I would just like to echo what Julie stated.  

The Horizon project strives to be accessible, so raising concrete issues is 
extremely helpful. Please file the appropriate bugs and blueprints.

That said, there are pages that will not be accessible by nature (topologies) 
and are currently marked as such.
Thanks for your interest and help,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Julie Pichon [mailto:jpic...@redhat.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:40 AM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Horizon] web accessibility issues
> Hi Joowoon and Douglas.
> Thanks a lot for starting this conversation! I think this is important and
> we'd all be delighted to make Horizon be usable by even more people.
> We were discussing the topic somewhat recently [1] in the context of
> dropping
> the no-Javascript fallback mode. We couldn't really find one web
> accessibility
> standard that is agreed upon either. In general, work to improve
> accessibility
> would be very very welcome, and I believe the main thing we've lacked so
> far
> are actionable items (AFAICT there's only one open bug about accessibility
> [3]
> at the moment?). Your lists should help with that!
> People here on the mailing list and on IRC (#openstack-horizon) would be
> delighted to help you if you have any question while filing bugs/blueprints/
> fixing the problems you've found. Make sure to let us know how we can
> assist.
> Many thanks for looking into this, and welcome!
> Julie
> [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/horizon/2013/horizon.2013-
> 11-19-22.01.log.html
> [2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1018570
> "Douglas Fish" <drf...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> > Hi Joowon, Stackers,
> >
> > Joowon, thanks for initiating this discussion.  Web accessibility is a
> > priority for my company as well.  I've taken a quick look at Icehouse
> > horizon and share similar concerns.  later, I'm going to go to your wiki
> > page and share my concerns and thoughts.
> >
> > I have experience with web accessibility, but I'm still quite new to the
> > Horizon project.  Part of my long term interest in the project is to see
> > Horizon become accessible.  I look forward to being involved in
> > accessibility work.
> >
> > Below are my initial, unprocessed notes on accessibility issues I've
> > informally observed.  I expect to turn these into bug reports or blueprints
> > and I get a better understanding of the project.
> > Several Tables:
> > - more button doesn't show focus
> > - more menu doesn't close when focus is elsewhere
> > - column headers don't have tabstops
> > - filter button traps keyboard
> >
> > Overview:
> > - calendar widget isn't reachable (in date range selection)
> > - calendar widget never closes once its opened via tabbing
> >
> > Modal Dialog:
> > - can tab outside of the "modal" dialog (observed on Domains, but I
> suspect
> > its a global issue)
> > - cancel button is not tabbable
> >
> > I don't see wai-aria tagging anywhere.  It's really needed on divs that are
> > used as widgets, like the more button pop-up - I assume but haven't
> > verified this will cause problems with screen readers.
> >
> > I _think_ horizon uses jqueryUI widgets which aren't accessible.  This guy
> > has forked a set of accessible jQueryUI widgets, but I'm not sure that
> > helps us any:
> > http://hanshillen.github.io/jqtest/#goto_dialog
> >
> > It does look like bootstrap is committed to accessibility.  Maybe this will
> > be a path to getting accessible widgets?
> >
> > Doug Fish
> > IBM STG Cloud Solution Development
> > T/L 553-6879, External Phone 507-253-6879
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From:       Joonwon Lee <joonwon7....@samsung.com>
> > To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org,
> > Date:       01/23/2014 01:39 AM
> > Subject:    [openstack-dev]  [Horizon] web accessibility issues
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear stackers,
> > We inspected the Horizon (Havana release) for web accessibility and
> > found the following problems, as it's required by our domestic standards.
> >
> > 1.1.1 Non-text Contents
> > - A few non-text contents such as Network Topology (for Neutron) and
> >   Resource Usage (for Ceilometer) have no text alternatives.
> >
> > 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
> > - There is no caption element, summary attribute in tables such as
> >   instances, volumes, images, so on.
> > - There is no scope attribute in th elements.
> >
> > 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)
> > - text color and background color in the left menu
> > - text color and background color in the top menu
> > - link color and background color in the main content area
> > - text color and background color of the some buttons
> >
> > 2.1.1 Keyboard
> > - It's not easy to handle the layered message window by keyboard only.
> > - It may be difficult for a blind person to notice this layered error
> >   message.
> >
> > 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
> > - There is no mechanism to skip repeated contents such as menu.
> >   For example, we can add a link at the top of each page that goes
> >   directly to the main content area.
> >
> > 2.4.3 Focus Order
> > - The order of navigation doesn't match the visual order in some cases.
> > - The focus movement is not restricted to the layered pop-up window.
> >
> > 3.1.1 Language of Page
> > - There is no lang attribute on the html element.
> >
> > 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions
> > - Is it better to use label element to associate text labels with
> >   input elements?
> >
> > The above items are in the WCAG 2.0 W3C Recommendation:
> > http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/ (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
> 2.0)
> >
> > I'd like to discuss in public how to solve these issues in the Horizon
> > with the people who have the similar interests. However, I'm not an
> expert
> > on this issues at all. Please correct me if I'm wrong at any points.
> >
> > I also created the wiki page. Feel free to edit it.
> > https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Horizon/WebAccessibility
> >
> > Looking forward to seeing the reply from who wants to use the Horizon
> > in the public cloud service. Thanks for your consideration.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Joonwon Lee, Samsung SDS
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> >
> >
> >
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> > OpenStack-dev mailing list
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