
I want to run for keystone PTL to facilitate an environment for others to
grow and make meaningful changes so that we continue to build keystone into
a more stable, scalable and performant project [0].

January marks my fifth anniversary working with OpenStack. In that time
I've had the opportunity to participate in a variety of different roles
from development to deployment. Being exposed to such a fast-paced
open-source project has made profound impacts on how I approach everyday

Joining the OpenStack community was a daunting task, there was a staggering
amount of information to absorb. Fortunately, the community was so
welcoming that learning was a huge reward. I feel the community, and the
keystone team in particular, still maintains this camaraderie. This is
something I'd like to continue when serving as PTL.

Over the last few years I have worked on various keystone initiatives. I
co-implemented support for Fernet tokens, which results in keystone being
more scalable and performant. As of the Ocata release, Fernet tokens are
the default token format providing scalability out-of-the-box. This helped
spur an effort I led to refactor keystone's token API to make it simpler
and easier to maintain. I automated the ability to performance test patches
in review against master and publish the delta as a comment on review,
providing reviewers with a performance-related datapoint. Lately I've been
focused on organizing cross-project efforts to address gaps in policy
across OpenStack. Those are only a couple recent examples I'm proud of. I
actively try to take some experience or lesson from every interaction I
have with the community and add it to my repertoire.

As PTL, I would like to continue building an environment that enables and
inspires people to contribute. We still have many goals to work towards,
and it will never be completed by a single person. Building a community
around trust and transparency will yield consistent, measurable results. I
think the keystone community has done a great job of this so far and I want
to accelerate that trend.

I would like to continue improving the overall usability of policy across
OpenStack, which will benefit users and deployers significantly. I will
continue to push for federated identity to be a first class resource. I
believe it should absolutely be a natural extension of keystone for both
deployers and users. I will continue to keep performance at the forefront
of our goals. I will continue to be an advocate for cross-project
communication. I will lead an effort to dedicate one day per week to office
hours, where we triage and attempt to close bugs. This will serve as a
great way to grow our community and keep tabs on our bug queue.

My long-term vision for keystone allows deployers the flexibility to
address real-world use cases across a variety of deployments while
providing consistent user-experience and stability. To do that we're going
to have to solve some hard problems around policy, federation,
upgradability, etc. But, we've solved hard problems before. The following
are a few things I'd like to focus on in Pike:


   Introduce better granularity for RBAC support using keystone, and
   leading by example

   Continue improving functional testing

   Continue making experiences with federation seamless and intuitive

   Continue to support rolling upgrades

   Help guide work to implement rolling upgrade testing to achieve the
   rolling upgrade tag

   Continuing our work from the last few cycles to promote usage of the V3
   API everywhere

Some personal goals of mine as a PTL would be to:


   Facilitate collaboration by encouraging break out work and sprints

   Add more communication tools to our toolbox by actively looking for new
   ways to share ideas

   Ensure our discussions, decisions, and outcomes are easily discoverable
   and thoroughly communicated

   Build upon the established pattern of having dedicated roles for design
   discussions (i.e. moderator, champion, scribe) to ensure we have
   meaningful, productive discussions that are accurately captured

   Actively look for opportunities to mentor or collaborate with new and
   existing team members

   Promote an environment where we can learn from failed attempts and
   iterate to find more robust solutions

Finally I want to say thanks for taking time out of your day to parse this
note. I'm excited to get started on Pike regardless of the election
results. I look forward to seeing you all in Atlanta!

Best Regards,


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