Re: [openstack-dev] [Octavia] Proposal to support multiple listeners on one HAProxy instance

2014-08-21 Thread Stephen Balukoff
Hi Dustin,

Responses in-line:

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 1:56 PM, Dustin Lundquist 

> I'm on the fence here, I see a number of advantages to each:
> Single HAProxy process per listener:
>- Failure isolation
>- TLS Performance -- for non TLS services HAProxy is IO bound, and
>there is no reason to run it across multiple CPU cores, but with HAProxy
>terminating TLS there is an increased potential of a DoS with a large
>number of incoming TLS handshakes.
>- Reduced impact of reconfiguration -- while there is very little
>impact when reloading the configuration since HAProxy hands off the
>listener sockets to the new instance and the old instance continues to
>handle those connections, with a more complex configuration it is more
>likely to affect services on other listeners.
> Multiple listeners on a single HAProxy instance:
>- Enables sharing pools between listeners -- this would reduce keep
>health monitor traffic, and pipe-lining requests from multiple listeners is
> I spoke to this point above. Frankly, I'm starting to think this argument
might be premature optimization:  I'm guessing the number of incidents
where pools are shared between listeners on a single loadbalancer is going
to be relatively rare--  so few as to not merit consideration for the
overall design. :/

>- Reduced resource usage -- we should preform the benchmarks and
>quantify this
> Yep, I'm looking forward to seeing the benchmarks here.

>- Simplified stats/log aggregation
> I disagree here. This is especially the case if we use something like
syslog-ng for gathering logs (which is effectively non-blocking, which is
probably desirable no matter whether one haproxy process or multiple
haproxy processes are used). I'm not sure haproxy's code for appending logs
it writes to directly is non-blocking.

Stats parsing from haproxy is simpler if more processes are used. As far as
aggregation: Well, we've yet to define what people might want aggregated.
But note here that shared pools across listeners means shared stats for
those pools:  A user might want to see that pool's stats for listener A
versus listener B, which isn't possible if the pool is shared across
listeners. :/  (In any case, we're still talking hypotheticals here...)

>- Simplified Octavia instances -- I think each Octavia instance only
>running a single HAProxy process is a win, its easier to monitor and
>upstart/systemd/init only needs to start a single process.
> So, in the model proposed by Michael, a single haproxy instance consists
of all the listeners on that loadbalancer as a single process. So if more
than one loadbalancer is deployed to a single Octavia VM, you're going to
need to start / stop / otherwise control multiple haproxy processes anyway.
So the system upstart / systemd / init scripts aren't going to cut it for
this set-up. My thought was to write a new control script (similar to the
one we use in our environment already) which controls all the haproxy
processes, and which can be called on boot to look for and start any
processes for which configuration exists locally (assuming persistent
storage for the VM or something-- if some operators want to do this).  It's
just as likely that we would have a freshly-booted Octavia VM check in with
its controller on boot, download any configurations it should be running,
and start the associated haproxy process(es). Again, the model proposed by
Michael and the model proposed by me do not differ much in how this control
must work if we're allowing multiple loadbalancers per Octavia VM.

We can potentially debate whether we allow multiple loadbalancers per
Octavia VM, but I think restricting this to a maximum of one is not
desirable from a hardware utilization perspective. Many production load
balanced services sit nearly idle all day, so there's no reason an Operator
shouldn't be allowed to combine multiple loadbalancers on a single Octavia
VM (perhaps at a lower price tier to the user). This is also similar to how
actual load balancing hardware appliance vendors tend to operate. The
restrction of 1 loadbalancer per Octavia VM does limit the operator's
options, eh.


Stephen Balukoff
Blue Box Group, LLC
(800)613-4305 x807
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Octavia] Proposal to support multiple listeners on one HAProxy instance

2014-08-21 Thread Dustin Lundquist
I'm on the fence here, I see a number of advantages to each:

Single HAProxy process per listener:

   - Failure isolation
   - TLS Performance -- for non TLS services HAProxy is IO bound, and there
   is no reason to run it across multiple CPU cores, but with HAProxy
   terminating TLS there is an increased potential of a DoS with a large
   number of incoming TLS handshakes.
   - Reduced impact of reconfiguration -- while there is very little impact
   when reloading the configuration since HAProxy hands off the listener
   sockets to the new instance and the old instance continues to handle those
   connections, with a more complex configuration it is more likely to affect
   services on other listeners.

