Re: [openstack-dev] [heat] Sergey Kraynev for heat-core

2014-06-27 Thread Bartosz Górski

On 06/27/2014 12:08 AM, Steve Baker wrote:

I'd like to nominate Sergey Kraynev for heat-core. His reviews are
valuable and prolific, and his commits have shown a sound understanding
of heat internals.


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Re: [openstack-dev] [HEAT] Discussion: How to list nested stack resources.

2014-05-20 Thread Bartosz Górski

Hi Tim,

Maybe instead of just a flag like --nested (bool value) to resource-list 
we can add optional argument like --depth X or --nested-level X (X - 
integer value) to limit the depth for recursive listing of nested resources?


On 05/19/2014 09:13 PM, Tim Schnell wrote:




On 5/19/14 1:53 PM, "Tim Schnell"  wrote:

On 5/19/14 12:35 PM, "Randall Burt"  wrote:

On May 19, 2014, at 11:39 AM, Steven Hardy 

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 03:26:22PM +, Tim Schnell wrote:

Hi Nilakhya,

As Randall mentioned we did discuss this exact issue at the summit. I
planning on putting a blueprint together today to continue the
The Stack Preview call is already doing the necessary recursion to
the resources so we discussed being able to pass a stack id to the
endpoint to get all of the resources.

However, after thinking about it some more, I agree with Randall that
maybe this should be an extra query parameter passed to the
call. I'Ll have the blueprint up later today, unless you have already
started on it.

Note there is a patch from Anderson/Richard which may help with this:

The idea was to enable easier introspection of resources backed by
stacks in a UI, but it could be equally useful to generate a "tree"
resource view in the CLI client by walking the links.

This would obviously be less efficient than recursing inside the
but arguably the output would be much more useful if it retains the
structure, as opposed to presenting a fully flattened "soup" of
with no idea which stack/layer they belong to.


Could we simply add stack name/id to this output if the flag is passed? I
agree that we currently have the capability to traverse the tree
structure of nested stacks, but several folks have requested this
capability, mostly for UI/UX purposes. It would be faster if you want the
flat structure and we still retain the capability to create your own
tree/widget/whatever by following the links. Also, I think its best to
include this in the API directly since not all users are integrating
using the python-heatclient.

+1 for adding the stack name/id to the output to maintain a reference to
the initial stack that the resource belongs to. The original stated
use-case that I am aware of was to have a flat list of all resources
associated with a stack to be displayed in the UI when the user prompts to
delete a stack. This would prevent confusion about what and why different
resources are being deleted due to the stack delete.

This use-case does not require any information about the nested stacks but
I can foresee that information being useful in the future. I think a
flattened data structure (with a reference to stack id) is still the most
efficient solution. The patch landed by Anderson/Richard provides an
alternate method to drill down into nested stacks if the hierarchy is
important information though this is not the optimal solution in this


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Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Proposing Thomas Spatzier for heat-core

2014-04-23 Thread Bartosz Górski


On 04/23/2014 07:53 AM, Liang Chen wrote:

+1 !

On 04/23/2014 02:43 AM, Zane Bitter wrote:

Resending with [Heat] in the subject line. My bad.

On 22/04/14 14:21, Zane Bitter wrote:

I'd like to propose that we add Thomas Spatzier to the heat-core team.

Thomas has been involved in and consistently contributing to the Heat
community for around a year, since the time of the Havana design 

His code reviews are of extremely high quality IMO, and he has been
reviewing at a rate consistent with a member of the core team[1].

