Re: [openstack-dev] [openstack-sdk-php] Use of final and private keywords to limit extending

2014-06-10 Thread Choi, Sam
Regarding use of the final keyword and limiting extending in general, a few 
thoughts below:

- While I found the blog post about final classes to be informative, I'd take 
it with a grain of salt. The author bills himself as a consultant who works 
with enterprise web applications. Briefly looking at his background, 
practically all his gigs were short consulting jobs. I don't see a track record 
for open source projects so it would appear that his views are likely more 
applicable for enterprise developers working within closed systems.
- The Java community has already beaten this subject to death over the past 
decade. During recent years, it seems that the debate has waned. I occasionally 
see enterprise Java devs use final to communicate their intent so that their 
system isn't butchered many years down the road when it becomes poorly 
understood legacy code. 
- On the other hand, I hardly ever see final classes in open source code/APIs. 
- Regarding future-proofing, I agree that it's easier to switch from final to 
not using final than the other way around. However, I've actually had cases 
where I needed to extend a final class in an API and was simply annoyed by the 
author's desire to control how I use the API. I also understood that if the 
author were to change certain things, my extension may have to be refactored. 
That's a risk I'm certainly willing to take to get the job done.

Sam Choi
Hewlett-Packard Co. 
HP Cloud Services
+1 650 316 1652 / Office

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Farina [] 
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 7:09 AM
To: Jamie Hannaford
Cc: Shaunak Kashyap; Glen Campbell; OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for 
usage questions); Choi, Sam; Farina, Matt
Subject: Re: [openstack-sdk-php] Use of final and private keywords to limit 

If you don't mind I'd like to step back for a moment and talk about the end 
users of this codebase and the types code it will be used in.

We're looking to make application developers successful in PHP. The top 10% of 
PHP application developers aren't an issue. If they have an SDK or not they 
will build amazing things. It's the long tail of app devs. Many of these 
developers don't know things we might take for granted, like dependency 
injection. A lot of them may writing spaghetti procedural code. I use these 
examples because I've run into them in the past couple months. We need to make 
these folks successful in a cost effective and low barrier to entry manner.

When I've gotten into the world of closed source PHP (or any other language for 
that matter) and work that's not in the popular space I've seen many things 
that aren't clean or pretty. But, they work.

That means this SDK needs to be useful in the modern frameworks (which vary 
widely on opinions) and in environments we may not like.

The other thing I'd like to talk about is the protected keyword. I use this a 
lot. Using protected means an outside caller can't access the method. Only 
other methods on the class or classes that extend it.
This is an easy way to have an API and internals.

Private is different. Private means it's part of the class but not there for 
extended classes. It's not just about controlling the public API for callers 
but not letting classes that extend this one have access to the functionality.

Given the scope of who our users are...

- Any place we use the `final` scoping we need to explain how to extend it 
properly. It's a teaching moment for someone who might not come to a direction 
on what to do very quickly. Think about the long tail of developers and 
projects, most of which are not open source.

Note, I said I'm not opposed to using final. It's an intentional decision. For 
the kinds of things we're doing I can't see all to many use cases for using 
final. We need to enable users to be successful without controlling how they 
write applications because this is an add-on to help them not a driver for 
their architecture.

- For scoping private and public APIs, `protected` is a better keyword unless 
we are intending on blocking extension. If we block extension we should explain 
how to handled overriding things that are likely to happen in real world 
applications that are not ideally written or architected.

At the end of the day, applications that successfully do what they need to do 
while using OpenStack on the backend is what will make OpenStack more 
successful. We need to help make it easy for the developers, no matter how they 
choose to code, to be successful. I find it useful to focus on end users and 
their practical cases over the theory of how to design something.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Jamie Hannaford 
> So this is an issue that’s been heavily discussed recently in the PHP 
> community.
> Bas

[openstack-dev] [openstack-sdk-php] Reasons to use Behat/behavior driven development in an SDK?

2014-06-06 Thread Choi, Sam
Hello all,
During our most recent php sdk team meeting, a suggestion to use the PHP 
framework Behat ( was brought up. I'd like to begin a 
discussion around the pros/cons of using Behat to create tests. For those not 
familiar with the php sdk or Behat, we are currently using PHPUnit for all of 
our tests and are considering Behat for writing human-readable stories that can 
potentially generate tests that can be run against the sdk.

A couple general questions for all devs

-Is a similar framework being used for any OpenStack CLI/SDK project? 
I'd love to see an example.

-What kind of pros/cons have you all seen when using Behat or similar 
frameworks for testing?


-Would the suggested Behat framework be intended to supplement our 
existing PHPUnit tests? In effect, giving us a set of Behat tests and PHPUnit 
tests. Or was the suggestion to have all tests rely on the Behat framework?

After reviewing Behat and some related technologies, I do have a few concerns 
at the moment. Any thoughts of the concerns would be appreciated.

-We are introducing another dependency for the PHP SDK. What happens if 
there is a reason for us to switch to another BDD framework or ditch it to go 
back to PHPUnit? It seems like we would likely be faced with significant test 

-Contributors will have to be proficient with Behat/BDD in order to 
write tests for the PHP SDK. This adds to what may already be a steep learning 
curve for a new contributor who has to learn our code base, Guzzle for the 
transport layer, how to use various/develop various cloud services etc.

-For more complicated tests, writing out features, scenarios, step 
definitions, and testing logic would almost certainly take longer than writing 
a traditional test in pure PHP.

Sam Choi
Hewlett-Packard Co.
HP Cloud Services
+1 650 316 1652 / Office

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