Welcome to a placement update. This week is mostly focused on specs
and illuminating some of the pressing issues with extraction.

# Most Important

Last week's important tasks remain important:

* Work on specs and setting
* Working towards upgrade tests (see more on that in the extraction
  section below).

# What's Changed

Tetsuro is a core reviewer in placement now. Yay! Welcome.

Mel produced a [summary of the
with some good links and plans.

# Questions and Links

No answer to last week's question that I can recall, so here it is

* [Last week], belmoreira showed up in 
  with some issues with expected resource providers not showing up
  in allocation candidates. This was traced back to `max_unit` for
  `VCPU` being locked at == `total` and hardware which had had SMT
  turned off now reporting fewer CPUs, thus being unable to accept
  existing large flavors. Discussion ensued about ways to
  potentially make `max_unit` more manageable by operators. The
  existing constraint is there for a reason (discussed in IRC) but
  that reason is not universally agreed.

    There are two issues with this: The "reason" is not universally
    agreed and we didn't resolve that. Also, management of
    `max_unit` of any inventory gets more complicated in a world of
    complex NUMA topologies.

Eric has raised a question about the [intended purpose of

# Bugs

* Placement related [bugs not yet in progress]( 18.
* [In progress placement bugs]( 9. -1.

# Specs

* <>
  Account for host agg allocation ratio in placement
  (Still in rocky/)

* <>
  Add subtree filter for GET /resource_providers

* <>
  Resource provider - request group mapping in allocation candidate

* <>
  VMware: place instances on resource pool
  (still in rocky/)

* <>
  Standardize CPU resource tracking

* <>
  Allow overcommit of dedicated CPU
  (Has an alternative which changes allocations to a float)

* <>
  List resource providers having inventory

* <>
  Bi-directional enforcement of traits

* <>
  allow transferring ownership of instance

* <>
  Modelling passthrough devices for report to placement

* <>
  Propose counting quota usage from placement and API database
  (A bit out of date but may be worth resurrecting)

* <>
  Spec: allocation candidates in tree

* <>
  [WIP] generic device discovery policy

* <>
  Nova Cyborg interaction specification.

* <>
  supporting virtual NVDIMM devices

* <>
  Spec: Support filtering by forbidden aggregate

* <>
  Proposes NUMA topology with RPs

* <>
  Support initial allocation ratios

* <>
  Count quota based on resource class

# Main Themes

## Making Nested Useful

Work on getting nova's use of nested resource providers happy and
fixing bugs discovered in placement in the process.

* <>
* <>

## Consumer Generations

gibi is still working hard to drive home support for consumer
generations on the nova side. Because of some dependency management
that stuff is currently in the following topic:

* <>

## Extraction

There are few large-ish things in progress with the extraction
process which need some broader attention:

* Matt is working on a [patch to grenade](
  to deal with upgrading, with a migration of data.

* We have work in progress to tune up the documentation but we are
  not yet publishing documentation. We need to work out a plan for
  this. Presumably we don't want to be publishing docs until we are
  publishing code, but the interdependencies need to be teased out.

* We need to decide how we are going to manage database schema
  migrations (alembic is the modern way) and we need to create the
  tooling for running those migrations (as well as upgrade checks).
  This includes deciding how we want to manage command line tools
  (using nova's example or something else).

Until those things happen we don't have a "thing" which people can
install and run, unless they do some extra hacking around which we
don't want to impose upon people any longer than necessary.

# Other

As with last time, I'm not going to make a list of links to pending
changes that aren't already listed above. I'll start doing that again
eventually (once priorities are more clear), but for now it is
useful to look at [open placement
and patches from everywhere which [mention placement in the commit

# End

Taking a few days off is a great way to get out of sync.

Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶ 
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent
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