Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the aarch64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.

Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:

Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug
on For more information on filing bugs please

Packages changed:
  Mesa (20.1.3 -> 20.1.4)
  Mesa-drivers (20.1.3 -> 20.1.4)
  bind (9.16.4 -> 9.16.5)
  gnome-disk-utility (3.36.1 -> 3.36.3)
  noto-coloremoji-fonts (20200408 -> 20200722)
  perl-Bootloader (0.929 -> 0.931)
  python-Sphinx (3.0.4 -> 3.1.2)
  python-Sphinx-test (3.0.4 -> 3.1.2)
  python-rpm-macros (20200701.9f5a2f6 -> 20200714.252de1f)
  python38-core (3.8.3 -> 3.8.4)
  sudo (1.9.1 -> 1.9.2)
  sysconfig (0.85.4 -> 0.85.5)
  unbound (1.10.1 -> 1.11.0)
  xfce4-timer-plugin (1.7.0 -> 1.7.1)
  xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin (2.4.4 -> 2.4.6)
  yast2 (4.3.15 -> 4.3.17)
  yast2-configuration-management (4.3.1 -> 4.3.2)
  yast2-firewall (4.3.1 -> 4.3.2)
  yast2-firstboot (4.3.1 -> 4.3.3)
  yast2-installation (4.3.9 -> 4.3.10)
  yast2-instserver (4.2.3 -> 4.3.0)
  yast2-trans (84.87.20200718.91334c214c -> 84.87.20200725.1c0c8c4fe3)

=== Details ===

==== Mesa ====
Version update (20.1.3 -> 20.1.4)
Subpackages: Mesa-dri-devel Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 libgbm1

- update to 20.1.4
  * fourth bugfix release for the 20.1 branch
  * just a few fixes here and there, nothing major

==== Mesa-drivers ====
Version update (20.1.3 -> 20.1.4)
Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-dri-nouveau Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva libvdpau_nouveau 
libvdpau_r300 libvdpau_r600

- update to 20.1.4
  * fourth bugfix release for the 20.1 branch
  * just a few fixes here and there, nothing major

==== apparmor ====
Subpackages: apparmor-abstractions apparmor-docs apparmor-parser 
apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils pam_apparmor perl-apparmor python3-apparmor

- add abstractions-X-xauth-mr582.diff to allow reading the xauth file
  from its new sddm location (boo#1174290, boo#1174293)

==== bind ====
Version update (9.16.4 -> 9.16.5)
Subpackages: bind-chrootenv bind-doc bind-utils libbind9-1600 libirs1601 
libisccc1600 libisccfg1600 python3-bind

- Upgrade to version bind-9.16.5
  * The "primary" and "secondary" keywords, when used
    as parameters for "check-names", were not
    processed correctly and were being ignored.
  * 'rndc dnstap -roll <value>' did not limit the number of
    saved files to <value>.
  * Add 'rndc dnssec -status' command.
  * Addressed a couple of situations where named could crash
  For the full list, see the CHANGES file in the source RPM.
- Changed /var/lib/named to owner root:named and perms rwxrwxr-t
  so that named, being a/the only member of the "named" group
  has full r/w access yet cannot change directories owned by root
  in the case of a compromized named.
  [bsc#1173307, bind-chrootenv.conf]

==== branding-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: grub2-branding-openSUSE libreoffice-branding-openSUSE 
plymouth-branding-openSUSE systemd-icon-branding-openSUSE 
wallpaper-branding-openSUSE yast2-qt-branding-openSUSE

- Stop building grub2-branding-openSUSE for Power architectures [boo#1171146]

==== ffmpeg-4 ====
Subpackages: libavcodec58_91 libavdevice58_10 libavfilter7_85 libavformat58_45 
libavresample4_0 libavutil56_51 libpostproc55_7 libswresample3_7 libswscale5_7

- Apply upstream fix to avoid segfaults in x86/yuv2rgb conversion

==== fftw3 ====
Subpackages: libfftw3-3 libfftw3_threads3

- Add gnu compiler support up to gcc9.
- Fix typo which caused issus building openmpi HPC flavors
- Add support for openmpi4 (provided by Alin Marin Elena).

==== gdk-pixbuf ====
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer 
libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0 typelib-1_0-GdkPixbuf-2_0

- Add gdk-pixbuf-boo1174307-io-gif-overflow.patch: Avoid overflows
  by checking the memset length argument (boo#1174307).
- Raise dependency glib-2.0 version.

==== gnome-disk-utility ====
Version update (3.36.1 -> 3.36.3)

- Update to version 3.36.3:
  + Fix creating partitions by using special parameter when
    requesting the maximal partition size.
  + Updated translations.

