Hi Adrian 

Sounds like there's a need for a true workflow engine here. I suspect that for 
any use case beyond trivial, each user will have her own flavor of CD (TripleO 
is a good example for this) - some will prefer to use a canary server and test 
it manually before deploying to other servers, some will deploy to specific 
servers based on the subset of users they're serving, some will do a red/black 
type of deployment (Which maps well into environments below), etc. But I think 
that there should be an user-configurable mechanism to define and tweak these 
workflows. There will also be additional related workflows - e.g. rolling back 
a deployment, or updating the infrastructure components of a running 
application (e.g. database version upgrade). 
I might be raising a topic that's already been discussed (sorry if I am), but I 
was wondering how this would fit into the architecture. 


On Oct 31, 2013, at 6:42 AM, Adrian Otto <adrian.o...@rackspace.com> wrote:

> Robert,
> We would be interested in exploring your use case for CD, and help you judge 
> what would be the best fit. I know that Monty Taylor has identified some 
> parts of openstack-infra that we could potentially leverage in Solum to 
> address our CI/CD goals. The design of that feature is still pending, so we 
> are looking forward to sourcing its of input on that.
> I don't anticipate any fundament gaps that would prevent you from using a 
> future version of Solum to help narrow your scope. The whole point of our 
> focus is to try to make these goals easier to achieve, and try to get maximum 
> leverage of what the OpenStack ecosystem already offers.
> The high level concept behind the GIt Integration feature currently conceived 
> for Solum is to offer application developers a way to commit code to a Git 
> repo and upon a git push command, have a remote system trigger a modular 
> CI/CD pipeline that ends with that application running on an OpenStack cloud 
> in one or more "environments" (dev/test/stage/prod/etc.). In a simple case 
> that may be (in the case of a dynamic language like Python) the testing of 
> the code, arrangement of the commit into a deployable bundle, triggering of 
> the Solum API to trigger a deployment, automatic generation of a HOT 
> artifact, and stimulation of the Heat API and any other API calls needed.
> In a more complex scenario, you may want additional features and 
> capabilities, such as a system like Gerrit to trigger the commit/push, 
> integrate an artifact repository for storing the builds, etc. Using Zuul for 
> that would be appropriate for sure.
> There are also dev shops who already have a lot invested into their Jenkins 
> setups, and will want to bypass portions of what I described above, so there 
> will be a use case supported where you can just integrate with the solum API, 
> and pass in a pre-built bundle artifact and bypass part or all of Solum's CI 
> features, and just use it for deployment and re-deployment and promotion of a 
> deployment between various environments (dev/test/pros/etc.). You would 
> expect features like canary deploy in that case that might make it more 
> attractive than just generating your own HOT artifact in your Jenkins 
> workflow and passing that in directly for orchestration.
> You should expect a higher level of control for management of the deployed 
> system with abstracts that let you easily extend the system for monitoring 
> and management reasons. 
> Note that not all this functionality belongs in Solum. Some of it may 
> actually come from Heat, and other downstream systems. The idea is that we 
> address the key gaps.
> Adrian
> On Oct 30, 2013, at 9:16 PM, Robert Collins <robe...@robertcollins.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi Adrian,
>>   I'm very interested in Solum, particularly as it relates to
>> TripleO : as you know the TripleO story is to treat OpenStack as just
>> another application to install via Heat/Nova etc - and we've got a
>> major story around pulling from git -> CI + CD pipeline -> automated
>> deployment to production.
>> So - where we can say 'hey, this should be part of Solum', we can hive
>> stuff out of the TripleO program into Solum - but only if we've got
>> compatible stories.
>> Right now, our design for CD is basically Gerrit + Zuul - exactly the
>> same as gating checks for OpenStack itself. When I look at
>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Solum/FeatureBlueprints/GitIntegration#Flow_Boundaries
>> I'm having a little trouble mapping that into your design.
>> I'm wondering if you can expand on how that hangs together?
>> Thanks!
>> Rob
>> On 31 October 2013 14:01, Adrian Otto <adrian.o...@rackspace.com> wrote:
>>> Clayton,
>>> Thanks for adding the diagram illustrating the flow. I expect that "respond 
>>> to client" may not be a synchronous flow, rather that if creation of a repo 
>>> takes a while that the API may return a 202 Accepted, and the client can 
>>> poll a status attribute to determine completion and learn the actual 
>>> location of the repo created. So in that case "respond to client" also 
>>> might mean "update async status". This will be particularly important in 
>>> cases where an external SCM system is used (perhaps Github).
>>> I agree that this will be a helpful reference to guide our upcoming 
>>> interactive design sessions. I have created the first call for 
>>> participation, which will also be separately announced:
>>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Solum/BreakoutMeetings
>>> Adrian
>>> On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Clayton Coleman <ccole...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> In the IRC meeting yesterday [1] we discussed splitting the individual 
>>>> topics for the git deploy blueprint [2] into rough sub areas.  To help 
>>>> frame the abstractions we've been discussing I roughed out a flow based on 
>>>> two user inputs, REST API create and a git push and then tried to draw 
>>>> boxes around the related bits.  The abstractions roughly correspond to the 
>>>> potential areas that can be the focus of break out discussions (and if 
>>>> they don't a good discussion of why is always helpful).
>>>> Squiggly boxes are potential plugin points and/or strong responsibility 
>>>> boundaries.  Feedback desirable.
>>>> [1] http://irclogs.solum.io/2013/solum.2013-10-29-16.01.txt
>>>> [2] 
>>>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Solum/FeatureBlueprints/GitIntegration#Flow_Boundaries
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>> -- 
>> Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
>> Distinguished Technologist
>> HP Converged Cloud
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