On Thu, 2014-12-18 at 15:34 +0800, Eli Qiao(Li Yong Qiao) wrote:
> can anyone tell if we call quotas.reserve() but never call
> quotas.commit() or quotas.rollback().
> what will happen?

A reservation is always created with an expiration time; by default,
this expiration time is 86400 seconds (1 day) after the time at which
the reservation is created.  Expired reservations are deleted by the
_expire_reservations() periodic task, which is defined on the scheduler.
Thus, if a resource is reserved, but never committed or rolled back, it
should continue to affect quota requests for approximately one day, then
be automatically rolled back by the scheduler.
Kevin L. Mitchell <kevin.mitch...@rackspace.com>

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