==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-arm64-efi grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin

- No 95_textmode for PowerPC (boo#1174166)

==== iftop ====

- added 007-iftop-declare-extern-vars.patch: fix for compilations
  error with GCC10 (Default to -fno-common)

==== kscreenlocker ====
Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5

- Add patch to disable the seccomp sandbox (boo#1174448):
  * 0001-Disable-the-seccomp-sandbox.patch

==== libedit ====

- autoreconf already runs libtoolize no need to run twice

==== librsvg ====
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg librsvg-2-2 rsvg-thumbnailer 

- Add _constraints for PowerPC avoid "no space left on device" build error

==== net-snmp ====
Subpackages: libsnmp30 perl-SNMP snmp-mibs

- Change /etc/logrotate.d/net-snmp from init.d to systemd
  fix boo#1173487.

==== noto-coloremoji-fonts ====
Version update (20200408 -> 20200722)

- Update to v2020-07-22-unicode13_0
  * Unicode 13.0 update.

==== ovmf ====
Subpackages: qemu-ovmf-x86_64 qemu-uefi-aarch64

- Fixed TPM support. TPM2_ENABLE & TPM2_CONFIG_ENABLE build flags
  were changed to TPM_* since upstream commit 07952a962a40.

==== patterns-base ====
Subpackages: patterns-base-apparmor patterns-base-base patterns-base-basesystem 
patterns-base-basic_desktop patterns-base-console patterns-base-documentation 
patterns-base-enhanced_base patterns-base-minimal_base 
patterns-base-sw_management patterns-base-transactional_base patterns-base-x11 

- Move pam_pwquality to Recommends section, as it is not required
  and user should be able to de-install the full pwquality stack.
- Stop trying to install grub2-branding on ppc64/ppc64le [boo#1171146]

==== perl-Bootloader ====
Version update (0.929 -> 0.931)

- merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#129
- Check tpm.mod in the new grub2 directory (bsc#1174320)
- 0.931
- merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#130
- Throw less warnings about fstab
- 0.930

==== plasma-browser-integration ====
Subpackages: plasma-browser-integration-lang

- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075)

==== python-Sphinx ====
Version update (3.0.4 -> 3.1.2)

