Hi all,

The OpenStack Telco Working Group (formerly NFV subteam) will be meeting for 
the first time post-summit this Wednesday @ 1400 UTC [1] in 
#openstack-meeting-alt on Freenode [2]. I have started to draft the agenda here:


Please add additional items that you would like to discuss during the meeting.  
If you received this email directly via BCC then you put your name down on the 
sign up sheet passed around at the recent telco working group ops summit 
session [3]. Please sign up to the openstack-operators list [4] and filter 
emails for the [Telco] tag in the subject to receive further updates from this 

Please also note that the group Wiki page has been moved to to reflect the 
naming and scope discussed at the summit with further edits still to be done:


Finally, I would like to propose that we replace the Thursday 1600 UTC 
alternate time with Wednesday 2200 UTC [5] in future to provide a more 
divergent option for those attending from other time zones. Please let me know 
of any objections, we will also discuss this in the meeting.



[2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC
[3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-summit-ops-telco
[4] http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-operators

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