[openstack-dev] [Cue] PTL Candidacy

2015-09-16 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

This will be the first official PTL election for Cue, and I would be
honored to serve another term leading the project for the M Cycle.

Cue is a relatively new project in Openstack, and was approved into the Big
Tent during Liberty.  I have been involved with Cue from the beginning,
from initial POC to having a product that is production worthy.  In my past
life, i’ve been a member of the Trove Core team.

During the Liberty Cycle, Cue has become a solid product with a control
plane that can manage per-tenant RabbitMQ Clusters.  We spent a lot of time
beefing up our tests, and boast >90% unit test coverage.  We also added
Tempest tests, and Rally tests, including gating jobs for both.  Our
documentation has also been revamped considerably, and allows new
contributors to ramp up quickly with the project.

During the M cycle, I would like to focus on building a community and
getting additional contributors to Cue.  I would also like to focus the
team on multi-broker support, including adding Kafka as a broker that is
managed by Cue.

I believe Cue has come a long ways in a short time, and going forward have
the opportunity accelerate the growth in terms of features, quality, and

Thanks for your consideration!
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Re: [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns

2015-09-11 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
Thanks for starting this thread Josh.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Joshua Harlow 

> Hi all,
> I was reading over the TC IRC logs for this week (my weekly reading) and I
> just wanted to let my thoughts and comments be known on:
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-09-08-20.01.log.html#l-309
> I feel it's very important to send a positive note for new/upcoming
> projects and libraries... (and for everyone to remember that most projects
> do start off with a small set of backers). So I just wanted to try to
> ensure that we send a positive note with any tag like this that gets
> created and applied and that we all (especially the TC) really really
> considers the negative connotations of applying that tag to a project (it
> may effectively ~kill~ that project).
> Completely agree. Projects that don’t automatically fit into the
‘stater-kit’ type of tag (e.g. Cue) are going to take longer to really
build a community.  It doesn’t mean that the project isn’t active, or that
the team is not willing to fix bugs, or that operators should be afraid to
run it.

> I would really appreciate that instead of just applying this tag (or other
> similarly named tag to projects) that instead the TC try to actually help
> out projects with those potential tags in the first place (say perhaps by
> actively listing projects that may need more contributors from a variety of
> companies on the openstack blog under say a 'HELP WANTED' page or
> something). I'd much rather have that vs. any said tags, because the latter
> actually tries to help projects, vs just stamping them with a 'you are bad,
> figure out how to fix yourself, because you are not diverse' tag.
+1.  If the TC can play a role in helping projects build their community, a
lot more of the smaller projects would be much more successful.

> I believe it is the TC job (in part) to help make the community better,
> and not via tags like this that IMHO actually make it worse; I really hope
> that folks on the TC can look back at their own projects they may have
> created and ask how would their own project have turned out if they were
> stamped with a similar tag...
> - Josh
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[openstack-dev] [tc][Cue] Add Cue to OpenStack

2015-06-12 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
Hello OpenStack TC and stackers!

We’ve submitted a patch to add Cue to the OpenStack project list.


For those not familiar, Cue is a Message Broker Provisioning and Lifecycle
Management service for OpenStack.  We’ve focused initially on RabbitMQ, and
are starting to look into adding Kafka clusters.

We’ve already made lots of progress:
- v1 API for cluster management
- DevStack integration
- Tempest tests and gate
- Rally scenarios and gate
- Extensive developer and deployment documentation [1]

Please reach out if there are any questions.  You can also find us on


[1]: http://cue.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
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[openstack-dev] Stepping Down from Trove Core

2015-05-25 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
Having not been very active in Trove for the past few months, it’s time to
step down from the core team.

I’ll be focusing primarily on Cue going forward, getting it included into
the Big Tent, and making it production worthy.

>From RedDwarf to Trove to Onwards and Upwards!

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[openstack-dev] [Cue] contributors meetup

2015-05-22 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
The Cue team will be crashing the Designate contributors meetup Friday at
1:20pm, in room 214.

Come find us there!

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[openstack-dev] [Cue] Design Session

2015-05-21 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

Cue is holding a design session to talk about some of the priorities for
Liberty, Thursday from 3:20pm to 4:00pm at the couches outside of room 220.


Come and join us to learn more!
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Zaqar] Call for adoption (or exclusion?)

2015-04-20 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Fox, Kevin M  wrote:

> Another parallel is Manilla vs Swift. Both provides something like a share
> for users to store files.
> The former is a multitenant api to provision non multitenant file shares.
> The latter is a multitenant api to provide file sharing.
> Cue is a multitenant api to provision non multitenant queues.
> Zaqar is an api for a multitenant queueing system.
> They are complimentary services.
Agreed, it’s not an either/or, there is room for both.  While Cue could
provision Zaqar, it doesn’t make sense, since it is already multi-tenant.
As has been said, Cue’s goal is to bring non-multi-tenant message brokers
to the cloud.

On the question of adoption, what confuses me is why the measurement of
success of a project is whether other OpenStack services are integrating or
not.  Zaqar exposes an API that seems best fit for application workloads
running on an OpenStack cloud.  The question should be raised to operators
as to what’s preventing them from running Zaqar in their public cloud,
distro, or whatever.

Looking at other services that we consider to be successful, such as Trove,
we did not attempt to integrate with other OpenStack projects.  Rather, we
solved the concerns that operators had.

