Thanks to all of those who attended the midcycle. We had more than 20 attendees this cycle and excellent participation -- also some new faces!

My apologies for the Google Hangouts failure. We ended up switching to Webex for the audio/video conferencing and it scaled significantly better. I expect that we'll be using Webex for future meetups as well so if you have technical difficulties related to Webex, please try to get them fixed or seek help from the rest of us. It *is* possible to get webex to run on Linux but it's somewhat more complex.

Since we did not have a dedicated note taker there are no minutes for the meetup, but I'll summarize what I consider to be the highlights:

Migration - Rodrigo (ganso) has done a great job of driving this forward. The current patchset is based on share instances (a new concept we decided to introduce earlier in the release to benefit both migration and replication) and is ready for review. The feature will be considered experimental in Liberty at best, due to some remaining unsolved problems: 1) Share servers with segmented network interfaces can't be directly mounted -- we need a new admin-facing network patch to support this. 2) Data copy is done in the manager service and needs to be moved to a data copy service for better scalability. 3) Generic driver needs some work before it can support migrations.

Availability Zones - This was a feature which was proposed after Vancouver. The design in Manila is largely inherited from Cinder, but improvements have been made by Igor (u_glide). These are done and ready to merge. AZs will benefit share replication and also give end users control of the locality of their data w.r.t. consumers of the data (compute instances).

Replication - I presented the current thinking on replication, which is a significant deviation from what I presented in Vancouver. The changes are all related to the significantly better user experience offered by AZ support, and better implementation made possible by share instances. There is a new API proposal, changes to the DB schema, and a draft proposal for the driver interface. Work is proceeding on replication but won't be mergeable until after the feature freeze so the plan is to land the feature first thing in Mitaka.

Manila CI - We discussed the state of vendor CI, reiterating the deadlines and offers for help. Andrew (akerr) presented how NetApp implements their 3rd party CI system while Silvan (kaisers) presented an alternative CI system called sos-ci written by Duncan (DuncanT) and John (jgriffith).

Minimum Required Features - The key topic was snapshots and how vendors support them. We decided to relax the requirement that all drivers support the current snapshot API and to instead make the existing snapshot API an optional feature in Liberty. This change was essential to avoid needlessly removing several Manila drivers that implement the API except for snapshots. We agreed to look at possible alternative snapshot APIs in the future for snapshots that have different semantics, including a possible revert-share-to-snapshot API and an API to directly export snapshots as read-only shares (in Mitaka).

Tempest - Marc (mkoderer) gave an update on how the Tempest project is evolving and now Manila can continue to use it for functional/scenario tests.

Manauls - I declared that Liberty is the release where Manila will be included in the OpenStack manuals ( Help will be needed from the whole core team and others invested in the success of Manila to meet this goal by the Liberty release.

API Microversions - Clinton (cknight) presented an example of the new cross-project proposal for finer-grained versioning and described how easy it will be to add this enhancement to Manila and how it will free us up from having to make difficult API-compatibility decisions in the future as we enhance the Manila API.

Versioned Objects - Chen (chen12) gave an update on this topic from Vancouver and we agreed that it's a valuable feature to keep our eyes on, but not something we want to aim for getting in to Liberty. The existing nova work is not something we can borrow directly and the Cinder work is ongoing. The team agreed that it would be better to see how it turns out in Cinder before we copy the idea.

Driver Private Data - Igor (u_glide) presented this great enhancement for drivers mostly to raise awareness of the cool driver features that it enables. It was also suggested that this would be a great feature to backport to Cinder.

Common Capabilities - We discussed how some very simple capabilities/extra specs are already starting to have multiple conflicting/confusing names and implementations and how we need to a decision making process to enforce conformity for capabilities where compatible implementations are possible. We agreed that the common capabilities need to be written down in the dev docs and that thin/thick provisioning and dedupe support will be the first "common" capabilities. Common capabilities will be prefixed with "manila_" to communicate to deployers that they are official.

Consistency Groups - Alex (ameade) presented an updated proposal for cgroups based on Xing's (xyang) proposal in Vancouver. There was some disagreement about the details but a lengthy discussion helped many understand the feature better. Alex plans to deliver this feature in Liberty so make sure to review it and provide feedback if cgroups are interesting to you.

Hopefully I didn't forget anything important, please reply to the thread if I left out a topic!

-Ben Swartzlander

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