**IMPORTANT** We are planning to transition the first batch of jobs on the very beginning of the Pike cycle! What this means is that on, or very close to 10th of March we're going to switch over at least the multinode scenario jobs (1 to 5) to be driven by Quickstart, but possibly more.

As always, if these topics interest you and you want to contribute to the discussion, feel free to join the next meeting:

Time: Thursdays, 15:30-16:30 UTC
Place: https://bluejeans.com/4113567798/

Full minutes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting

Our meeting was focused on identifying the critical path of the Quickstart TripleO CI transition, and thanks to Ronelle, we have work items labelled for it here[1]. Please take a look at that board to see what we're up to.

(We're using the RDO Infra board until the transition period, later we will probably migrate to the CI Squad board completely.)

We also need to focus on quickstart's ability to reproduce all the different scenarios on libvirt. Currently we're good, but we are adding a few features during the transition that need to be working with virthosts too out of the box, like multinic deployments.

Best regards,

[1] https://trello.com/b/HhXlqdiu/rdo?menu=filter&filter=label:oooq%20phase%201%20transition

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