hi all :
I found nova can not list the soft_deleted instances(v2 an v3 no show),
but seen from novaclient help
/[tagett@stack-01 devstack]$ nova help restore //
//usage: nova restore <server>//
//Restore a soft-deleted server./

how can I restore a soft-deleted server ? we can not list the soft deleted instances.

/[tagett@stack-01 devstack]$ nova list --all-tenants --status SOFT_DELETED//
//| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |//
but from the database we can see this status.
/MariaDB [nova]> select hostname ,vm_state from instances;//
//| vm11111        | soft-delete |//
//| vm1111         | soft-delete |/

I check v3 code, it don't support restore even, how will this go ?
I find some discussion https://review.openstack.org/#/c/35061/2
any comments on that ?
this is designed ? we abandon the restore operation ?
beside I have a WIP patch to have soft-deleted instance listed in v3 api.

Eli (Li Yong) Qiao

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