- In the new multiversion world, python*.inv is in python3.8
  directory not python3.
- update to version 3.1.2:
  * Incompatible changes
    + #7650: autodoc: the signature of base function will be shown for
    decorated functions, not a signature of decorator
  * Bugs fixed
    + #7844: autodoc: Failed to detect module when relative module
    name given
    + #7856: autodoc: AttributeError is raised when non-class object
    is given to the autoclass directive
    + #7850: autodoc: KeyError is raised for invalid mark up when
    autodoc_typehints is 'description'
    + #7812: autodoc: crashed if the target name matches to both an
    attribute and module that are same name
    + #7650: autodoc: function signature becomes "(*args, **kwargs)"
    if the function is decorated by generic decorator
    + #7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target
    code contains an attribute and module that are same name
    + #7806: viewcode: Failed to resolve viewcode references on 3rd
    party builders
    + #7838: html theme: List items have extra vertical space
    + #7878: html theme: Undesired interaction between "overflow" and
- changes from version 3.1.1:
  * Incompatible changes
    + #7808: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented as typed
  * Features added
    + #7807: autodoc: Show detailed warning when type_comment is
    mismatched with its signature
  * Bugs fixed
    + #7808: autodoc: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type
    + #7802: autodoc: EOFError is raised on parallel build
    + #7821: autodoc: TypeError is raised for overloaded C-ext
    + #7805: autodoc: an object which descriptors returns is
    unexpectedly documented
    + #7807: autodoc: wrong signature is shown for the function using
    + #7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target
    code contains an attribute and module that are same name
    + #7808: napoleon: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type
    + #7811: sphinx.util.inspect causes circular import problem
- changes from version 3.1.0:
  * Dependencies
    + #7746: mathjax: Update to 2.7.5
  * Incompatible changes
    + #7477: imgconverter: Invoke "magick convert" command by default
    on Windows
  * Deprecated
    + The first argument for
    sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer has been
    changed to Sphinx object
    + "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer" takes an
    object type as an argument
    + The "ignore" argument of
    + The "template_dir" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
    + The "module" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
    + The "builder" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
    + The "template_dir" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
    + The "ignore" argument of
    + "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer.exists()"
    + "sphinx.util.rpartition()"
  * Features added
    + LaTeX: Make the "toplevel_sectioning" setting optional in LaTeX
    + LaTeX: Allow to override papersize and pointsize from LaTeX
    + LaTeX: Add :confval:`latex_theme_options` to override theme
    + #7410: Allow to suppress "circular toctree references detected"
    warnings using :confval:`suppress_warnings`
    + C, added scope control directives, :rst:dir:`c:namespace`,
    :rst:dir:`c:namespace-push`, and :rst:dir:`c:namespace-pop`.
    + #2044: autodoc: Suppress default value for instance attributes
    + #7473: autodoc: consider a member public if docstring contains
    ":meta public:" in info-field-list
    + #7487: autodoc: Allow to generate docs for singledispatch
    functions by py:autofunction
    + #7143: autodoc: Support final classes and methods
    + #7384: autodoc: Support signatures defined by "__new__()",
    metaclasses and builtin base classes
    + #2106: autodoc: Support multiple signatures on docstring
    + #4422: autodoc: Support GenericAlias in Python 3.7 or above
    + #3610: autodoc: Support overloaded functions
    + #7722: autodoc: Support TypeVar
    + #7466: autosummary: headings in generated documents are not
    + #7490: autosummary: Add ":caption:" option to autosummary
    directive to set a caption to the toctree
    + #7469: autosummary: Support module attributes
    + #248, #6040: autosummary: Add ":recursive:" option to
    autosummary directive to generate stub files recursively
    + #4030: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_context` to add
    template variables for custom templates
    + #7530: html: Support nested <kbd> elements
    + #7481: html theme: Add right margin to footnote/citation labels
    + #7482, #7717: html theme: CSS spacing for code blocks with
    captions and line numbers
    + #7443: html theme: Add new options :confval:`globaltoc_collapse`
    and :confval:`globaltoc_includehidden` to control the behavior
    of globaltoc in sidebar
    + #7484: html theme: Avoid clashes between sidebar and other
    + #7476: html theme: Relbar breadcrumb should contain current page
    + #7506: html theme: A canonical URL is not escaped
    + #7533: html theme: Avoid whitespace at the beginning of
    + #7541: html theme: Add a "clearer" at the end of the "body"
    + #7542: html theme: Make admonition/topic/sidebar scrollable
    + #7543: html theme: Add top and bottom margins to tables
    + #7695: html theme: Add viewport meta tag for basic theme
    + #7721: html theme: classic: default codetextcolor/codebgcolor
    doesn't override Pygments
    + C and C++: allow semicolon in the end of declarations.
    + C++, parse parameterized noexcept specifiers.
    + #7294: C++, parse expressions with user-defined literals.
    + C++, parse trailing return types.
    + #7143: py domain: Add ":final:" option to :rst:dir:`py:class:`,
    :rst:dir:`py:exception:` and :rst:dir:`py:method:` directives
    + #7596: py domain: Change a type annotation for variables to a
    + #7770: std domain: :rst:dir:`option` directive support arguments
    in the form of "foo[=bar]"
    + #7582: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented like type
    + #7734: napoleon: overescaped trailing underscore on attribute
    + #7247: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_request_headers` to
    send custom HTTP headers for specific host
    + #7792: setuptools: Support "--verbosity" option
    + #7683: Add "allowed_exceptions" parameter to "Sphinx.emit()" to
    allow handlers to raise specified exceptions
    + #7295: C++, parse (trailing) requires clauses.
  * Bugs fixed
    + #6703: autodoc: incremental build does not work for imported
    + #7564: autodoc: annotations not to be shown for descriptors
    + #6588: autodoc: Decorated inherited method has no documentation
    + #7469: autodoc: The change of autodoc-process-docstring for
    variables is cached unexpectedly
    + #7559: autodoc: misdetects a sync function is async
    + #6857: autodoc: failed to detect a classmethod on Enum class
    + #7562: autodoc: a typehint contains spaces is wrongly rendered
    under autodoc_typehints='description' mode
    + #7551: autodoc: failed to import nested class
    + #7362: autodoc: does not render correct signatures for built-in
    + #7654: autodoc: "Optional[Union[foo, bar]]" is presented as
    "Union[foo, bar, None]"
    + #7629: autodoc: autofunction emits an unfriendly warning if an
    invalid object specified
    + #7650: autodoc: undecorated signature is shown for decorated
    + #7676: autodoc: typo in the default value of
    + #7676: autodoc: wrong value for :member-order: option is ignored
    + #7676: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for C
    + #3673: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for a
    module having __all__
    + #7668: autodoc: wrong retann value is passed to a handler of
    + #7711: autodoc: fails with ValueError when processing numpy
    + #7791: autodoc: TypeError is raised on documenting
    singledispatch function
    + #7551: autosummary: a nested class is indexed as non-nested
    + #7661: autosummary: autosummary directive emits warnings twices
    if failed to import the target module
    + #7685: autosummary: The template variable "members" contains
    imported members even if
    :confval:`autossummary_imported_members` is False
    + #7671: autosummary: The location of import failure warning is
    + #7535: sphinx-autogen: crashes when custom template uses
    + #7536: sphinx-autogen: crashes when template uses i18n feature
    + #7781: sphinx-build: Wrong error message when outdir is not
    + #7653: sphinx-quickstart: Fix multiple directory creation for
    nested relpath
    + #2785: html: Bad alignment of equation links
    + #7718: html theme: some themes does not respect background color
    of Pygments style (agogo, haiku, nature, pyramid, scrolls,
    sphinxdoc and traditional)
    + #7544: html theme: inconsistent padding in admonitions
    + #7581: napoleon: bad parsing of inline code in attribute
    + #7628: imgconverter: runs imagemagick once unnecessary for
    builders not supporting images
    + #7610: incorrectly renders consecutive backslashes for
    + #7646: handle errors on event handlers
    + #4187: LaTeX: EN DASH disappears from PDF bookmarks in Japanese
    + #7701: LaTeX: Anonymous indirect hyperlink target causes
    duplicated labels
    + #7723: LaTeX: pdflatex crashed when URL contains a single quote
    + #7756: py domain: The default value for positional only argument
    is not shown
    + #7760: coverage: Add :confval:`coverage_show_missing_items` to
    show coverage result to console
    + C++, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting
    in global scope, e.g., "::A::B".
    + C, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting
    in global scope, e.g., ".A.B".
    + #7763: C and C++, don't crash during display stringification of
    unary expressions and fold expressions.

