This is the fourth installment of what is going on with Chef OpenStack. The
is to give a quick overview to see our progress and what is on the menu.
Feedback is always welcome on the efficacy of the content.

This edition will take a slightly different direction, as I am now
this to my blog to increase exposure and to get the content showing up on
OpenStack [Planet]( Going forward, this will be
formatted as Markdown.

### Announcements

* Queens release is nearing. Summit week slowed things down a little, but
  looking to be in good shape.
* Kitchen scenarios are now pinned to Chef 14. While Chef 13 is supported
  Chef 15 release (April 2019 timeframe), master is not currently developing
  against it. All changes are currently still gated against Chef 13, so we
  test coverage of both supported Chef major releases.
* ChefDK 3 has been released. Testing has not commenced with it, but
patches are
  always welcome if you're impatient.

### Documentation

* [Contributor and install guides](
have been written to replace the
  ever-aging documentation in openstack-chef-repo.
* A more comprehensive deploy guide is beginning to take shape.

### Integration

* The mass deprecation of Rakefiles is still looking to be possible. The
  functionality from openstack-chef-repo/Rakefile will have to be
  into Zuul jobs to get gating jobs for the supported platforms.
* Chef Delivery support has made it to the cookbooks. It is currently used
  local testing, but will be making it to the gate soon.

### Containers

* Dokken works-ish. Yes, ish. Though, not for lack of trying. RDO has
issues in
  networking due to iptables.
* All-in-one is the current focus, with
  [clean builds]( using UCA packages.

### Upgrades

* No updates this month.

### On The Menu

*Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole* (makes 8-10 portions)

* 1500g chicken, cubed in 1" pieces
* 300g ham steak, cubed in 0.5" pieces
* 300g Swiss cheese
* 230ml Heavy Whipping Cream
* 230ml cream cheese / Neufchatel
* To taste: salt, pepper, garlic powder

#### Instructions

1. Cook whole pieces of chicken most of the way through so it isn't tough
and rubbery. A little
   pink here is a good thing - it will finish in the oven. Slice into
roughly 1" cubes.
2. Line the bottom of the pan with chicken cubes
3. Sprinkle salt, pepper and garlic powder (sorry non-US folks) over the
4. Sprinkle ham cubes on top of the chicken
5. Shred Swiss cheese and spread over the mixture
6. Heat the cream cheese in the microwave, add the cream and mix. Pour
   over the casserole.
7. Mix ingredients until incorporated. Overmixing will give a more pate-like
8. Bake @ 350F / 176C for 40 minutes.

Your humble line cook,
Samuel Cassiba (scas)
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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