> Thanks,
> Kevin
> From: Ryan Brown [rybr...@redhat.com]
> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 11:38 AM
> To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Zaqar] Call for adoption (or exclusion?)
> On 04/20/2015 02:22 PM, Michael Krotscheck wrote:
> > What's the difference between openstack/zaqar and stackforge/cue?
> > Looking at the projects, it seems like zaqar is a ground-up
> > implementation of a queueing system, while cue is a provisioning api for
> > queuing systems that could include zaqar, but could also include rabbit,
> > zmq, etc...
> >
> > If my understanding of the projects is correct, the latter is far more
> > versatile, and more in line with similar openstack approaches like
> > trove. Is there a use case nuance I'm not aware of that warrants
> > duplicating efforts? Because if not, one of the two should be retired
> > and development focused on the other.
> >
> > Note: I do not have a horse in this race. I just feel it's strange that
> > we're building a thing that can be provisioned by the other thing.
> >
> Well, with Trove you can provision databases, but the MagnetoDB project
> still provides functionality that trove won't.
> The Trove : MagnetoDB and Cue : Zaqar comparison fits well.
> Trove provisions one instance of X (some database) per tenant, where
> MagnetoDB is one "instance" (collection of hosts to do database things)
> that serves many tenants.
> Cue's goal is "I have a not-very-multitenant message bus (rabbit, or
> whatever)" and makes that multitenant by provisioning one per tenant,
> while Zaqar has a single install (of as many machines as needed) to
> support messaging for all cloud tenants. This enables great stuff like
> cross-tenant messaging, better physical resource utilization in
> sparse-tenant cases, etc.
> As someone who wants to adopt Zaqar, I'd really like to see it continue
> as a project because it provides things other message broker approaches
> don't.
> --
> Ryan Brown / Software Engineer, Openstack / Red Hat, Inc.
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Re: [openstack-dev] [all] how to send messages (and events) to our users

2015-04-08 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Min Pae  wrote:

>> "an under-the-clould service" ? - That is not what I am after here.
>> I think the thread went off on a tangent and this point got lost.  A user
> facing notification system absolutely should be a web centric protocol, as
> I imagine one of the big consumers of such a system will be monitoring
> dashboards which is trending more and more toward rich client side “Single
> Page Applications”.  AMQP would not work well in such cases.
>> So is the yagi + atom hopper solution something we can point end-users to?
>> Is it per-tenant etc...
> While I haven’t seen it yet, if that solution provides a means to expose
> the atom events to end users, it seems like a promising start.  The thing
> that’s required, though, is authentication/authorization that’s tied in to
> keystone, so that notification regarding a tenant’s resource is available
> only to that tenant.
>> Sandy, do you have a write up somewhere on how to set this up so I can
>> experiment a bit?
>> Maybe this needs to be a part of Cue?
> Sorry, Cue’s goal is to provision Message Queue/Broker services and manage
> them, just like Trove provisions and manages databases.  Cue would be
> ideally used to stand up and scale the RabbitMQ cluster providing messaging
> for an application backend, but it does not provide messaging itself (that
> would be Zaqar).

Agree — I don’t think a multi-tenant notification service (which we seem to
be after here) is the goal of Cue.

That said, Monasca https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Monasca seems have
implemented the collection, aggregation, and notification of these events.
What may be missing is in Monasca is a mechanism for the tenant to consume
these events via something other than AMQP.

> - Min
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Oslo][TaskFlow] Proposal for new core reviewer (min pae)

2015-03-23 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

Congrats Min!

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Joshua Harlow 

> Greetings all stackers,
> I propose that we add Min Pae[1] to the taskflow-core team[2].
> Min has been actively contributing to taskflow for a while now, both in
> helping prove taskflow out (by being a user via the project that he is
> using it in @ https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cue) and helping with the
> review load when he can. He has provided quality reviews and is doing an
> awesome job with the various taskflow concepts and helping make taskflow
> the best library it can be!
> Overall I think he would make a great addition to the core review team.
> Please respond with +1/-1.
> Thanks much!
> --
> Joshua Harlow
> It's openstack, relax... | harlo...@yahoo-inc.com
> [1] https://launchpad.net/~sputnik13
> [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TaskFlow/CoreTeam
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Trove] Core reviewer update

2015-02-05 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
+1 to all the nominations.  Many thanks to the departing cores for their 
contributions and bringing Trove to where it is today.

> On Feb 5, 2015, at 9:02 AM, Craig Vyvial  wrote:
> +1 +1 +1
> I think these nominations will help grow the trove community. 
> -Craig
>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Amrith Kumar  wrote:
>> Nikhil,
>> Regarding your nomination of Victoria, Peter and Edmond to core, here is my 
>> vote (here are my votes).
>> Victoria: +1
>> Peter: +1
>> Edmond: +1
>> My thanks to all of you for your contributions to the project thus far, and 
>> I look forward to working with all of you moving forward.
>> Also, my sincere thanks to Michael (Bas) Basnight and Tim (grapex) Simpson. 
>> It has been awesome working with both of you and look forward to working 
>> together again!
>> Thanks,
>> -amrith
>> --
>> Amrith Kumar, CTO Tesora (www.tesora.com)
>> Twitter: @amrithkumar 
>> IRC: amrith @freenode
>> From: Nikhil Manchanda [mailto:slick...@gmail.com] 
>> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 11:27 AM
>> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
>> Subject: [openstack-dev] [Trove] Core reviewer update
>> Hello Trove folks:
>> Keeping in line with other OpenStack projects, and attempting to keep
>> the momentum of reviews in Trove going, we need to keep our core-team up
>> to date -- folks who are regularly doing good reviews on the code should
>> be brought in to core and folks whose involvement is dropping off should
>> be considered for removal since they lose context over time, not being
>> as involved.
>> For this update I'm proposing the following changes:
>> - Adding Peter Stachowski (peterstac) to trove-core
>> - Adding Victoria Martinez De La Cruz (vkmc) to trove-core
>> - Adding Edmond Kotowski (edmondk) to trove-core
>> - Removing Michael Basnight (hub_cap) from trove-core
>> - Removing Tim Simpson (grapex) from trove-core
>> For context on Trove reviews and who has been active, please see
>> Russell's stats for Trove at:
>> - http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/trove-reviewers-30.txt
>> - http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/trove-reviewers-90.txt
>> Trove-core members -- please reply with your vote on each of these
>> proposed changes to the core team. Peter, Victoria and Eddie -- please
>> let me know of your willingness to be in trove-core. Michael, and Tim --
>> if you are planning on being substantially active on Trove in the near
>> term, also please do let me know.
>> Thanks,
>> Nikhil
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[openstack-dev] [Cue] project update

2014-11-26 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

Thanks to those who I met personally at the Summit for your feedback on the

For those that don’t know what Cue is, we’re building a Message Broker
Provisioning service for Openstack.  More info can be found here:

Since the summit, we’re working full-steam ahead on our v1 API.  We are
also now on Stackforge, and leveraging Openstack CI and the gerrit review

Come talk to us on #openstack-cue.

