On 08/28/2014 08:07 PM, Henrique Truta wrote:

Hello, everyone!

I want to have an alarm that is triggered by some kind of trend. For
example, an alarm that is triggeredwhen the CPU utilization is growing
steadly (for example, has grown approximately 10% per 5 minutes, where
the percentage and time window would be parameters, but then I would
evaluate also more complex forms to compute trends).Is there any way to
do this kind of task?

I took a brief look on the code and saw that new evaluators can be
created. So, I thought about two possibilities: the former includes
creating a new Evaluator that considers a given window size and the
latter considers on adding a "change rate" comparator, which will enable
to set the growth rate as the threshold.

What do you think about it?

What about adding a new rate_of_change transformer on the cpu_util samples?


That way you would have a new meter that denotes the rate-of-change of the cpu utilization and could set up alarms on that.


Best Regards

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