Multiple listeners on a single HAProxy instance:

   - Enables sharing pools between listeners -- this would reduce keep
   health monitor traffic, and pipe-lining requests from multiple listeners is
   - Reduced resource usage -- we should preform the benchmarks and
   quantify this
   - Simplified stats/log aggregation
   - Simplified Octavia instances -- I think each Octavia instance only
   running a single HAProxy process is a win, its easier to monitor and
   upstart/systemd/init only needs to start a single process.

Dustin Lundquist
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Octavia] Proposal to support multiple listeners on one HAProxy instance

2014-08-20 Thread Stephen Balukoff
Hi Michael!

Just to give others some background on this: The current proposal (by me)
is to have each Listener object, (as defined in the Neutron LBaaS v2 code
base) correspond with one haproxy process on the Octavia VM in the
currently proposed Octavia design document. Michael's proposal is to have
each Loadbalancer object correspond with one haproxy process (which would
have multiple front-end sections in it to service each Listener on the

Anyway, we thought it would be useful to discuss this on the mailing list
so that we could give others a chance to register their opinions, and
justify the same.

That being said, my responses to your points are in-line below, followed by
my reasoning for wanting 1 haproxy process = 1 listener in the

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Michael Johnson 

> I am proposing that Octavia should support deployment models that
> enable multiple listeners to be configured inside the HAProxy
> instance.
> The model I am proposing is:
> 1. One or more VIP per Octavia VM (propose one VIP in 0.5 release)
> 2. One or more HAProxy instance per Octavia VM
> 3. One or more listeners on each HAProxy instance

This is where our proposals differ. I propose 1 listener per haproxy

> 4. Zero or more pools per listener (shared pools should be supported
> as a configuration render optimization, but propose support post 0.5
> release)
> 5. One or more members per pool

I would also propose zero or more members per pool. A pool with zero
members in it has been (is being) used by some of our customers to
blacklist certain client IP addresses. These customers want to respond to
the blacklisted IPs with an error 503 page (which can be done by haproxy)
instead of simply not responding to packets (if the blacklist were done at
the firewall).

> This provides flexibility to the operator to support multiple
> deployment models,  including active-active and hot standby Octavia
> VMs.  Without the flexibility to have multiple listeners per HAProxy
> instance we are limiting the operators deployment models.

I don't think your conclusion follows logically from your justification
here.  Specifically, active-active and hot standby Octavia VMs are equally
supported by a one-process-per-listener model. Further, for reasons I'll
get into below, I think the one-process-per-listener model actually
provides more flexibility to the operators and users in how services are
deployed. Therefore, the conclusion I come to is the exact opposite of
yours: By insisting that all listeners on a given loadbalancer share a
single haproxy process, we actually limit flexibility in deployment models
(as well as introduce some potential operational problems we otherwise
wouldn't encounter).

I am advocating for multiple listeners per HAProxy instance because I
> think it provides the following advantages:
> 1. It reduces memory overhead due to running multiple HAProxy
> instances on one Octavia VM.  Since the Octavia constitution states
> that Octavia is for large operators where this memory overhead could
> have a financial impact we should allow alternate deployment options.

2. It reduces host CPU overhead due to reduced context switching that
> would occur between HAProxy instances.  HAProxy is event driven and
> will mostly be idle waiting for traffic, where multiple instances of
> HAProxy will require context switching between the processes which
> increases the VM’s CPU load.  Since the Octavia constitution states
> that we are designing for large operators, anything we can do to
> reduce the host CPU load reduces the operator’s costs.

So these two points might be the only compelling reason I see to follow the
approach you suggest. However, I would like to see the savings here
justified via benchmarks. If benchmarks don't show a significant difference
in performance running multiple haproxy instances to service different
listeners over running a single haproxy instance servicing the same
listeners, then I don't think these points are sufficient justification. I
understand your team (HP) is going to be working on these, hopefully in
time for next week's Octavia meeting.

Please also understand that memory and CPU usage are just two factors in
determining overall cost of the solution. Slowing progress on delivering
features, increasing faults and other problems by having a more complicated
configuration, and making problems more difficult to isolate and
troubleshoot are also factors that affect the cost of a solution (though
they aren't as easy to quantify). Therefore it does not necessarily
logically follow that "anything" we can do to reduce CPU load decreases the
operator's costs.

Keep in mind, also, that for large operators the scaling strategy is to
ensure services can be scaled horizontally (meaning the CPU / memory
footprint of a single process isn't very important for a large load that
will be spread across many machines anyway), and any costs for