Useful Links:

V1 API - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cue/api
RTFD - http://cue.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
Code - https://github.com/stackforge/cue
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Re: [openstack-dev] Introducing Project Cue

2014-11-06 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
We will be meeting folks that are interested in discussing Cue at *10 AM on
Friday at the Trove Pod* in the “Program Pods” section of the Design Summit.

Looking forward to seeing folks there!

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Vipul Sabhaya  wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I would like to introduce Cue, a new Openstack project aimed at
> simplifying the application developer responsibilities by providing a
> managed service focused on provisioning and lifecycle management of
> message-oriented middleware services like RabbitMQ.
> Messaging is a common development pattern for building loosely coupled
> distributed systems. Provisioning and supporting Messaging Brokers for an
> individual application can be a time consuming and painful experience. This
> product aims to simplify the provisioning and management of message
> brokers, providing High Availability, management, and auto-healing
> capabilities to the end user, while providing tenant-level isolation.
> More details, including the scope of the project can be found here:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cue
> We’ve started writing code: https://github.com/vipulsabhaya/cue — the
> plan is to make it a Stackforge project in the coming weeks.
> I work for HP, and we’ve built a team within HP to build Cue.  I am in
> Paris for the Summit, and would appreciate feedback either on the mailing
> list or in person.
> If you are interested in helping build Cue, or have any questions/concerns
> around the project vision, I plan to host a meetup in the design summit
> area of the Le Meridien on *Friday morning*.  More details to come.
> Thanks!
> -Vipul Sabhaya
> HP
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] Introducing Project Cue

2014-11-04 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
Hello Everyone,

I would like to introduce Cue, a new Openstack project aimed at simplifying
the application developer responsibilities by providing a managed service
focused on provisioning and lifecycle management of message-oriented
middleware services like RabbitMQ.

Messaging is a common development pattern for building loosely coupled
distributed systems. Provisioning and supporting Messaging Brokers for an
individual application can be a time consuming and painful experience. This
product aims to simplify the provisioning and management of message
brokers, providing High Availability, management, and auto-healing
capabilities to the end user, while providing tenant-level isolation.

More details, including the scope of the project can be found here:

We’ve started writing code: https://github.com/vipulsabhaya/cue — the plan
is to make it a Stackforge project in the coming weeks.

I work for HP, and we’ve built a team within HP to build Cue.  I am in
Paris for the Summit, and would appreciate feedback either on the mailing
list or in person.

If you are interested in helping build Cue, or have any questions/concerns
around the project vision, I plan to host a meetup in the design summit
area of the Le Meridien on *Friday morning*.  More details to come.

-Vipul Sabhaya
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Trove] Proposal to add Iccha Sethi to trove-core

2014-10-30 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

> On Oct 30, 2014, at 1:47 AM, Nikhil Manchanda  wrote:
> Hello folks:
> I'm proposing to add Iccha Sethi (iccha on IRC) to trove-core.
> Iccha has been working with Trove for a while now. She has been a
> very active reviewer, and has provided insightful comments on
> numerous reviews. She has submitted quality code for multiple bug-fixes
> in Trove, and most recently drove the per datastore volume support BP in
> Juno. She was also a crucial part of the team that implemented
> replication in Juno, and helped close out multiple replication related
> issues during Juno-3.
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:"iccha",n,z
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:"iccha",n,z
> Please respond with +1/-1, or any further comments.
> Thanks,
> Nikhil
> ___
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Zaqar] Zaqar and SQS Properties of Distributed Queues

2014-09-19 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 4:23 AM, Eoghan Glynn  wrote:

> > Hi All,
> >
> > My understanding of Zaqar is that it's like SQS. SQS uses distributed
> queues,
> > which have a few unusual properties [0]:
> > Message Order
> >
> >
> > Amazon SQS makes a best effort to preserve order in messages, but due to
> the
> > distributed nature of the queue, we cannot guarantee you will receive
> > messages in the exact order you sent them. If your system requires that
> > order be preserved, we recommend you place sequencing information in each
> > message so you can reorder the messages upon receipt.
> > At-Least-Once Delivery
> >
> >
> > Amazon SQS stores copies of your messages on multiple servers for
> redundancy
> > and high availability. On rare occasions, one of the servers storing a
> copy
> > of a message might be unavailable when you receive or delete the
> message. If
> > that occurs, the copy of the message will not be deleted on that
> unavailable
> > server, and you might get that message copy again when you receive
> messages.
> > Because of this, you must design your application to be idempotent
> (i.e., it
> > must not be adversely affected if it processes the same message more than
> > once).
> > Message Sample
> >
> >
> > The behavior of retrieving messages from the queue depends whether you
> are
> > using short (standard) polling, the default behavior, or long polling.
> For
> > more information about long polling, see Amazon SQS Long Polling .
> >
> > With short polling, when you retrieve messages from the queue, Amazon SQS
> > samples a subset of the servers (based on a weighted random distribution)
> > and returns messages from just those servers. This means that a
> particular
> > receive request might not return all your messages. Or, if you have a
> small
> > number of messages in your queue (less than 1000), it means a particular
> > request might not return any of your messages, whereas a subsequent
> request
> > will. If you keep retrieving from your queues, Amazon SQS will sample
> all of
> > the servers, and you will receive all of your messages.
> >
> > The following figure shows short polling behavior of messages being
> returned
> > after one of your system components makes a receive request. Amazon SQS
> > samples several of the servers (in gray) and returns the messages from
> those
> > servers (Message A, C, D, and B). Message E is not returned to this
> > particular request, but it would be returned to a subsequent request.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Presumably SQS has these properties because it makes the system
> scalable, if
> > so does Zaqar have the same properties (not just making these same
> > guarantees in the API, but actually having these properties in the
> > backends)? And if not, why? I looked on the wiki [1] for information on
> > this, but couldn't find anything.
> The premise of this thread is flawed I think.
> It seems to be predicated on a direct quote from the public
> documentation of a closed-source system justifying some
> assumptions about the internal architecture and design goals
> of that closed-source system.
> It then proceeds to hold zaqar to account for not making
> the same choices as that closed-source system.
> This puts the zaqar folks in a no-win situation, as it's hard
> to refute such arguments when they have no visibility over
> the innards of that closed-source system.
> Sure, the assumption may well be correct that the designers
> of SQS made the choice to expose applications to out-of-order
> messages as this was the only practical way of acheiving their
> scalability goals.
> But since the code isn't on github and the design discussions
> aren't publicly archived, we have no way of validating that.
> Would it be more reasonable to compare against a cloud-scale
> messaging system that folks may have more direct knowledge
> of?
> For example, is HP Cloud Messaging[1] rolled out in full
> production by now?
Unfortunately the HP Cloud Messaging service was decommissioned.

