The recent release of rally failed the docs publishing to readthedocs. This
appears to be related to the actions required below.

The failure from the job can be found here:

On Fri, Aug 03, 2018 at 02:20:40PM +1000, Ian Wienand wrote:
> Hello,
> tl;dr : any projects using the "docs-on-readthedocs" job template
> to trigger a build of their documentation in readthedocs needs to:
>  1) add the "openstackci" user as a maintainer of the RTD project
>  2) generate a webhook integration URL for the project via RTD
>  3) provide the unique webhook ID value in the "rtd_webhook_id" project
>     variable
> See
> --
> readthedocs has recently updated their API for triggering a
> documentation build.  In the old API, anyone could POST to a known URL
> for the project and it would trigger a build.  This end-point has
> stopped responding and we now need to use an authenticated webhook to
> trigger documentation builds.
> Since this is only done in the post and release pipelines, projects
> probably haven't had great feedback that current methods are failing
> and this may be a surprise.  To check your publishing, you can go to
> the zuul builds page [1] and filter by your project and the "post"
> pipeline to find recent runs.
> There is now some setup required which can only be undertaken by a
> current maintainer of the RTD project.
> In short; add the "openstackci" user as a maintainer, add a "generic
> webhook" integration to the project, find the last bit of the URL from
> that and put it in the project variable "rtd_webhook_id".
> Luckily OpenStack infra keeps a team of highly skilled digital artists
> on retainer and they have produced a handy visual guide available at
> Once the RTD project is setup, you must provide the webhook ID value
> in your project variables.  This will look something like:
>  - project:
>     templates:
>       - docs-on-readthedocs
>       - publish-to-pypi
>     vars:
>       rtd_webhook_id: '12345'
>     check:
>       jobs:
>       ...
> For actual examples; see pbrx [2] which keeps its config in tree, or
> gerrit-dash-creator which has its configuration in project-config [3].
> Happy to help if anyone is having issues, via mail or #openstack-infra
> Thanks!
> -i
> p.s. You don't *have* to use the jobs from the docs-on-readthedocs
> templates and hence add infra as a maintainer; you can setup your own
> credentials with zuul secrets in tree and write your playbooks and
> jobs to use the generic role [4].  We're always happy to discuss any
> concerns.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] 
> [4]
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