One thing worth addressing is that Thomas has only recently started
expanding the focus of his reviews from HOT-related changes out into 

rest of the code base. I don't see this as an obstacle - nobody is
familiar with *all* of the code, and we trust core reviewers to know
when we are qualified to give +2 and when we should limit ourselves to
+1 - and as far as I know nobody else is bothered either. However, if
you have strong feelings on this subject nobody will take it personally
if you speak up :)

Heat Core team members, please vote on this thread. A quick reminder of
your options[2]:
+1  - five of these are sufficient for acceptance
  0  - abstention is always an option
-1  - this acts as a veto



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Re: [openstack-dev] [heat] Nominate Jason Dunsmore for heat-core

2014-02-09 Thread Bartosz Górski


On 02/09/2014 11:38 PM, Steve Baker wrote:

I would like to nominate Jason Dunsmore for heat-core.

His reviews are valuable and prolific, his code contributions have
demonstrated a good knowledge of heat internals, and he has endured a
sound hazing to get multi-engine into heat.

Heat cores, please reply with your vote.


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Re: [openstack-dev] [heat] Nomination for heat-core

2013-12-23 Thread Bartosz Górski

Hi all,

I would like to thank you for the nomination, yours votes and trust you 
gave me.

I know that with great power comes big responsibility.
I will do my best and I will not let you down.


On 12/19/2013 03:21 AM, Steve Baker wrote:
I would like to nominate Bartosz Górski to be a heat-core reviewer. 
His reviews to date have been valuable and his other contributions to 
the project have shown a sound understanding of how heat works.

Here is his review history:,n,z

If you are heat-core please reply with your vote.


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Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Continue discussing multi-region orchestration

2013-11-19 Thread Bartosz Górski


On 11/15/13 9:17 PM, "Georgy Okrokvertskhov" 

You are right. At the same time heat feature should not enforce some 
specific deployment requirements to other openstack components 
especially taking into account different security considerations. I am 
trying to rise a concern about possible security implications of that 
particular approach of using exposed openstack APIs and bring security 
requirements to the table for discussion. Probably this will help to 
design better solution for heat to heat or DC to DC communication if 
it exists. I hope that there is a room for discussion and it is 
possible to influence on the final design and implementation. I really 
want this feature to be flexible and useful for most of OpenStack 
deployments rather then for some specific deployment case.s,

Georgy Okrokvertskhov

Thank you for your security concerns. There is a room for discussion and 
possibility to influence the final design. This is the reason why I 
started this discussion.

On 11/15/2013 01:41 PM, Zane Bitter wrote:
Good news, everyone! I have created the missing whiteboard diagram 
that we all needed at the design summit: 

I've documented 5 possibilities. (1) is the current implementation, 
which we agree we want to get away from. I strongly favour (2) for the 
reasons listed. I don't think (3) has many friends. (4) seems to be 
popular despite the obvious availability problem and doubts that it is 
even feasible. Finally, I can save us all some time by simply stating 
that I will -2 on sight any attempt to implement (5).

Zane thank you for creating this diagram! I think it was really the 
missing piece. Without it people were confused. Right now I think they 
have better understanding of the possible solutions.

On 11/15/2013 01:41 PM, Zane Bitter wrote:

On 11/15/13 2:58 PM, "Zane Bitter"  wrote:

So, to be clear, this is option (4) from the diagram I put together here: 

It's got a couple of major problems:

* When a whole region goes down, you can lose access to the Heat 
instance that was managing still-available resources. This makes it 
more or less impossible to use Heat to manage a highly-available 
global application.

* Instances have to communicate back to the Heat instance that owns 
them (e.g. for WaitConditions), and it's not yet clear that this is 
feasible in general.

There are also a number of other things I really don't like about this 
solution (listed on the wiki page), though reasonable people may 


Yes. You are right. The proof of concept version I implemented is the 
option (4). I agree with you about the problems you listed. I am not so 
concerned about the first one (region goes down) but the second one will 
be a bigger problem in production and I did not notice it before. Also 
exposing the API endpoint for all the services maybe not the best 
solution from the security perspective. We probably should go with 
option (2).