> Is it still cloning the original Marconi API, or has it kept
> up with the evolution of the API? Has the nature of this API
> been seen as the root cause of any scalability issues?
We created a RabbitMQ backed implementation that aimed to be API compatible
with Marconi.  This proved difficult given some of the API issues that have
been discussed on this very thread.  Our implementation could never be full
API compatible with Marconi (there really isn’t an easy way to map AMQP to
HTTP, without losing serious functionality).

We also worked closely with the Marconi team, trying to get upstream to
support AMQP — the Marconi team also came to the same conclusion that their
API was not a good fit for such a backend.

Now — we are looking at options.  One that intrigues us has also been
suggested on these threads, specifically building a ‘managed messaging
service’ that could provision various messaging technologies (rabbit,
kafka, etc), and at 

Re: [openstack-dev] [Trove] Proposal to add Amrith Kumar to trove-core

2014-08-26 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Robert Myers  wrote:

> +1
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Tim Simpson 
> wrote:
>> +1
>> From: Sergey Gotliv [sgot...@redhat.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:11 AM
>> To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Trove] Proposal to add Amrith Kumar to
>> trove-core
>> Strong +1 from me!
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: Nikhil Manchanda [mailto:nik...@manchanda.me]
>> > Sent: August-26-14 3:48 AM
>> > To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>> > Subject: [openstack-dev] [Trove] Proposal to add Amrith Kumar to
>> trove-core
>> >
>> > Hello folks:
>> >
>> > I'm proposing to add Amrith Kumar (amrith on IRC) to trove-core.
>> >
>> > Amrith has been working with Trove for a while now. He has been a
>> > consistently active reviewer, and has provided insightful comments on
>> > numerous reviews. He has submitted quality code for multiple bug-fixes
>> in
>> > Trove, and most recently drove the audit and clean-up of log messages
>> across
>> > all Trove components.
>> >
>> > https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:"amrith",n,z
>> > https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:"amrith",n,z
>> >
>> > Please respond with +1/-1, or any further comments.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Nikhil
>> >
>> > ___
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Trove] Proposal to add Craig Vyvial to trove-core

2014-05-06 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 10:09 AM, McReynolds, Auston wrote:

> +1
> On 5/6/14, 2:31 AM, "Nikhil Manchanda"  wrote:
> >
> >Hello folks:
> >
> >I'm proposing to add Craig Vyvial (cp16net) to trove-core.
> >
> >Craig has been working with Trove for a while now. He has been a
> >consistently active reviewer, and has provided insightful comments on
> >numerous reviews. He has submitted quality code to multiple features in
> >Trove, and most recently drove the implementation of configuration
> >groups in Icehouse.
> >
> >https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:%22Craig+Vyvial%22,n,z
> >https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:%22Craig+Vyvial%22,n,z
> >
> >Please respond with +1/-1, or any further comments.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Nikhil
> >
> >___
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][Trove] Managed Instances Feature

2014-04-06 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Russell Bryant  wrote:

> On 04/06/2014 09:02 AM, Christopher Yeoh wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Hopper, Justin  > > wrote:
> >
> > Russell,
> >
> > At this point the guard that Nova needs to provide around the
> instance
> > does not need to be complex.  It would even suffice to keep those
> > instances hidden from such operations as ³nova list² when invoked by
> > directly by the user.
> >
> >
> > Are you looking for something to prevent accidental manipulation of an
> > instance created by Trove or intentional changes as well? Whilst doing
> > some filtering in nova list is simple on the surface, we don't try to
> > keep server uuids secret in the API, so its likely that sort of
> > information will leak through other parts of the API say through volume
> > or networking interfaces. Having to enforce another level of permissions
> > throughout the API would be a considerable change. Also it would
> > introduce inconsistencies into the information returned by Nova - eg
> > does quota/usage information returned to the user include the server
> > that Trove created or is that meant to be adjusted as well?
> >
> > If you need a high level of support from the Nova API to hide servers,
> > then if its possible, as Russell suggests to get what you want by
> > building on top of the Nova API using additional identities then I think
> > that would be the way to go. If you're just looking for a simple way to
> > offer to Trove clients a filtered list of servers, then perhaps Trove
> > could offer a server list call which is a proxy to Nova and filters out
> > the servers which are Trove specific since Trove knows which ones it
> > created.
> Yeah, I would *really* prefer to go the route of having trove own all
> instances from the perspective of Nova.  Trove is what is really
> managing these instances, and it already has to keep track of what
> instances are associated with which user.
> Although this approach would work, there are some manageability issues
with it.  When trove is managing 100's of nova instances, then things tend
to break down when looking directly at the Trove tenant through the Nova
API and trying to piece together the associations, what resource failed to
provision, etc.

> It sounds like what you really want is for Trove to own the instances,
> so I think we need to get down to very specifically won't work with that
> approach.
> For example, is it a billing thing?  As it stands, all notifications for
> trove managed instances will have the user's info in them.  Do you not
> want to lose that?  If that's the problem, that seems solvable with a
> much simpler approach.
We have for the most part solved the billing issue since Trove does
maintain the association, and able to send events on-behalf of the correct
user.  We would lose out on the additional layer of checks that Nova
provides, such as Rate Limiting per project, Quotas enforced at the Nova
layer.  The trove tenant would essentially need full access without any
such limits.

Since we'd prefer to keep these checks at the Infrastructure layer intact
for Users that interact with the Trove API, I think the issue goes beyond
just filtering them out from the API.

One idea that we've floated around is possibly introducing a 'shadow'
tenant, that allows Services like Trove to create Nova / Cinder / Neutron
resources on behalf of the actual tenant.  The resources owned by this
shadow tenant would only be visible / manipulated by a higher-level
Service.  This could require some Service token to be provided along with
the original tenant token.

