    Recently we use rally to test our cloud. We run boot-run-commnd-delete 
task. The configuration is this:
    "VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete": [
            "args": {
                "flavor": {
                    "name": "m1.small"
                "image": {
                    "name": "ubuntu-12-04-raw-rally-test"
                "script": "/home/rally/doc/samples/ec_script/ubuntu_ls_test.sh",
                "interpreter": "bash",
                "username": "root",
                "floating_network": "LTQ",
                "use_floatingip": true,
                "availability_zone": "dell420"
            "runner": {
                "type": "constant",
                "times": 1000,
                "concurrency": 40,
                "timeout": 6000
            "context": {
                "users": {
                    "tenants": 1,
                    "users_per_tenant": 1
                "quotas": {
                     "nova": {
                         "instances": -1,
                         "cores": -1,
                         "ram": -1,
                         "fixed_ips": -1,
                         "floating_ips": -1,
There are almose 39 Exceptions for unable to associate floating ips.
The output of rally is
                    "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File 
 line 62, in _run_scenario_once\n    method_name)(**kwargs) or {}\n  File 
 line 80, in boot_runcommand_delete\n    self._associate_floating_ip(server, 
floating_ip)\n  File 
 line 139, in func_atomic_actions\n    f = func(self, *args, **kwargs)\n  File 
 line 402, in _associate_floating_ip\n    server.add_floating_ip(address, 
fixed_address=fixed_address)\n  File 
line 123, in add_floating_ip\n    self.manager.add_floating_ip(self, address, 
fixed_address)\n  File 
line 631, in add_floating_ip\n    self._action('addFloatingIp', server, 
{'address': address})\n  File 
line 1190, in _action\n    return self.api.client.post(url, body=body)\n  File 
\"/opt/rally/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/client.py\", line 
485, in post\n    return self._cs_request(url, 'POST', **kwargs)\n  File 
\"/opt/rally/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/client.py\", line 
459, in _cs_request\n    **kwargs)\n  File 
\"/opt/rally/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/client.py\", line 
441, in _time_request\n    resp, body = self.request(url, method, **kwargs)\n  
File \"/opt/rally/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/client.py\", 
line 435, in request\n    raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, 
method)\nBadRequest: Error. Unable to associate floating ip (HTTP 400) 
(Request-ID: req-7b85f1cb-664d-4c98-b140-66f8b8d2ebe4)\n"

I do not why associatiting floating ip is failed. I see in /var/log/sys.log
found this:
Aug 14 16:13:26 compute-node10 dnsmasq[21117]: failed to load names from 
/var/lib/nova/networks/nova-br100.hosts: No such file or directory
Aug 14 16:13:26 compute-node10 dnsmasq-dhcp[21117]: read 
Aug 14 16:13:26 compute-node10 ceph-mon: 2014-08-14 16:13:26.952565 
7f7b2d65a700  1 mon.compute-node10@5(peon).paxos(paxos active c 
4947462..4947989) is_readable now=2014-08-14 16:13:26.952569 
lease_expire=2014-08-14 16:13:31.935450 has v0 lc 4947989
Aug 14 16:13:27 compute-node10 ceph-mon: 2014-08-14 16:13:27.425576 
7f7b2d65a700  1 mon.compute-node10@5(peon).paxos(paxos active c 
4947462..4947990) is_readable now=2014-08-14 16:13:27.425578 
lease_expire=2014-08-14 16:13:32.408369 has v0 lc 4947990
Aug 14 16:13:28 compute-node10 ceph-mon: 2014-08-14 16:13:28.368894 
7f7b2d65a700  1 mon.compute-node10@5(peon).paxos(paxos active c 
4947462..4947991) is_readable now=2014-08-14 16:13:28.368895 
lease_expire=2014-08-14 16:13:33.350551 has v0 lc 4947991
Aug 14 16:13:28 compute-node10 ceph-mon: 2014-08-14 16:13:28.504170 
7f7b2d65a700  1 mon.compute-node10@5(peon).paxos(paxos active c 
4947462..4947992) is_readable now=2014-08-14 16:13:28.504171 
lease_expire=2014-08-14 16:13:33.486123 has v0 lc 4947992
Aug 14 16:13:29 compute-node10 ceph-mon: 2014-08-14 16:13:29.593776 
7f7b2d65a700  1 mon.compute-node10@5(peon).paxos(paxos active c 
4947462..4947993) is_readable now=2014-08-14 16:13:29.593777 
lease_expire=2014-08-14 16:13:34.575913 has v0 lc 4947993

Although sys.log says that no address available, the number of fixed ip 
assigned in database is low , and the number of mac-ip mapping in 
/var/lib/nova/network/nova-br100.conf is also low. 

I post this here for the purpose that whether someone saw those before?

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