==== python-Sphinx-test ====
Version update (3.0.4 -> 3.1.2)

- In the new multiversion world, python*.inv is in python3.8
  directory not python3.
- update to version 3.1.2:
  * Incompatible changes
    + #7650: autodoc: the signature of base function will be shown for
    decorated functions, not a signature of decorator
  * Bugs fixed
    + #7844: autodoc: Failed to detect module when relative module
    name given
    + #7856: autodoc: AttributeError is raised when non-class object
    is given to the autoclass directive
    + #7850: autodoc: KeyError is raised for invalid mark up when
    autodoc_typehints is 'description'
    + #7812: autodoc: crashed if the target name matches to both an
    attribute and module that are same name
    + #7650: autodoc: function signature becomes "(*args, **kwargs)"
    if the function is decorated by generic decorator
    + #7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target
    code contains an attribute and module that are same name
    + #7806: viewcode: Failed to resolve viewcode references on 3rd
    party builders
    + #7838: html theme: List items have extra vertical space
    + #7878: html theme: Undesired interaction between "overflow" and
- changes from version 3.1.1:
  * Incompatible changes
    + #7808: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented as typed
  * Features added
    + #7807: autodoc: Show detailed warning when type_comment is
    mismatched with its signature
  * Bugs fixed
    + #7808: autodoc: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type
    + #7802: autodoc: EOFError is raised on parallel build
    + #7821: autodoc: TypeError is raised for overloaded C-ext
    + #7805: autodoc: an object which descriptors returns is
    unexpectedly documented
    + #7807: autodoc: wrong signature is shown for the function using
    + #7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target
    code contains an attribute and module that are same name
    + #7808: napoleon: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type
    + #7811: sphinx.util.inspect causes circular import problem
- changes from version 3.1.0:
  * Dependencies
    + #7746: mathjax: Update to 2.7.5
  * Incompatible changes
    + #7477: imgconverter: Invoke "magick convert" command by default
    on Windows
  * Deprecated
    + The first argument for
    sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer has been
    changed to Sphinx object
    + "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer" takes an
    object type as an argument
    + The "ignore" argument of
    + The "template_dir" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
    + The "module" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
    + The "builder" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
    + The "template_dir" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
    + The "ignore" argument of
    + "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer.exists()"
    + "sphinx.util.rpartition()"
  * Features added
    + LaTeX: Make the "toplevel_sectioning" setting optional in LaTeX
    + LaTeX: Allow to override papersize and pointsize from LaTeX
    + LaTeX: Add :confval:`latex_theme_options` to override theme
    + #7410: Allow to suppress "circular toctree references detected"
    warnings using :confval:`suppress_warnings`
    + C, added scope control directives, :rst:dir:`c:namespace`,
    :rst:dir:`c:namespace-push`, and :rst:dir:`c:namespace-pop`.
    + #2044: autodoc: Suppress default value for instance attributes
    + #7473: autodoc: consider a member public if docstring contains
    ":meta public:" in info-field-list
    + #7487: autodoc: Allow to generate docs for singledispatch
    functions by py:autofunction
    + #7143: autodoc: Support final classes and methods
    + #7384: autodoc: Support signatures defined by "__new__()",
    metaclasses and builtin base classes
    + #2106: autodoc: Support multiple signatures on docstring
    + #4422: autodoc: Support GenericAlias in Python 3.7 or above
    + #3610: autodoc: Support overloaded functions
    + #7722: autodoc: Support TypeVar
    + #7466: autosummary: headings in generated documents are not
    + #7490: autosummary: Add ":caption:" option to autosummary
    directive to set a caption to the toctree
    + #7469: autosummary: Support module attributes
    + #248, #6040: autosummary: Add ":recursive:" option to
    autosummary directive to generate stub files recursively
    + #4030: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_context` to add
    template variables for custom templates
    + #7530: html: Support nested <kbd> elements
    + #7481: html theme: Add right margin to footnote/citation labels
    + #7482, #7717: html theme: CSS spacing for code blocks with
    captions and line numbers
    + #7443: html theme: Add new options :confval:`globaltoc_collapse`
    and :confval:`globaltoc_includehidden` to control the behavior
    of globaltoc in sidebar