Example: POST /v2/{shadow_tenant_id}/servers

> --
> Russell Bryant
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Re: [openstack-dev] MariaDB support

2014-01-27 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Don Kehn  wrote:

> check with the trove folks they might be testing percona.
We don’t test Nova or other Openstack pieces against Percona.  We do test
Percona as a underlying datastore within Trove though.

> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 2:34 PM, Michael Still  wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 5:32 AM, Tim Bell  wrote:
>>> We are reviewing options between MySQL and MariaDB. RHEL 7 beta seems to
>>> have MariaDB as the default MySQL-like DB.
>>> Can someone summarise the status of the OpenStack in terms of
>>> -What MySQL-flavor is/are currently tested in the gate ?
>> Turbo Hipster currently tests mysql and percona _upgrades_ for every
>> commit in nova. We have noted no percona specific problems, except for
>> percona being a little bit faster than mysql 5.5. It wouldn't be hard to
>> add mariadb to the upgrade cycle if people were interested in that.
>> However, we're not currently testing devstack with percona anywhere that
>> I am aware of.
>> Michael
>>> --
>> Rackspace Australia
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> --
> Don Kehn
> 303-442-0060
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Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Proposal to add Auston McReynolds to trove-core

2013-12-30 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 30, 2013, at 10:50 AM, Craig Vyvial  wrote:
> +1
>> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Greg Hill  wrote:
>> +1
>>> On Dec 27, 2013, at 4:48 PM, Michael Basnight  wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> Im proposing Auston McReynolds (amcrn) to trove-core.
>>> Auston has been working with trove for a while now. He is a great reviewer. 
>>> He is incredibly thorough, and has caught more than one critical error with 
>>> reviews and helps connect large features that may overlap (config edits + 
>>> multi datastores comes to mind). The code he submits is top notch, and we 
>>> frequently ask for his opinion on architecture / feature / design.
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/dashboard/8214
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:8214,n,z
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:8214,n,z
>>> Please respond with +1/-1, or any further comments.
>>> ___
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>>> OpenStack-dev@lists.openstack.org
>>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev
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Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Delivering datastore logs to customers

2013-12-24 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Daniel Morris

>   Vipul,
>  I know we discussed this briefly in the Wednesday meeting but I still
> have a few questions.   I am not bought in to the idea that we do not need
> to maintain the records of saved logs.   I agree that we do not need to
> enable users to download and manipulate the logs themselves via Trove (
> that can be left to Swift), but at a minimum, I believe that the system
> will still need to maintain a mapping of where the logs are stored in
> swift.  This is a simple addition to the list of available logs per
> datastore (an additional field of its swift location – a location exists,
> you know the log has been saved).  If we do not do this, how then does the
> user know where to find the logs they have saved or if they even exist in
> Swift without searching manually?  It may be that this is covered, but I
> don't see this represented in the BP.  Is the assumption that it is some
> known path?  I would expect to see the Swift location retuned on a GET of
> the available logs types for a specific instance (there is currently only a
> top-level GET for logs available per datastore type).
> The Swift location can be returned in the response to the POST/‘save’
operation.  We may consider returning a top-level immutable resource (like
‘flavors’) that when queried, could return the Base path for logs in Swift.

Logs are not meaningful to Trove, since you can’t act on them or perform
other meaningful Trove operations on them.  Thus I don’t believe they
qualify as a resource in Trove.  Multiple ‘save’ operations should not
result in a replace of the previous logs, it should just add to what may
already be there in Swift.

>  I am also assuming in this case, and per the BP, that If the user does
> not have the ability to select the storage location in Swift of if this is
> controlled exclusively by the deployer.  And that you would only allow one
> occurrence of the log, per datastore / instance and that the behavior of
> writing a log more than once to the same location is that it will overwrite
> / append, but it is not detailed in the BP.
> The location should be decided by Trove, not the user.  We’ll likely need
to group them in Swift by InstanceID buckets.  I don’t believe we should do
appends/overwrites - new Logs saved would just add to what may already
exist.  If the user chooses they don’t need the logs, they can perform the
delete directly in Swift.

>   Thanks,
> Daniel
> From: Vipul Sabhaya 
> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
> openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
> Date: Friday, December 20, 2013 2:14 AM
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
> openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Delivering datastore logs to
> customers
>   Yep agreed, this is a great idea.
>  We really only need two API calls to get this going:
> - List available logs to ‘save’
> - Save a log (to swift)
>  Some additional points to consider:
>  - We don’t need to create a record of every Log ‘saved’ in Trove.  These
> entries, treated as a Trove resource aren’t useful, since you don’t
> actually manipulate that resource.
> - Deletes of Logs shouldn’t be part of the Trove API, if the user wants to
> delete them, just use Swift.
> - A deployer should be able to choose which logs can be ‘saved’ by their
> users
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Michael Basnight wrote:
>>  I think this is a good idea and I support it. In todays meeting [1]
>> there were some questions, and I encourage them to get brought up here. My
>> only question is in regard to the "tail" of a file we discussed in irc.
>> After talking about it w/ other trovesters, I think it doesnt make sense to
>> tail the log for most datstores. I cant imagine finding anything useful in
>> say, a java, applications last 100 lines (especially if a stack trace was
>> present). But I dont want to derail, so lets try to focus on the "deliver
>> to swift" first option.
>>  [1]
>> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/trove/2013/trove.2013-12-18-18.13.log.txt
>>  On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Denis Makogon wrote:
>>>  Greetings, OpenStack DBaaS community.
>>>  I'd like to start discussion around a new feature in Trove. The
>>> feature I would like to propose covers manipulating  database log files.
>>>  Main idea. Give user an ability to retrieve database log file for
>>> any purposes.
>>> Goals to achieve. Suppose we have an applica

Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Delivering datastore logs to customers

2013-12-20 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
Yep agreed, this is a great idea.

