All Glance, python-glanceclient, and glance_store specs must be merged
into the glance-specs repository by 23:59 on Friday 14 April 2017.

I've just updated the etherpad with the status of the various patches:

If you're a glance core, please check whether specs you've reviewed have
been updated; if you're a spec proposer, please check to make sure
you've responded to revision requests.

After the spec freeze, I'll officially post the Pike priorities.  We
agreed on a preliminary list at the PTG [0], and I'll be completely
honest: I haven't seen anything proposed that will change the Glance
priorities for Pike.

So what does this mean for other specs accepted into Pike?  The glance
cores will do what they can to provide timely reviews, but keep in mind
that they're committed to reviewing the priorities first.  Other patches
will be reviewed as bandwidth allows.  (Hint: The best way to facilitate
getting your code looked at is to review other peoples' patches.)



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