Hi -infra,

I'll be presenting a talk at a local OpenStack meetup next week [1]
that will highlight some examples about how people can help and
contribute to the infrastructure project.
The talk will be recorded and should hopefully serve as a form of
informal documentation.

I'd like to disclose some semi-official numbers (as I'd personally
pull them up) to let people have an idea of the scale our contributors
are maintaining.
I suppose this data is already somewhat public if you know where to
look but I don't think it's been written down in a digestable format
in recent history.

Unless there's any objection, I'd have a slide with up to date numbers such as:
- # of projects hosted (as per git.openstack.org)
- # of servers (in aggregate of all our regions)
-- (Maybe some big highlights like the size of logstash, logs.o.o, Zuul)
- Nodepool capacity (number of clouds, aggregate capacity)
- # of jobs and Ansible playbooks per month ran by Zuul
- Approximate number of maintained and hosted services (irc,
gerritbot, meetbot, gerrit, git, mailing lists, wiki, ask.openstack,
storyboard, codesearch, etc.)
- Probably some high level numbers from Stackalytics
- Maybe something else I haven't thought about

The idea of the talk is not to brag about all the stuff we're doing
but rather, "hey, you don't need to be a pro in OpenStack to
contribute, we got all these different things you can help with".

I realize it's a bit last minute but please let me know if you see
anything wrong with this !

[1]: https://www.meetup.com/Montreal-OpenStack/events/248344351/

David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | OpenStack RDO

dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]

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