We really only need two API calls to get this going:
- List available logs to ‘save’
- Save a log (to swift)

Some additional points to consider:
- We don’t need to create a record of every Log ‘saved’ in Trove.  These
entries, treated as a Trove resource aren’t useful, since you don’t
actually manipulate that resource.
- Deletes of Logs shouldn’t be part of the Trove API, if the user wants to
delete them, just use Swift.
- A deployer should be able to choose which logs can be ‘saved’ by their

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Michael Basnight wrote:

> I think this is a good idea and I support it. In todays meeting [1] there
> were some questions, and I encourage them to get brought up here. My only
> question is in regard to the "tail" of a file we discussed in irc. After
> talking about it w/ other trovesters, I think it doesnt make sense to tail
> the log for most datstores. I cant imagine finding anything useful in say,
> a java, applications last 100 lines (especially if a stack trace was
> present). But I dont want to derail, so lets try to focus on the "deliver
> to swift" first option.
> [1]
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/trove/2013/trove.2013-12-18-18.13.log.txt
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Denis Makogon wrote:
>> Greetings, OpenStack DBaaS community.
>> I'd like to start discussion around a new feature in Trove. The
>> feature I would like to propose covers manipulating  database log files.
>> Main idea. Give user an ability to retrieve database log file for any
>> purposes.
>> Goals to achieve. Suppose we have an application (binary application,
>> without source code) which requires a DB connection to perform data
>> manipulations and a user would like to perform development, debbuging of an
>> application, also logs would be useful for audit process. Trove itself
>> provides access only for CRUD operations inside of database, so the user
>> cannot access the instance directly and analyze its log files. Therefore,
>> Trove should be able to provide ways to allow a user to download the
>> database log for analysis.
>> Log manipulations are designed to let user perform log
>> investigations. Since Trove is a PaaS - level project, its user cannot
>> interact with the compute instance directly, only with database through the
>> provided API (database operations).
>> I would like to propose the following API operations:
>>Create DBLog entries.
>>Delete DBLog entries.
>>List DBLog entries.
>> Possible API, models, server, and guest configurations are described at
>> wiki page. [1]
>> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TroveDBInstanceLogOperation
>> ___
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> --
> Michael Basnight
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Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] datastore migration issues

2013-12-20 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
I am fine with requiring the deployer to update default values, if they
don’t make sense for their given deployment.  However, not having any value
for older/existing instances, when the code requires it is not good.  So
let’s create a default datastore of mysql, with a default version, and set
that as the datastore for older instances.  A deployer can then run
trove-manage to update the default record created.

On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Tim Simpson wrote:

>  I second Rob and Greg- we need to not allow the instance table to have
> nulls for the datastore version ID. I can't imagine that as Trove grows and
> evolves, that edge case is something we'll always remember to code and test
> for, so let's cauterize things now by no longer allowing it at all.
>  The fact that the migration scripts can't, to my knowledge, accept
> parameters for what the dummy datastore name and version should be isn't
> great, but I think it would be acceptable enough to make the provided
> default values sensible and ask operators who don't like it to manually
> update the database.
>  - Tim
>  --
> *From:* Robert Myers [myer0...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 19, 2013 9:59 AM
> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] datastore migration issues
>   I think that we need to be good citizens and at least add dummy data.
> Because it is impossible to know who all is using this, the list you have
> is probably complete. But Trove has been available for quite some time and
> all these users will not be listening on this thread. Basically anytime you
> have a database migration that adds a required field you *have* to alter
> the existing rows. If we don't we're basically telling everyone who
> upgrades that we the 'Database as a Service' team don't care about data
> integrity in our own product :)
>  Robert
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Greg Hill wrote:
>>  We did consider doing that, but decided it wasn't really any different
>> from the other options as it required the deployer to know to alter that
>> data.  That would require the fewest code changes, though.  It was also my
>> understanding that mysql variants were a possibility as well (percona and
>> mariadb), which is what brought on the objection to just defaulting in
>> code.  Also, we can't derive the version being used, so we *could* fill it
>> with a dummy version and assume mysql, but I don't feel like that solves
>> the problem or the objections to the earlier solutions.  And then we also
>> have bogus data in the database.
>>   Since there's no perfect solution, I'm really just hoping to gather
>> consensus among people who are running existing trove installations and
>> have yet to upgrade to the newer code about what would be easiest for them.
>>  My understanding is that list is basically HP and Rackspace, and maybe
>> Ebay?, but the hope was that bringing the issue up on the list might
>> confirm or refute that assumption and drive the conversation to a suitable
>> workaround for those affected, which hopefully isn't that many
>> organizations at this point.
>>  The options are basically:
>>  1. Put the onus on the deployer to correct existing records in the
>> database.
>> 2. Have the migration script put dummy data in the database which you
>> have to correct.
>> 3. Put the onus on the deployer to fill out values in the config value
>>  Greg
>>  On Dec 18, 2013, at 8:46 PM, Robert Myers  wrote:
>>  There is the database migration for datastores. We should add a
>> function to  back fill the existing data with either a dummy data or set it
>> to 'mysql' as that was the only possibility before data stores.
>> On Dec 18, 2013 3:23 PM, "Greg Hill"  wrote:
>>> I've been working on fixing a bug related to migrating existing
>>> installations to the new datastore code:
>>>  https://bugs.launchpad.net/trove/+bug/1259642
>>>  The basic gist is that existing instances won't have any data in the
>>> datastore_version_id field in the database unless we somehow populate that
>>> data during migration, and not having that data populated breaks a lot of
>>> things (including the ability to list instances or delete or resize old
>>> instances).  It's impossible to populate that data in an automatic, generic
>>> way, since it's highly vendor-dependent on what database and version they
>>> currently support, and there's not enough data in the older schema to
>>> populate the new tables automatically.
>>>  So far, we've come up with some non-optimal solutions:
>>>  1. The first iteration was to assume 'mysql' as the database manager
>>> on instances without a datastore set.
>>> 2. The next iteration was to make the default value be configurable in
>>> trove.conf, but default to 'mysql' if it wasn't set.
>>> 3. It was then proposed that we could just use the 'default_datastore'
>>> value from the config, which ma

Re: [openstack-dev] [Trove] How users should specify a datastore type when creating an instance

2013-10-27 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Ilya Sviridov wrote:

> Totally agree, however current concept supposes working with type and
> version as different entities, even if it is  the attributes on one thing -
> the configuration.
> The reason for storing it as separate models can be cases when we are
> going to use them separately.
> Sounds really reasonable to keep it as one model, but another question
> comes to mind.
> How 'list datastore_type' will look like. That is important because API
> should be inambiguous.
> Following openstack tenets, each entity exposed via API has an id and can
> referenced by it.
> If we are storing datastore as one entity, we are not able to query
> versions or types only with their ids.
> But it is agreed as API
> /{tenant_id}/datastore_types
> /{tenant_id}/datastore_types/{datastore_type}/versions
> /{tenant_id}/datastore_types/versions/{id}
I am wondering why we even need the last route.

