On Aug 4, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Sumit Naiksatam <sumitnaiksa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The first patch[1] of this high priority approved blueprint[2][3]
> targeted for Juno-3 has been blocked by a core reviewer’s (Mark
> McClain) -2 since July 2nd. This patch was at patch-set 13 then, and
> has been repeatedly reviewed and updated to the current patch-set 22.
> However, there has been no comment or reason forthcoming from the
> reviewer on why the -2 still persists. The dependent patches have also
> gone through numerous iterations since.
> There is a team of several people working on this feature across
> different OpenStack projects since Oct 2013. The feature has been
> discussed and iterated over weekly IRC meetings[4], design sessions
> spanning two summits, mailing list threads, a working PoC
> implementation, and a code sprint. Blocking the first patch required
> for this feature jeopardizes this year-long effort and the delivery of
> this feature in Juno. For many, this may sound like an all too
> familiar story[5], and hence this team would like to mitigate the
> issue while there is still time.
> Mark, can you please explain why your -2 still persists? If there are
> no major outstanding issues, can you please remove the -2?

There are issues outside of the code itself, I’ve created a thread here to 


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