> On Dec 12, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Mike Bayer <mba...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 12, 2014, at 9:27 AM, Ihar Hrachyshka <ihrac...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA512
>> Reading the latest comments at
>> https://github.com/PyMySQL/PyMySQL/issues/275, it seems to me that the
>> issue is not to be solved in drivers themselves but instead in
>> libraries that arrange connections (sqlalchemy/oslo.db), correct?
>> Will the proposed connection reopening help?
> disagree, this is absolutely a driver bug.  I’ve re-read that last comment 
> and now I see that the developer is suggesting that this condition not be 
> flagged in any way, so I’ve responded.  The connection should absolutely blow 
> up and if it wants to refuse to be usable afterwards, that’s fine (it’s the 
> same as MySQLdb “commands out of sync”).  It just has to *not* emit any 
> further SQL as though nothing is wrong.
> It doesn’t matter much for PyMySQL anyway, I don’t know that PyMySQL is up to 
> par for openstack in any case (look at the entries in their changelog: 
> https://github.com/PyMySQL/PyMySQL/blob/master/CHANGELOG "Several other bug 
> fixes”, “Many bug fixes"- really?  is this an iphone app?)
> We really should be looking to get this fixed in MySQL-connector, which seems 
> to have a similar issue.   It’s just so difficult to get responses from 
> MySQL-connector that the PyMySQL thread is at least informative.

so I spent the rest of yesterday continuing to stare at that example case and 
also continued the thread on that list.

Where I think it’s at is that, while I think this is a huge issue in any one or 
all of:  1. a gevent-style “timeout” puts a monkeypatched socket in an entirely 
unknown state, 2. MySQL’s protocol doesn’t have any provision for matching an 
OK response to the request that it corresponds to, 3. the MySQL drivers we’re 
dealing with don’t have actual “async” APIs, which could then be easily 
tailored to work with eventlet/gevent safely (see 
https://bitbucket.org/dvarrazzo/psycogreen for the PG examples of these, 
problem solved), at the moment I’m not fully confident the drivers are going to 
feasibly be able to provide a complete fix here.     MySQL sends a status 
message that is essentially, “OK”, and there’s not really any way to tell that 
this “OK” is actually from a different statement.

What we need at the very basic level is that, if we call connection.rollback(), 
it either fails with an exception, or it succeeds.   Right now, the core of the 
test case is that we see connection.rollback() silently failing, which then 
causes the next statement (the INSERT) to also fail - then the connection 
rights itself and continues to be usable to complete the transaction.   There 
might be some other variants of this.

So in the interim I have added for SQLA 0.9.9, which I can also make available 
as part of oslo.db.sqlalchemy.compat if we’d like, a session.invalidate() 
method that will just call connection.invalidate() on the current bound 
connection(s); this is then caught within the block where we know that 
eventlet/gevent is in a “timeout” status.

Within the oslo.db.sqlalchemy.enginefacade system, we can potentially add 
direct awareness of eventlet.Timeout 
(http://eventlet.net/doc/modules/timeout.html) as a distinct error condition 
within a transactional block, and invalidate the known connection(s) when this 
is caught.   This would insulate us from this particular issue regardless of 
driver, with the key assumption that it is in fact only a “timeout” condition 
under which this issue actually occurs.

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