    + #7484: html theme: Avoid clashes between sidebar and other
    + #7476: html theme: Relbar breadcrumb should contain current page
    + #7506: html theme: A canonical URL is not escaped
    + #7533: html theme: Avoid whitespace at the beginning of
    + #7541: html theme: Add a "clearer" at the end of the "body"
    + #7542: html theme: Make admonition/topic/sidebar scrollable
    + #7543: html theme: Add top and bottom margins to tables
    + #7695: html theme: Add viewport meta tag for basic theme
    + #7721: html theme: classic: default codetextcolor/codebgcolor
    doesn't override Pygments
    + C and C++: allow semicolon in the end of declarations.
    + C++, parse parameterized noexcept specifiers.
    + #7294: C++, parse expressions with user-defined literals.
    + C++, parse trailing return types.
    + #7143: py domain: Add ":final:" option to :rst:dir:`py:class:`,
    :rst:dir:`py:exception:` and :rst:dir:`py:method:` directives
    + #7596: py domain: Change a type annotation for variables to a
    + #7770: std domain: :rst:dir:`option` directive support arguments
    in the form of "foo[=bar]"
    + #7582: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented like type
    + #7734: napoleon: overescaped trailing underscore on attribute
    + #7247: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_request_headers` to
    send custom HTTP headers for specific host
    + #7792: setuptools: Support "--verbosity" option
    + #7683: Add "allowed_exceptions" parameter to "Sphinx.emit()" to
    allow handlers to raise specified exceptions
    + #7295: C++, parse (trailing) requires clauses.
  * Bugs fixed
    + #6703: autodoc: incremental build does not work for imported
    + #7564: autodoc: annotations not to be shown for descriptors
    + #6588: autodoc: Decorated inherited method has no documentation
    + #7469: autodoc: The change of autodoc-process-docstring for
    variables is cached unexpectedly
    + #7559: autodoc: misdetects a sync function is async
    + #6857: autodoc: failed to detect a classmethod on Enum class
    + #7562: autodoc: a typehint contains spaces is wrongly rendered
    under autodoc_typehints='description' mode
    + #7551: autodoc: failed to import nested class
    + #7362: autodoc: does not render correct signatures for built-in
    + #7654: autodoc: "Optional[Union[foo, bar]]" is presented as
    "Union[foo, bar, None]"
    + #7629: autodoc: autofunction emits an unfriendly warning if an
    invalid object specified
    + #7650: autodoc: undecorated signature is shown for decorated
    + #7676: autodoc: typo in the default value of
    + #7676: autodoc: wrong value for :member-order: option is ignored
    + #7676: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for C
    + #3673: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for a
    module having __all__
    + #7668: autodoc: wrong retann value is passed to a handler of
    + #7711: autodoc: fails with ValueError when processing numpy
    + #7791: autodoc: TypeError is raised on documenting
    singledispatch function
    + #7551: autosummary: a nested class is indexed as non-nested
    + #7661: autosummary: autosummary directive emits warnings twices
    if failed to import the target module
    + #7685: autosummary: The template variable "members" contains
    imported members even if
    :confval:`autossummary_imported_members` is False
    + #7671: autosummary: The location of import failure warning is
    + #7535: sphinx-autogen: crashes when custom template uses
    + #7536: sphinx-autogen: crashes when template uses i18n feature
    + #7781: sphinx-build: Wrong error message when outdir is not
    + #7653: sphinx-quickstart: Fix multiple directory creation for
    nested relpath
    + #2785: html: Bad alignment of equation links
    + #7718: html theme: some themes does not respect background color
    of Pygments style (agogo, haiku, nature, pyramid, scrolls,
    sphinxdoc and traditional)
    + #7544: html theme: inconsistent padding in admonitions
    + #7581: napoleon: bad parsing of inline code in attribute
    + #7628: imgconverter: runs imagemagick once unnecessary for
    builders not supporting images
    + #7610: incorrectly renders consecutive backslashes for
    + #7646: handle errors on event handlers
    + #4187: LaTeX: EN DASH disappears from PDF bookmarks in Japanese
    + #7701: LaTeX: Anonymous indirect hyperlink target causes
    duplicated labels
    + #7723: LaTeX: pdflatex crashed when URL contains a single quote
    + #7756: py domain: The default value for positional only argument
    is not shown
    + #7760: coverage: Add :confval:`coverage_show_missing_items` to
    show coverage result to console
    + C++, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting
    in global scope, e.g., "::A::B".
    + C, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting
    in global scope, e.g., ".A.B".
    + #7763: C and C++, don't crash during display stringification of
    unary expressions and fold expressions.

