Hi all,

I am practicing how to install openstack in terms of the toturial from the openstack official website. When creating image, I encountered a problem concerning the permission to create image files. At first, the '/var/lib/glance/images' directory was choosen to store image files. For this case, everything is good. After a while, however, I think there should be more space to store image files. So, I invorked 'fdisk' to allocate a partition from the free space of hard disk. Then, a ext4 file system was created in this new partition, and mounted at the '/var/lib/glance/images' directory. When creating a image, the glance service reported the following message:

503 Service Unavailable: Insufficient permissions on image storage media: Permission to write image storage media denied. (HTTP 503)

With some advices from Internet, I change the owner and group of the '/var/lib/glance/images' directory and its subdirectories using the following command:

chown -R glance:glance /var/lib/glance/images

But, this practice does not have any effect. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.

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