On 11/16/2013 09:20 AM, Zane Bitter wrote:

On 15/11/13 22:17, Keith Bray wrote:
use Heat in that region to do it, you can Adopt the resources into a 

stack in that region. I don't see how 2 is "Robust against failure of
whole region" because if the region on the left part of the picture in 2
goes down, you can't manage your global stack or any of the resources in
the left region that are part of that global stack.  All you could 
is a subset of resources by manipulating the substack in the right 
but you can do this in 4 as well using Adopt.  4 is a simpler 
starting use
case and easier (IMO) for a user of the system to digest, and has the 

advantage of being able to orchestrate deploying resources to multiple
regions without a service operator having to have Heat setup and 

in EVERY region.  This is particular important for a private cloud/heat
person trying to deploy to public cloud.. If doing so requires the 
cloud operator have Heat running, then you can't deploy there.  If no 
in that region is required, then you can use your own instance of 
Heat to
deploy to any available openstack cloud.  That is a HUGE benefit of 4. 
Good point, I've added that to the Pro/Con in the wiki. 

It is the benefit but I think for now we can assume that we have Heat 
service deployed in each region.

The implementation differences between option (2) and (4) does not look 
like to be big.
May be we can add new option in heat configuration file to choose the 
way to create in different region in case when heat service is not 

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Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Continue discussing multi-region orchestration

2013-11-15 Thread Bartosz Górski

Hi Thomas,

Each of the two engines will be able to create resources in both regions.
We do not need to add anything in the heat client.

Right now when you want to create a new stack (using heat client or 
directly API) you need to provide:

- stack name
- template
- parameters (if need)
- tenant
- username
- password
- region name (optional)

The last four (tenant, username, password and region_name) we will call 
default context.
This context is used in Heat to configure all the openstack clients to 
other service.

Username, password and tenant is used for authentication.
Region name is use to get appropriate API endpoint from keystone catalog 
for other openstack service (like nova).
In case with one region you do not need to specify it because there is 
only one endpoint for each service.
In multi-region case we have more than one and region name is used to 
get correct one.

Each nested stack have its own set of openstack clients (nova client, 
neutron client, ... etc.) inside the heat engine.
Right now for all of them the default context is used to configure 
clients which will be used to create resources.
There is not option to change the default context for now. What I'm 
trying to do it to add possibility to define different
context inside the template file. New context can be passed to nested 
stack resource to create clients set with different
endpoints to call. Heat engine will get appropriate endpoints from 
keystone catalog for specified region name.

So from heat engine point of view there is not big change in the 
workflow. Heat will parse the template, create the
dependencies graph and start creating resources in the same way as 
usual. When he will need to created nested
stack with different context he will just use different set of openstack 
clients (ex. will call services in other region).

So to sum up each of the two heat engine will be able to create 
resources in both regions if different context will
be specified. If only default context will be used heat will create all 
resource in the same region where it is located.


On 11/15/2013 08:19 AM, Thomas Spatzier wrote:

Hi Bartosz,

one thing that is still not clear to me:
In the discussion at the summit and in your updated architecture on the
wiki it talks about two Heat engines, one in each region, and on-top only
the dashboard. So what entity will really do the cross region
orchestration? In the discussions I heard people talking about the heat
client doing it. But wouldn't that duplicate functionality that is inside
the engine into the client, i.e. the client would become an orchestrator
itself then?


Bartosz Górski  wrote on 14.11.2013 15:58:39:

From: Bartosz Górski 
Date: 14.11.2013 16:05
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Continue discussing multi-region


Hi all,

At summit in Hong Kong we had a design session where we discussed adding
multi-region orchestration support to Heat. During the session we had
really heated discussion and spent most of the time on explaining the
problem. I think it was really good starting point and right now more
people have better understanding for this problem. I appreciate all the
suggestions and concerns I got from you. I would like to continue this
discussion here on the mailing list.

I updated the etherpad after the session. If I forgot about something or
wrote something that is not right feel free a please tell me about it.

