Hello folks,
Back at our last meeting, we decided to focus on three areas in or triple 
summit sessions today:
Capacity related specs
Cells V2 related work
General business

Not much has materialize from a capacity management perspective, so for now, 
I've also lumped in some time to discuss the backlog specs that John Garbutt 
brought up recently 

For the Cells V2 work, Andrew Laski gave me some blueprints he'd really like 
feedback on, so we'll look at those and discuss anything else cells related 
that is important.

Instead of general business for the team, I'm taking the opportunity to get 
Nova, Neutron and LDT folks in the room.  This will largely be to help both 
Nova and Neutron devs understand how we use our networks - especially with 
cells - in order to further the work of getting Neutron to support our needs.  
We've been working to get folks from all sides in, but we'll see if schedules 
allow.  In an attempt to be successful at that, I've put this session in the 
middle at 14:40 based on feedback from some folks we'd like there and their 
other commitments today.

I've thrown together as much as I can in the etherpad already


I'll be in most of the Nova design sessions this morning, so I'll add/edit as 
necessary based on output from those if they will influence/outweigh the things 
we have planned to go over.  Also, in places where nova needs operator input on 
the decisions being made (that isn't available at the time), I'll find a spot 
on our agenda to see if we can quickly close the feedback loop here at the 

See you this afternoon!

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