Did you find out anything more on this?

There's lots on places in Swift organized around concurrent access to
objects - so I think it's probably good that you have that 423 response;
your clients will probably see it...

When you have multiple replicas the proxy's PUT will return shortly after
it has a quorum of successful responses - so in that sense it's possible
for a client to receive success while at least one node has their reference
to that object in hand.  But I'm guessing that's not really your setup?

Are you *sure* ssbench will never perform concurrent operations to the same
file?  Depending on the configuration - processes, total concurrency,
number of objects, etc. - it can be a non-trivial problem to coordinate all
of that.  ssbench may be doing best effort with no guarantee.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 6:32 PM, jordan pittier <jordan.pitt...@scality.com>

> Hi guys,
> We are currently benchmarking our Scality object server backend for Swift.
> We basically created a new DiskFile class that is used in a new
> ObjectController that inherits from the native server.ObjectController.
> It's pretty similar to how Ceph can be used as a backend for Swift objects.
> Our DiskFile is used to make HTTP request to the Scality "Ring" which
> supports GET/PUT/Delete on objects.
> Scality implementation is here :
> https://github.com/scality/ScalitySproxydSwift/blob/master/swift/obj/scality_sproxyd_diskfile.py
> We are using SSBench to benchmark and when the concurrency is high, we see
> somehow interleaved operations on the same object. For example, our
> DiskFile will be asked to DELETE an object while the object is currently
> being PUT by another client. The Scality ring doesn"t support multi writers
> on the same object. So a lot of ssbench operations fail with a HTTP
> response '423 - Object is locked'.
> We dive into ssbench code and saw that it should not do interleaved
> operations. By adding some logging in our DiskFile class, we kinda of guess
> that the Object server doesn't wait for the put() method of the
> DiskFileWriter to finish before returning HTTP 200 to the Swift Proxy. Is
> this explanation correct ? Our put() method in the DiskFileWriter could
> take some time to complete, thus this would explain that the PUT on the
> object is being finalized while a DELETE arrives.
> Some questions :
> 1) Is it possible that the put() method of the DiskFileWriter is somehow
> non blocking ? (or that the result of put() is not awaited?). If not, how
> could ssbench thinks that an object is completely PUT and that ssbench is
> allowed to delete it ?
> 2) If someone could explain me in a few words (or more :)) how Swift deals
> with multiple writers on the same object, that will be very much
> appreciated.
> Thanks a lot,
> Jordan
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