[1] Blueprint:

[2] Etherpad:
[3] Patch with POC version:

Bartosz Górski

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[openstack-dev] [Heat] Continue discussing multi-region orchestration

2013-11-14 Thread Bartosz Górski

Hi all,

At summit in Hong Kong we had a design session where we discussed adding 
multi-region orchestration support to Heat. During the session we had 
really heated discussion and spent most of the time on explaining the 
problem. I think it was really good starting point and right now more 
people have better understanding for this problem. I appreciate all the 
suggestions and concerns I got from you. I would like to continue this 
discussion here on the mailing list.

I updated the etherpad after the session. If I forgot about something or 
wrote something that is not right feel free a please tell me about it.

[1] Blueprint:
[2] Etherpad:

[3] Patch with POC version:

Bartosz Górski

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [heat] Proposal for new heat-core member

2013-10-28 Thread Bartosz Górski

On 10/25/2013 09:12 PM, Steven Dake wrote:


I would like to propose Randall Burt for Heat Core.  He has shown 
interest in Heat by participating in IRC and providing high quality 
reviews.  The most important aspect in my mind of joining Heat Core is 
output and quality of reviews.  Randall has been involved in Heat 
reviews for atleast 6 months.  He has had 172 reviews over the last 6 
months staying "in the pack" [1] of core heat reviewers.  His 90 day 
stats are also encouraging, with 97 reviews (compared to the top 
reviewer Steve Hardy with 444 reviews).  Finally his 30 day stats also 
look good, beating out 3 core reviewers [2] on output with good 
quality reviews.

Please have a vote +1/-1 and take into consideration:





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Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi region support for Heat

2013-07-31 Thread Bartosz Górski

On 07/29/2013 03:54 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 07/28/2013 08:04 PM, Angus Salkeld wrote:

On 26/07/13 09:43 -0700, Clint Byrum wrote:

Excerpts from Zane Bitter's message of 2013-07-26 06:37:09 -0700:

On 25/07/13 19:07, Bartosz Górski wrote:
> We want to start from something simple. At the beginning we are
> no dependencies between resources from different region. Our 
first use

> case (the one on the wikipage) uses this assumptions. So this is
why it
> can be easily split on two separate single region templates.
> Our goal is to support dependencies between resources from different
> regions. Our second use case (I will add it with more details to the
> wikipage soon) is similar to deploying two instances (app server 
+ db

> server) wordpress in two different regions (app server in the first
> region and db server in the second). Regions will be connected to 

> other via VPN connection . In this case configuration of app server
> depends on db server. We need to know IP address of created DB
server to
> properly configure App server. It forces us to wait with creating 

> server until db server will be created.

That's still a fairly simple case that could be handled by a pair of
OS::Heat::Stack resources (one provides a DBServerIP output it is 

as a parameter to the other region using {'Fn::GetAtt':
['FirstRegionStack', 'Outputs.DBServerIP']}. But it's possible to
imagine circumstances where that approach is at least suboptimal (e.g.
when creating the actual DB server is comparatively quick, but we have
to wait for the entire template, which might be slow).

How about we add an actual heat resource?

So you could aggregate stacks.

We kinda have one with "OS::Heat::Stack", but it doesn't use
python-heatclient. We could solve this by adding an "endpoint"
  property to the "OS::Heat::Stack" resource. Then if it is not
local then it uses python-heatclient to create the nested stack

Just a thought.

Eminently simple solution. +1

I think it is a good start. I updated the wiki page with new concept 
with nested stack and context as a resource.

Right now I have a problem with the way how the template is passed to 
the nested stack.
From what I see the only way right now is providing url to it and it is 
really annoying.

Is there any other way to do that?