==== python-pyxdg ====

- Skip over RulesTest.test_rule_from_node test

==== python-rpm-macros ====
Version update (20200701.9f5a2f6 -> 20200714.252de1f)
Subpackages: python-rpm-generators

- Update to version 20200714.252de1f:
  * Add pyunittest and pyunittest_arch macros

==== python38-core ====
Version update (3.8.3 -> 3.8.4)

- Minor spec file fixes
- Fix minor issues found in the staging.
- Update to 3.8.4:
  - Assignment expressions (PEP-572)
  - Positional-only parameters (PEP-570)
  - Parallel filesystem cache for compiled bytecode files
  - Debug build uses the same ABI as release build
  - f-strings support = for self-documenting expressions
    and debugging
  - Python Runtime Audit Hooks (PEP-578)
  - Python Initialization Configuration (PEP-587)
  - Vectorcall: a fast calling protocol for CPython (PEP-590)
  - Pickle protocol 5 with out-of-band data buffers (PEP-574)
  - Many other smaller bug fixes
- Removed OBS_dev-shm.patch: contained in upstream
- Removed bpo40784-Fix-sqlite3-deterministic-test.patch:
  contained in upstream
- Changed bpo-31046_ensurepip_honours_prefix.patch: to be
  compatible with new version
- Fix %py3_compile being incorrectly defined
- Update and regenerate
- Convert few dependencies to their pkgconfig counterparts
- Remove release requirement on libpython, it is not really needed
  to be equal as the abi changes with versions
- Add provides python3-bla on all the subpkgs in case we are
  primary provider of the functionality
- Remove unversioned files from devel subpkg too
- Remove main python3 files from -base based whether we are
  primary interpreter or not
- Fix idle to be co-installable
- Add condition to be primary to provide/obsolete python3-*
- Fix doc to build in versioned folder so the pythons can be
  installed next to each other
- Revert the full versioning of calls on the macros. These
  are generic so they should really just call python3 X
- For the doc package we can build with generic flavor, we don't
  need the our-interpreter based one
- Add provides for pytohn3X-typing/etc to allow BR on those still
  to work when needed
- Change macros.python3 to use full versioned 3.8 instead of just 3
  for python interpreter

==== qemu ====
Subpackages: qemu-arm qemu-block-curl qemu-block-dmg qemu-block-gluster 
qemu-block-iscsi qemu-block-nfs qemu-block-rbd qemu-block-ssh qemu-extra 
qemu-guest-agent qemu-ipxe qemu-ksm qemu-lang qemu-microvm qemu-ppc qemu-s390 
qemu-seabios qemu-tools qemu-ui-curses qemu-ui-gtk qemu-ui-sdl 
qemu-ui-spice-app qemu-vgabios qemu-vhost-user-gpu qemu-x86

- Updating to Sphinx v3.1.2 in Factory is exposing an issue in
  qemu doc sources. Fix it
- Fix DoS possibility in ati-vga emulation (CVE-2020-13800
- Fix DoS possibility in Network Block Device (nbd) support
  infrastructure (CVE-2020-10761 bsc#1172710)
- Fix null pointer dereference possibility (DoS) in MegaRAID SAS
  8708EM2 emulation (CVE-2020-13659 bsc#1172386)
- Fix OOB access possibility in MegaRAID SAS 8708EM2 emulation
  (CVE-2020-13362 bsc#1172383)
- Fix legacy IGD passthrough
- The latest gcc10 available in Factory has the fix for the
  issue this patch was created to avoid, so drop it
- Switch to upstream versions of some patches we carry
  - > golan-Add-explicit-type-casts-for-nodnic.patch
  - > build-Be-explicit-about-fcommon-compiler.patch
  - > build-Do-not-apply-WORKAROUND_CFLAGS-for.patch
  - > build-Fix-s-directive-argument-is-null-e.patch
  - > build-Workaround-compilation-error-with-.patch
  - > intel-Avoid-spurious-compiler-warning-on.patch
- Fix vgabios issue for cirrus graphics emulation, which
  effectively downgraded it to standard VGA behavior
- Fix OOB access possibility in ES1370 audio device emulation
  (CVE-2020-13361 bsc#1172384)

==== raspberrypi-firmware-dt ====

- Add vl805-firware-loader-overlay.dts which registers a reset controller
  that'll take care of triggering vl805's firmware load.

==== read-only-root-fs ====

- Use file requires, add sed

==== sac ====

- Drop extra timestamps from .zip file
  to make package build reproducible (boo#1047218)
- Use fdupes to deduplicate jquery files

==== schily ====
Subpackages: cdda2wav cdrecord libcdrdeflt1_0 libdeflt1_0 libedc_ecc1_0 
libedc_ecc_dec1_0 libfile1_0 libfind4_0 libparanoia1_0 librmt1_0 librscg1_0 
libscg1_0 libscgcmd1_0 libschily2_0 mkisofs readcd spax star

- Update to release 2020.07.18
  * star: star could dump core if it was used as `star -t ...` or
    `star -x ...` while being in a UTF-8 based locale and trying
    to deal with extremely long pathnames (more than PATH_MAX) in
    the archive.
  * fifo: the fifo command is based on the star FIFO code and has
    been changed to support a FIFO size > 2 GB as well.

