Hey y'all,

I've been looking at the reporting framework being put together in oslo [1] and 
was wondering about using this for other purposes than guru meditation [2]. 

In StackTach we generate a number of critical reports around usage, billing, 
performance and errors. Currently we store these reports as json blobs in the 
database and expose it through the web API. Clients can fetch, format and 
distribute the json blobs as they like. Some clients convert them to HTML, some 
plain text, some are only viewed through a cmdline tool. Different departments 
have different needs so we just make the summarized data available. We are 
going to need the same functionality in Ceilometer. 

Some of these reports are very computationally expensive. Our biggest 
requirement is a cron-like service/api that can trigger new events when 
previous ones have finished (batch window management). Though, we could model 
this in ceilometer pretty easily I think. I'm just not sure that's the correct 
application of ceilometer. 

We certainly don't want to make a full blown reporting platform, but I was 
wondering if using this oslo library would be appropriate? 

I'd also like to hear what others are doing for their reporting needs 


[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo/+spec/guru-meditation-report
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