On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 07:53 +0000, Hans van der Merwe wrote:
> I installed the package from standard repo (openSUSE oss), but when I
> try to run any of the examples I get:
> -----------------------------------------
> xxxxx:/usr/share/doc/packages/python-matplotlib/examples # python
> tex_demo.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "tex_demo.py", line 14, in <module>
>     from matplotlib.numerix import arange, cos, pi
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/numerix/__init__.py", line
> 73, in <module>
>     import numpy
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py", line 43, in
> <module>
>     import linalg
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/numpy/linalg/__init__.py", line
> 4, in <module>
>     from linalg import *
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/numpy/linalg/linalg.py", line
> 25, in <module>
>     from numpy.linalg import lapack_lite
> ImportError: /usr/lib/libblas.so.3: undefined symbol:
> _gfortran_st_write_done
> -----------------------------------------
> I reinstalled numpy, but still the same.

  This is typical of python not finding the correct library to import.
It should have installed into the directory(s) that contain Python's
libraries.  On my 10.0 system these are located in /usr/lib/python.  I'm
wondering what version of python that you are using, it might be
possible that you have have the file correctly installed, but are
invoking the wrong version of python.  Another thing is that you are one
directory up from your import directory when you are invoking this, try
copying the file down one level, or copying the library files up one
level, or better yet, copy the example files to a directory in
your /home/<you> and then you can blow it all away when you are done
without having to worry about any kind of corruption of the original
files.  I have a /home/Mike/Projects/Python directory where I am working
through a "learn to program python" book, from here I can find all of
python's normal library files, and the new library files that came on
disk with the book, as I localed them there,
i.e. /home/Mike/Projects/Python/<libraries>/



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