Wiki page: 


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Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi region support for Heat

2013-07-29 Thread Bartosz Górski

On 07/29/2013 09:51 AM, Zane Bitter wrote:

On 29/07/13 02:04, Angus Salkeld wrote:

On 26/07/13 09:43 -0700, Clint Byrum wrote:

Excerpts from Zane Bitter's message of 2013-07-26 06:37:09 -0700:

On 25/07/13 19:07, Bartosz Górski wrote:
> We want to start from something simple. At the beginning we are
> no dependencies between resources from different region. Our 
first use

> case (the one on the wikipage) uses this assumptions. So this is
why it
> can be easily split on two separate single region templates.
> Our goal is to support dependencies between resources from different
> regions. Our second use case (I will add it with more details to the
> wikipage soon) is similar to deploying two instances (app server 
+ db

> server) wordpress in two different regions (app server in the first
> region and db server in the second). Regions will be connected to 

> other via VPN connection . In this case configuration of app server
> depends on db server. We need to know IP address of created DB
server to
> properly configure App server. It forces us to wait with creating 

> server until db server will be created.

That's still a fairly simple case that could be handled by a pair of
OS::Heat::Stack resources (one provides a DBServerIP output it is 

as a parameter to the other region using {'Fn::GetAtt':
['FirstRegionStack', 'Outputs.DBServerIP']}. But it's possible to
imagine circumstances where that approach is at least suboptimal (e.g.
when creating the actual DB server is comparatively quick, but we have
to wait for the entire template, which might be slow).

How about we add an actual heat resource?

So you could aggregate stacks.

We kinda have one with "OS::Heat::Stack", but it doesn't use

(aside: this doesn't actually exist yet, we only have 
AWS::CloudFormation::Stack at present.)

python-heatclient. We could solve this by adding an "endpoint"
  property to the "OS::Heat::Stack" resource. Then if it is not
local then it uses python-heatclient to create the nested stack

Yes, that's what I was trying (and failing) to suggest.
+1. I think it is really good idea and I still like Steve's context 
concept. We should use both of them.
So it should be possible to create context as a resource and for each 
nested stack specify context.

Just a thought.


If you break that stack up into two stacks, db and "other slow stuff"
then you can get the Output of the db stack earlier, so that is a
solvable problem.


> More complicated use case with load balancers and more regions are
> in ours minds.

Good to know, thanks. I'll look forward to reading more about it on 


What I'd like to avoid is a situation where anything _appears_ to be
possible (Nova server and Cinder volume in different regions? Sure!
Connect 'em together? Sure!), and the user only finds out later 
that it
doesn't work. It would be much better to structure the templates in 

a way that only things that are legitimate are expressible. That's not
an achievable goal, but IMO we want to be much closer to the latter 

the former.

These are all predictable limitations and can be handled at the parsing
level.  You will know as soon as you have template + params whether or
not that cinder volume in region A can be attached to the nova server
in region B.

That's true, but IMO it's even better if it's obvious at the time you 
are writing the template. e.g. if (as is currently the case) there is 
no mechanism within a template to select a region for each resource, 
then it's obvious you have to write separate templates for each region 
(and combine them somehow).
I agree with you. It will be more obvious from the beginning what is 
possible and what is not.

I'm still convinced that none of this matters if you rely on a single
in one of the regions. The whole point of multi region is to eliminate

So the idea here would be that you spin up a master template in one 
region, and this would contain OS::Heat::Stack resources that use 
python-heatclient to connect to Heat APIs in other regions to spin up 
the constituent stacks in each region. If a region goes down, even if 
it is the one with your master template, that's no problem because you 
can still interact with the constituent stacks directly in whatever 
region(s) you _can_ reach.

So it solves the non-obviousness problem and the 
single-point-of-failure problem in one fell swoop. The question for me 
is whether there are legitimate use cases that this would shut out.
I want to be sure that we are on the same page. By master template you 
mean a template that has only nested stacks as resources? Or also other 
types of resources (like single server) which will be created in the 
region where

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi region support for Heat

2013-07-25 Thread Bartosz Górski

On 07/25/2013 06:38 PM, Zane Bitter wrote:

On 25/07/13 17:08, Bartosz Górski wrote:

First of all sorry for the late reply. I needed some time to understand
you vision and check a few things.

