Hi, following up from last week's IRC meeting, I updated the Solum roadmap wiki 
with items for consideration for Juno-3. Please mail back your 
comments/suggestions, as well as we can discuss more in the next IRC and 
finalize Juno release scope.

Wiki link: 

MILESTONE 2014.2.3: JUNO-3
. Jenkins Integration: as a customer already using Jenkins for my CI needs, I 
would be able to integrate my Jenkins CI instance with Solum and have access to 
Solum features (i.e. persist build output produced by Jenkins in glance via 
Solum, automated deployments, etc.)

. Trove Integration: as an application developer, I would be able to deploy 
apps that have ready access to trove MySQL service.

. Horizontal Scaleout: as an application developer, I would be able to 
horizontal scale out my apps via a load balanced set of app container instances

. LanguagePack-Java Tomcat 7: as an application developer, I can deploy my Java 
Tomcat 7 web app via Solum without having to deal with build scripts or setup 
of the language runtime

. LanguagePack-Node.js: as an application developer, I can deploy my Node.js 
web app via Solum without having to deal with setup of the language runtime

. Sample apps: as an application developer, I can build my apps without having 
to start from scratch by customizing sample apps provided by Solum. Sample Apps 
for Java Tomcat 7 and Node.js

Thanks & Regards,
Roshan Agrawal
Direct:    512.874.1278
Mobile:  512.354.5253

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