If we assume that a datastore_type is the parent resource of versions, we
could change that route to:
 Although I don’t know if this route is even necessary - since listing all
available versions of a certain type is all users really need.

This will allow us to group the type and version, making version no longer
independent as Nikhil suggests.

So, with current concept it seems better to keep version and type as
> separate entities in database.
> With best regards,
> Ilya Sviridov
> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Nikhil Manchanda wrote:
>> It seems strange to me to treat both the datastore_type and version as
>> two separate entities, when they aren't really independent of each
>> other. (You can't really deploy a mysql type with a cassandra version,
>> and vice-versa, so why have separate datastore-list and version-list
>> calls?)
>> I think it's a better idea to store in the db (and list) actual
>> representations of the datastore type/versions that an image we can
>> deploy supports. Any disambiguation could then happen based on what
>> entries actually exist here.
>> Let me illustrate what I'm trying to get at with a few examples:
>> Database has:
>> id | type  | version | active
>> --
>> a  | mysql | 5.6.14  |   1
>> b  | mysql | 5.1.0   |   0
>> c  | postgres  | 9.3.1   |   1
>> d  | redis | 2.6.16  |   1
>> e  | redis | 2.6.15  |   1
>> f  | cassandra | 2.0.1   |   1
>> g  | cassandra | 2.0.0   |   0
>> Config specifies:
>> default_datastore_id = a
>> 1. trove-cli instance create ...
>> Just works - Since nothing is specified, this uses the
>> default_datastore_id from the config (mysql 5.6.14 ) . No need for
>> disambiguation.
>> 2. trove-cli instance create --datastore_id e
>> The datastore_id specified always identifies a unique datastore type /
>> version so no other information is needed for disambiguation. (In this
>> case redis 2.6.15, identified by )
>> 3. trove-cli instance create --datastore_type postgres
>> The datastore_type in this case uniquely identifies postgres 9.3.1 ,
>> so no disambiguation is necessary.
>> 4. trove-cli instance create --datastore_type cassandra
>> In this case, there is only one _active_ datastore with the given
>> datastore_type, so no further disambiguation is needed and cassandra
>> 2.0.1  is uniquely identified.
>> 5. trove-cli instance create --datastore_type redis
>> In this case, there are _TWO_ active versions of the specified
>> datastore_type (2.6.16, and 2.6.17) so the call should return that
>> further disambiguation _is_ needed.
>> 6. trove-cli instance create --datastore_type redis --datastore_version
>> 2.6.16
>> We have both datastore_type and datastore_version, and that uniquely
>> identifies redis 2.6.16 . No further disambiguation is needed.
>> 7. trove-cli instance create --datastore_type cassandra --version 2.0.0,
>> or trove-cli instance create --datastore_id g
>> Here, we are attempting to deploy a datastore which is _NOT_ active and
>> this call should fail with an appropriate error message.
>> Cheers,
>> -Nikhil
>> Andrey Shestakov writes:
>> > 2. it can be confusing coz not clear to what type version belongs
>> > (possible add "type" field in version).
>> > also if you have default type, then specified version recognizes as
>> > version of default type (no lookup in version.datastore_type_id)
>> > but i think we can do lookup in version.datastore_type_id before pick
>> > default.
>> >
>> > 4. if default version is need, then it should be specified in db, coz
>> > switching via versions can be frequent and restart service to reload
>> > config all times is not good.
>> >
>> > On 10/21/2013 05:12 PM, Tim Simpson wrote:
>> >> Thanks for the feedback Andrey.
>> >>
>> >> >> 2. Got this case in irc, and decided to pass type and version
>> >> together to avoid conf

Re: [openstack-dev] [Trove] How users should specify a datastore type when creating an instance

2013-10-21 Thread Vipul Sabhaya
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Michael Basnight wrote:

> On Oct 21, 2013, at 1:40 PM, Tim Simpson wrote:
> >>> 2. I also think a datastore_version alone should be sufficient since
> the associated datastore type will be implied:
> >
> >> When i brought this up it was generally discussed as being confusing.
> Id like to use type and rely on having a default (or active) version behind
> the scenes.
> >
> > Can't we do both? If a user wants a specific version, most likely they
> had to enumerate all datastore_versions, spot it in a list, and grab the
> guid. Why force them to also specify the datastore_type when we can easily
> determine what that is?
> Fair enough.
It's not intuitive to the User, if they are specifying a version alone.
 You don't boot a 'version' of something, with specifying what that some
thing is.  I would rather they only specified the datastore_type alone, and
not have them specify a version at all.

> >
> >>> 4. Additionally, in the current pull request to implement this it is
> possible to avoid passing a version, but only if no more than one version
> of the datastore_type exists in the database.
> >>>
> >>> I think instead the datastore_type row in the database should also
> have a "default_version_id" property, that an operator could update to the
> most recent version or whatever other criteria they wish to use, meaning
> the call could become this simple:
> >
> >> Since we have determined from this email thread that we have an active
> status, and that > 1 version can be active, we have to think about the
> precedence of active vs default. My question would be, if we have a
> default_version_id and a active version, what do we choose on behalf of the
> user? If there is > 1 active version and a user does not specify the
> version, the api will error out, unless a default is defined. We also need
> a default_type in the config so the existing APIs can maintain
> compatibility. We can re-discuss this for v2 of the API.
> >
> > Imagine that an operator sets up Trove and only has one active version.
> They then somehow fumble setting up the default_version, but think they
> succeeded as the API works for users the way they expect anyway. Then they
> go to add another active version and suddenly their users get error
> messages.
> >
> > If we only use the "default_version" field of the datastore_type to
> define a default would honor the principle of least surprise.
> Are you saying you must have a default version defined to have > 1 active
> versions?
I think it makes sense to have a 'Active' flag on every version -- and a
default flag for the version that should be used as a default in the event
the user doesn't specify.  It also makes sense to require the deployer to
set this accurately, and if one doesn't exist instance provisioning errors

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Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Configuration API BP

