
Is it the same reason my change fails with turbo-hipster over and over:
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/54492/ ?

On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Michael Still <mi...@stillhq.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> The purpose of this email to is apologise for some incorrect -1 review
> scores which turbo hipster sent out today. I think its important when
> a third party testing tool is new to not have flakey results as people
> learn to trust the tool, so I want to explain what happened here.
> Turbo hipster is a system which takes nova code reviews, and runs
> database upgrades against them to ensure that we can still upgrade for
> users in the wild. It uses real user datasets, and also times
> migrations and warns when they are too slow for large deployments. It
> started voting on gerrit in the last week.
> Turbo hipster uses zuul to learn about reviews in gerrit that it
> should test. We run our own zuul instance, which talks to the
> openstack.org zuul instance. This then hands out work to our pool of
> testing workers. Another thing zuul does is it handles maintaining a
> git repository for the workers to clone from.
> This is where things went wrong today. For reasons I can't currently
> explain, the git repo on our zuul instance ended up in a bad state (it
> had a patch merged to master which wasn't in fact merged upstream
> yet). As this code is stock zuul from openstack-infra, I have a
> concern this might be a bug that other zuul users will see as well.
> I've corrected the problem for now, and kicked off a recheck of any
> patch with a -1 review score from turbo hipster in the last 24 hours.
> I'll talk to the zuul maintainers tomorrow about the git problem and
> see what we can learn.
> Thanks heaps for your patience.
> Michael
> --
> Rackspace Australia
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