to
be approved. Please review.


== Contacting the TC ==

The Technical Committee uses a series of weekly "office hour" time
slots for synchronous communication. We hope that by having several
such times scheduled, we will have more opportunities to engage
with members of the community from different timezones.

Office hour times in #openstack-tc:

- 09:00 UTC on Tuesdays
- 01:00 UTC on Wednesdays
- 15:00 UTC on Thursdays

If you have something you would like the TC to discuss, you can add
it to our office hour conversation starter etherpad at:

Many of us also run IRC bouncers which stay in #openstack-tc most
of the time, so please do not feel that you need to wait for an
office hour time to pose a question or offer a suggestion. You can
use the string "tc-members" to alert the members to your question.

You will find channel logs with past conversations at

If you expect your topic to require significant discussion or to
need input from members of the community other than the TC, please
start a mailing list discussion on openstack-dev at
and use the subject tag "[tc]" to bring it to the attention of TC

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