==== sudo ====
Version update (1.9.1 -> 1.9.2)
Subpackages: sudo-plugin-python

- Update to 1.9.2:
  * The configure script now uses pkg-config to find the openssl cflags
    and libs where possible.
  * The contents of the log.json I/O log file is now documented in
    the sudoers manual.
  * The sudoers plugin now properly exports the sudoers_audit symbol
    on systems where the compiler lacks symbol visibility controls.
    This caused a regression in 1.9.1 where a successful sudo command
    was not logged due to the missing audit plugin. Bug #931.
  * Fixed a regression introduced in 1.9.1 that can result in crash
    when there is a syntax error in the sudoers file. Bug #934.
- Rebase sudo-sudoers.patch

==== sysconfig ====
Version update (0.85.4 -> 0.85.5)
Subpackages: sysconfig-netconfig

- version 0.85.5
- spec: Fix Requires, use file requires
- ntp: call chrony helper in background (bsc#1173391)

==== unbound ====
Version update (1.10.1 -> 1.11.0)
Subpackages: libunbound8 unbound-anchor

- update to 1.11.0
- Merge #225 from akhait: KSK-2010 has been revoked. It removes the
  KSK-2010 from the default list in unbound-anchor, now that the
  revocation period is over.  KSK-2017 is the only trust anchor in
  the shipped default now.
- Merge PR #93: Add dynamic library support.
- Introduce 'include-toplevel:' configuration option.
- Change default value for 'rrset-roundrobin' to yes.
- Add SNI support on more TLS connections (fixes #193).
- Add SNI support to unbound-anchor.
- Merge PR #164: Framestreams, this branch implements dnstap
  connectivity in unbound. This has a number of new features.
- Fix #165: Add prefer-ip4: yesno config option to prefer ipv4 for
  using ipv4 filters, because the hosts ip6 netblock /64 is not owned
  by one operator, and thus reputation is shared.
  Bug Fixes
- protect X509_CHECK_FLAG_NO_PARTIAL_WILDCARDS with ifdef for
  different openssl versions.
- Merge PR #166: Fix typo in, by glitsj16.
- Fix #169: Fix warning for daemon/remote.c output may be truncated
  from snprintf.
- Fix #170: Fix gcc undefined sanitizer signed integer overflow
  warning in signature expiry RFC1982 serial number arithmetic.
- Fix more undefined sanitizer issues, in respip copy_rrset null
  dname, and in the client_info_compare routine for null memcmp.
- Merge PR #171: Add additional compilers and platforms to Travis
  testing, by noloader.
- Merge PR #173: updated for config.guess and
  config.sub and sha256 digest for gpg, by noloader.
- Merge PR #172: Add IBM s390x arch for testing, by noloader.
- Fix #177: dnstap does not build on macOS.
- Fix compiler warning in dns64/dns64.c
- Merge PR #174: Add Android to Travis testing, by noloader.
- Move android build scripts to contrib/ and allow android tests to fail.
- Fix #175, Merge PR #176: fix link error when OpenSSL is configured
  with no-engine, thanks noloader.
- Upgrade config.guess(2020-01-01) and config.sub(2020-01-01).
- Merge PR #180 from noloader: Avoid calling exit in Travis script.
- Merge PR #181 from noloader: Fix OpenSSL -pie warning on Android.
- Update (from PR #179), by Jeffrey Walton.
- Fix PR #182 from noloader: Add iOS testing to Travis.
- Merge PR #186, fix #183: Fix unrecognized 'echo -n' option on OS X, by
- Fix #188: unbound-control.c:882:6: error: 'execlp' is
  unavailable: not available on tvOS.
- Fix #189: mini_event.h:142:17: error: field 'ev_timeout' has incomplete
  type, by noloader.
- Add check to make sure RPZ records are subdomains of configured
  zone origin.
- Fix #192: In the unbound-checkconf tool, the module config of
  dns64 subnetcache respip validator iterator is whitelisted, it was
  reported it seems to work.
- Merge PR#191: Update iOS testing on Travis, by Jeffrey Walton.
- Fix #158: open tls-session-ticket-keys as binary, for Windows. By
  Daisuke HIGASHI.
- Merge PR#134, Allow the kernel to provide random source ports. By
  Florian Obser.
- Log warning when using outgoing-port-permit and outgoing-port-avoid
  while explicit port randomisation is disabled.
- Merge PR#194: Add libevent testing to Travis, by Jeffrey Walton.
- Fix .travis.yml error, missing 'env' option.
- Merge PR #197 from fobser: Make log_ident_revert_to_default() a
  proper prototype.
- Merge PR #198 from fobser: Declare lz_enter_rr_into_zone()
  static, it's only used in this file.
- Fix compile on Solaris for unbound-checkconf.
- Fix compile of test tools without protobuf.
- Merge PR #200 from yarikk: add ip-dscp option to specify the DSCP
  tag for outgoing packets.
- Travis fix for ios by omitting tools from install.
- Merge PR #201 from noloader: Fix OpenSSL cross-compaile warnings.
- Fix RPZ concurrency issue when using auth_zone_reload.
- Make unbound-control error returned on missing domain name more user
- Merge PR #203 from noloader: Update with current
- Merge PR #207: Clarify if-automatic listens on and ::
- Merge PR #208: Fix uncached CLIENT_RESPONSE'es on stateful
- Merge PR #206: Redis TTL, by Talkabout.
- More documentation for redis-expire-records option.
- Keep track of number of timeouts. Use this counter to determine if
  capsforid fallback should be started.
- Merge PR #214 from gearnode: unbound-control-setup recreate
  certificates.  With the -r option the certificates are created
  again, without it, only the files that do not exist are created.
- Fix #220: auth-zone section in config may lead to segfault.
- Fix help return code in unbound-control-setup script.
- Fix for posix shell syntax for trap in nsd-control-setup.
- Fix for posix shell syntax for trap in test script.
- Add doxygen documentation for DSCP.
- Fix #222: --enable-rpath, fails to rpath python lib.
- Fix for count of reply states in the mesh.
- Remove unneeded was_mesh_reply check.
- Explicitly use 'rrset-roundrobin: no' for test cases.
- Cache ECS answers with longest scope of CNAME chain.
- windows compile warnings removal for ip dscp option code.
- Fix for integer overflow when printing RDF_TYPE_TIME.
- Update contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch for the recent
  generate_sub_request() change and to apply cleanly.
- Merge PR #241 by Robert Edmonds: contrib/ Do not use
- Mention tls name possible when tls is enabled for stub-addr in the
  man page.
- Fix default explanation in man page for qname-minimisation-strict.
- Fix display of event loop method with libev.
- iana portlist updated.
- Move reply list clean for serve expired mesh callback to after
  the reply is sent, so that script callbacks have reply_info.
- Also move reply list clean for mesh callbacks to the scrip callback
  can see the reply_info.
- Fix for mesh accounting if the reply list already empty to begin
- Fix for mesh accounting when rpz decides to drop a reply with a
  tcp stream waiting for it.
- Review fix for number of detached states due to use of variable
  after end of loop.
- Fix tcp req info drop due to size call into mesh accounting
  removal of mesh state during mesh send reply.
- Fix #259: Fix unbound-checkconf does not check view existence.
  unbound-checkconf checks access-control-view, access-control-tags,
  access-control-tag-actions and access-control-tag-datas.
- Fix offset of error printout for access-control-tag-datas.
- Fix add missing DSA header, for compilation without deprecated
  OpenSSL APIs.
- Fix to use SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_evp_cb in OpenSSL
- Longer keys for the test set, this avoids weak crypto errors.
- Add bidirectional frame streams support.
- Fix check conf test for referencing installation paths.
- Fix unused variable warning for clang analyzer.
- Merge PR #234 - Ensure proper alignment of cmsg buffers by Jérémie
- Fix PR #234 log_assert sizeof to use union buffer.
- Fix libnettle compile for session ticket key callback function
- Fix lock dependency cycle in rpz zone config setup.
- Fix streamtcp to print packet data to stdout.  This makes the
  stdout and stderr not mix together lines, when parsing its output.
- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch to apply cleanly.  It fixes for changes
  due to added libdynmod, but it does not compile, it conflicts with
  new rpz code.