On 07/24/2013 08:40 AM, Clint Byrum wrote:

Excerpts from Adrian Otto's message of 2013-07-23 21:22:14 -0700:


On Jul 23, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Clint Byrum 

Excerpts from Steve Baker's message of 2013-07-22 21:43:05 -0700:

On 07/23/2013 10:46 AM, Angus Salkeld wrote:

On 22/07/13 16:52 +0200, Bartosz Górski wrote:

Hi folks,

I would like to start a discussion about the blueprint I raised
multi region support.
I would like to get feedback from you. If something is not 
clear or

you have questions do not hesitate to ask.
Please let me know what you think.



What immediatley looks odd to me is you have a MultiCloud Heat
to other Heat's in each region. This seems like unneccessary
complexity to me.
I would have expected one Heat to do this job.

Yes. You are right. I'm seeing it now. One heat talking to other heat
service would be an overkill and unnecessary complexity.
Better solution is to use one heat which will be talking directly to
services (nova, glance, ...).

+1, and this is reasonably easy for Heat to do, simply by asking for a 
different region's service catalog from keystone.

Also solution with two heat services (one for single region and one for
multi region) has a lot of common parts.
For example single region heat needs to create a dependencies graph
where each node is a resource and multi region a graph where each node
is template.

I'm not convinced about the need for this though.

I looked at your example on the wiki, and it just contains a bunch of 
East resources that reference each other and a bunch of West resources 
that reference each other and never the twain shall meet. And that 
seems inevitable - you can't, e.g. connect a Cinder volume in one 
region to a Nova server in another region. So I'm wondering why we 
would ever want to mix regions in a single template, with a single 
dependency graph, when it's not really meaningful to have dependencies 
between resources in different regions. There's no actual 
orchestration to do at that level.

It seems to me your example would have been better as two templates 
(or, even better, the same template launched in two different regions, 
since I couldn't detect any differences between East vs. West).

Note that there are plans in the works to make passing multiple files 
to Heat a more pleasant experience.

I think creating an OS::Heat::Stack resource with a Region property 
solves 95%+ of the problem, without adding or modifying any other 

We want to start from something simple. At the beginning we are assuming 
no dependencies between resources from different region. Our first use 
case (the one on the wikipage) uses this assumptions. So this is why it 
can be easily split on two separate single region templates.

Our goal is to support dependencies between resources from different 
regions. Our second use case (I will add it with more details to the 
wikipage soon) is similar to deploying two instances (app server + db 
server) wordpress in two different regions (app server in the first 
region and db server in the second). Regions will be connected to each 
other via VPN connection . In this case configuration of app server 
depends on db server. We need to know IP address of created DB server to 
properly configure App server. It forces us to wait with creating app 
server until db server will be created.

More complicated use case with load balancers and more regions are also 
in ours minds.



So in fact it is better to have only one but more powerful heat service.

It should be possible to achieve this with a single Heat
installation -
that would make the architecture much simpler.

Agreed that it would be simpler and is definitely possible.

However, consider that having a Heat in each region means Heat is 

resilient to failure. So focusing on a way to make multiple Heat's
collaborate, rather than on a way to make one Heat talk to two 

may be a more productive exercise.

I agree with Angus, Steve Baker, and Randall on this one. We should
aim for simplicity where practical. Having Heat services interacting
with other Heat services seems like a whole category of complexity
that's difficult to justify. If it were implemented as Steve Baker
described, and the local Heat service were unavailable, the client
may still have the option to use a Heat service in another region and
still successfully orchestrate. That seems to me like a failure mode
that's easier for users to anticipate and plan for.

Steve I rea

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi region support for Heat

2013-07-25 Thread Bartosz Górski
First of all sorry for the late reply. I needed some time to understand 
you vision and check a few things.

