----- Original Message -----
> Monty Taylor wrote:
> > On 03/20/2014 01:30 AM, Radcliffe, Mark wrote:
> >> The problem with AGPL is that the scope is very uncertain and the
> >> determination of the  consequences are very fact intensive. I was the
> >> chair of the User Committee in developing the GPLv3 and I am therefor
> >> quite familiar with the legal issues.  The incorporation of AGPLv3
> >> code Into OpenStack Project  is a significant decision and should not
> >> be made without input from the Foundation. At a minimum, the
> >> inclusion of APLv3 code means that the OpenStack Project is no longer
> >> solely an Apache v2 licensed project because AGPLv3 code cannot be
> >> licensed under Apache v. 2 License.  Moreover, the inclusion of such
> >> code is inconsistent with the current CLA provisions.
> >>
> >> This code can be included but it is an important decision that should
> >> be made carefully.
> > 
> > I agree - but in this case, I think that we're not talking about
> > including AGPL code in OpenStack as much as we are talking about using
> > an Apache2 driver that would talk to a server that is AGPL ... if the
> > deployer chooses to install the AGPL software. I don't think we're
> > suggesting that downloading or installing openstack itself would involve
> > downloading or installing AGPL code.
> Yes, the issue here is more... a large number of people want to stay
> away from AGPL. Should the TC consider adding to the OpenStack
> integrated release a component that requires AGPL software to be
> installed alongside it ? It's not really a legal issue (hence me
> stopping the legal-issues cross-posting).
> This was identified early on as a concern with Marconi and the SQLA
> support was added to counter that concern. The question then becomes,
> how usable this SQLA option actually is ? If it's sluggish, unusable in
> production or if it doesn't fully support the proposed Marconi API, then
> I think we still have that concern.

This is somewhat tangential but what's the recommended/default backend for 
Telemetry these days? I ask because in the documentation we currently still 
appear to concentrate on using MongoDB [1]. Are all of the backends - or at 
least those with 'Yes' in all columns in the developer docs [2] - first class 
citizens at this point?



[2] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ceilometer/install/dbreco.html

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