2013-10-01 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

> On Sep 26, 2013, at 8:49 AM, Michael Basnight  wrote:
>> On Sep 25, 2013, at 7:16 PM, Craig Vyvial wrote:
>> So we have a blueprint for this and there are a couple things to point out 
>> that have changed since the inception of this BP.
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/configuration-management
>> This is an overview of the API calls for 
>> POST /configurations - create config
>> GET  /configurations - list all configs
>> PUT  /configurations/{id} - update all the parameters
>> GET  /configurations/{id} - get details on a single config
>> GET  /configurations/{id}/{key} - get single parameter value that was set 
>> for the configuration
>> PUT  /configurations/{id}/{key} - update/insert a single parameter
>> DELETE  /configurations/{id}/{key} - delete a single parameter
>> GET  /configurations/{id}/instances - list of instances the config is 
>> assigned to
>> GET  /configurations/parameters - list of all configuration parameters
>> GET  /configurations/parameters/{key} - get details on a configuration 
>> parameter
>> There has been talk about using PATCH http action instead of PUT action for 
>> thie update of individual parameter(s).
>> PUT  /configurations/{id}/{key} - update/insert a single parameter
>> and/or
>> PATCH  /configurations/{id} - update/insert parameter(s)
>> I am not sold on the idea of using PATCH unless its widely used in other 
>> projects across Openstack. What does everyone think about this?
>> If there are any concerns around this please let me know.
> Im a fan of PATCH. Id rather have a different verb on the same resource than 
> creating a new sub-resource just to do the job of what PATCH defines. Im not 
> sure the [1] gives us any value, and i think its only around because of [2]. 
> I can see PATCH removing the need for [1], simplifying the API. And of course 
> removing the need for [2] since it _is_ the updating of a single kv pair. And 
> i know keystone and glance use PATCH for "updates" in their API as well. 
> [1]  GET /configurations/{id}/{key} 
> [2] PUT  /configurations/{id}/{key} 
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So from this API, I see that a configuration is a standalone resource that 
could be applied to N number of instances.  It's not clear to me what the API 
is for 'applying' a configuration to an existing instance.  Also if we change a 
single item in a given configuration, does that change propagate to all 
instances that configuration belongs to? 

What about making 'configuration' a sub-resource of /instances?  

Unless we think configurations will be common amongst instances for a given 
tenant, it may not make sense to make them high level resources. 
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TROVE] Thoughts on DNS refactoring, Designate integration.

2013-10-01 Thread Vipul Sabhaya

> On Oct 1, 2013, at 3:37 PM, Michael Basnight  wrote:
>> On Oct 1, 2013, at 3:06 PM, Ilya Sviridov  wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Tim Simpson  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi fellow Trove devs,
>>> With the Designate project ramping up, its time to refactor the ancient DNS 
>>> code that's in Trove to work with Designate.
>>> The good news is since the beginning, it has been possible to add new 
>>> drivers for DNS in order to use different services. Right now we only have 
>>> a driver for the Rackspace DNS API, but it should be possible to write one 
>>> for Designate as well.
>> How it corelates with Trove dirrection to use HEAT for all provisioning and 
>> managing cloud resources? 
>> There are BPs for Designate resource 
>> (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/designate-resource) and 
>> Rackspace DNS (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/rax-dns-resource) 
>> as well and it looks logically to use the HEAT for that.
>> Currently Trove has logic for provisioning instances, dns driver, creation 
>> of security group, but with switching to HEAT way, we have duplication of 
>> the same functionality we have to support.
> +1 to using heat for this. However, as people are working on heat support 
> right now to make it more sound, if there is a group that wants/needs DNS 
> refactoring now, I'd say lets add it in. If no one is in need of changing 
> what's existing until we get better heat support, then we should just abandon 
> the review and leave the existing DNS code as is. 
> I would prefer, if there is no one in need, to abandon the exiting review and 
> add it to heat support. 

I would hate to wait til we have full Heat integration before getting Designate 
support, considering Heat does not yet have Designate support.  My vote is to 
move forward with a DNS driver in trove that can be deprecated once everything 
works with Heat.

As far as supporting only Designate, I would be fine with a driver interface 
that could potentially wrap Designate as well as Rax DNS.  Given that both will 
be somewhat temporary, I don't see a reason why we have to rip out rsdns at 
this point.

>>> However, there's a bigger topic here. In a gist sent to me recently by 
>>> Dennis M. with his thoughts on how this work should proceed, he included 
>>> the comment that Trove should *only* support Designate: 
>>> https://gist.github.com/crazymac/6705456/raw/2a16c7a249e73b3e42d98f5319db167f8d09abe0/gistfile1.txt
>>> I disagree. I have been waiting for a canonical DNS solution such as 
>>> Designate to enter the Openstack umbrella for years now, and am looking 
>>> forward to having Trove consume it. However, changing all the code so that 
>>> nothing else works is premature.
>> All non mainstream resources like cloud provider specific can be implemented 
>> as HEAT plugins (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Heat/Plugins)
>>> Instead, let's start work to play well with Designate now, using the open 
>>> interface that has always existed. In the future after Designate enters 
>>> integration status we can then make the code closed and only support 
>>> Designate.
>> Do we really need playing with Designate and then replace it? I expect 
>> designate resource will come together with designate or even earlier.
>> With best regards,
>> Ilya Sviridov
>>> Denis also had some other comments about the DNS code, such as not passing 
>>> a single object as a parameter because it could be None. I think this is in 
>>> reference to passing around a DNS entry which gets formed by the DNS 
>>> instance entry factory. I see how someone might think this is brittle, but 
>>> in actuality it has worked for several years so if anything changing it 
>>> would introduce bugs. The interface was also written to use a full object 
>>> in order to be flexible; a full object should make it easier to work with 
>>> different types of DnsDriver implementations, as well as allowing more 
>>> options to be set from the DnsInstanceEntryFactory. This later class 
>>> creates a DnsEntry from an instance_id. It is possible that two deployments 
>>> of Trove, even if they are using Designate, might opt for different 
>>> DnsInstanceEntryFactory implementations in order to give the DNS entries 
>>> associated to databases different patterns. If the DNS entry is created at 
>>> this point its easier to further customize and tailor it. This will hold 
>>> true even when Designate is ready to become the only DNS option we support 
>>> (if such a thing is desirable).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tim
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