On 07/24/2013 08:40 AM, Clint Byrum wrote:

Excerpts from Adrian Otto's message of 2013-07-23 21:22:14 -0700:


On Jul 23, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Clint Byrum 

Excerpts from Steve Baker's message of 2013-07-22 21:43:05 -0700:

On 07/23/2013 10:46 AM, Angus Salkeld wrote:

On 22/07/13 16:52 +0200, Bartosz Górski wrote:

Hi folks,

I would like to start a discussion about the blueprint I raised about
multi region support.
I would like to get feedback from you. If something is not clear or
you have questions do not hesitate to ask.
Please let me know what you think.



What immediatley looks odd to me is you have a MultiCloud Heat talking
to other Heat's in each region. This seems like unneccessary
complexity to me.
I would have expected one Heat to do this job.
Yes. You are right. I'm seeing it now. One heat talking to other heat 
service would be an overkill and unnecessary complexity.
Better solution is to use one heat which will be talking directly to 
services (nova, glance, ...).

Also solution with two heat services (one for single region and one for 
multi region) has a lot of common parts.
For example single region heat needs to create a dependencies graph 
where each node is a resource and multi region a graph where each node 
is template.

So in fact it is better to have only one but more powerful heat service.

It should be possible to achieve this with a single Heat installation -
that would make the architecture much simpler.

Agreed that it would be simpler and is definitely possible.

However, consider that having a Heat in each region means Heat is more
resilient to failure. So focusing on a way to make multiple Heat's
collaborate, rather than on a way to make one Heat talk to two regions
may be a more productive exercise.

I agree with Angus, Steve Baker, and Randall on this one. We should aim for 
simplicity where practical. Having Heat services interacting with other Heat 
services seems like a whole category of complexity that's difficult to justify. 
If it were implemented as Steve Baker described, and the local Heat service 
were unavailable, the client may still have the option to use a Heat service in 
another region and still successfully orchestrate. That seems to me like a 
failure mode that's easier for users to anticipate and plan for.
Steve I really like you concept with the context as a resource. What do 
you think how we should proceed with it to make it happened?

What looks wared for me is the concept that orchestration service 
deployed in one region can orchestrate other regions.
My understating of regions was that they are separated and do not know 
about each other. So the heat service which is
responsible for orchestrating multi region should not be deployed in any 
of those regions but somewhere else.

Right now I also do not see a point for having separate heat service in 
each region.
One heat service with multi region support not deployed in any of the 
existing regions (logically not physically) looks fine for me.

I'm all for keeping the solution simple. However, I am not for making
it simpler than it needs to be to actually achieve its stated goals.

Can you further explain your perspective? What sort of failures would you 
expect a network of coordinated Heat services to be more effective with? Is 
there any way this would be more simple or more elegant than other options?

I expect partitions across regions to be common. Regions should be
expected to operate completely isolated from one another if need be. What
is the point of deploying a service to two regions, if one region's
failure means you cannot manage the resources in the standing region?

Active/Passive means you now have an untested passive heat engine in
the passive region. You also have a lot of pointers to update when the
active is taken offline or when there is a network partition. Also split
brain is basically guaranteed in that scenario.

Active/Active(/Active/...), where each region's Heat service collaborates
and owns its own respective pieces of the stack, means that on partition,
one is simply prevented from telling one region to scale/migrate/
etc. onto another one. It also affords a local Heat the ability to
replace resources in a failed region with local resources.

The way I see it working is actually pretty simple. One stack would
lead to resources in multiple regions. The collaboration I speak of
would simply be that if given a stack that requires crossing regions,
the other Heat is contacted and the same stack is deployed. Cross-region
attribute/ref sharing would need an efficient way to pass data about
resources as well.

Anyway, I'm

[openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi region support for Heat

2013-07-22 Thread Bartosz Górski

Hi folks,

I would like to start a discussion about the blueprint I raised about 
multi region support.
I would like to get feedback from you. If something is not clear or you 
have questions do not hesitate to ask.

Please let me know what you think.




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