Hey folks,
The calendar gods are not with me this month.  I got saddled with a last minute 
meeting that will conflict with 16:00 UTC today.  Kris L. has graciously said 
he would chair the meeting today, so it is still on in a little over half an 
hour.  Any LDT folks available, please join.  I added an agenda topic [1] for 
selecting a new chair and/or adding a co-chair.  Now that I have UC duties to 
attend to, I want to make sure the LDT doesn’t suffer.  I’m sure it will take a 
couple of meetings to discuss this, but I wanted to get the ball rolling.  
Sorry again for missing and see you all next month!


[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/LDT

From: Matt Van Winkle <mvanw...@rackspace.com>
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 8:20 AM
To: openstack-operators <openstack-operators@lists.openstack.org>
Subject: [Openstack-operators] [Large Deployment Team] August Meeting Postponed 
a Week

Hey LDT folks,
I am sorry for the last minute notice, but due to some conflicts, I need to 
move the meeting to next week. I have already updated the wiki [1].  Any 
members that may have attended the meetup last week in Mexico City please try 
to make the meeting next week.  We would love to hear some details about the 

Also, for those of you in the group that are AUC, don’t forget the voting is 
open for three User Committee seats.  Look for an email from Ed Leafe with 
voting details.  Voting ends tomorrow.

Thanks and see you next week!

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