==== xfce4-timer-plugin ====
Version update (1.7.0 -> 1.7.1)
Subpackages: xfce4-timer-plugin-lang

- Update to version 1.7.1
  * Update URLs from goodies.x.o to docs.x.o (bxo#16180)
  * Do not recreate box when orientation changes
  * Remove unused eventbox
  * Avoid square-sized plugin (bxo#16101)
  * Remove unused variables and function
  * Resolve GCC warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code
  * Preferences: Improved spacing and layout in editor (bxo#14678)
  * Selecting a timer always starts it
  * Add Hossam Ayman's multiple timer code, some leak and g_free
    fixes in update_function.
  * Translation Updates

==== xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin ====
Version update (2.4.4 -> 2.4.6)
Subpackages: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-lang

- Update to version 2.4.6
  * Fix crash during grab check. (gxo#19)
  * Fix background incorrect without compositing.
- Update to 2.4.5
  * Fix saving plugin title with overridden default text (bxo#16822)
  * Fix extra key press to select search items (gxo#8)
  * Fix icon view skipping first item when pressing arrow key
  * Fix incorrect signal name
  * Fix nonfunctional grab check
  * Translation updates

==== xkeyboard-config ====

- U_Fix-symbols-in-syntax-error-spurious-git-conflict-ma.patch
  * Fix symbols/in syntax error: spurious git conflict marker

==== yast2 ====
Version update (4.3.15 -> 4.3.17)
Subpackages: yast2-logs

- Provide a way to determine which resources (zones, services...)
  have been modified from the default values (bsc#1171356)
- 4.3.17
- update is_wsl function to match wsl1 and wsl2 osrelease spellings
- Add Layout class to configure a Wizard layout.
- Related to jsc#PM-1998.
- 4.3.16

==== yast2-configuration-management ====
Version update (4.3.1 -> 4.3.2)

- Handle exceptions when parsing xml file (related to bsc#1170886)
- 4.3.2

==== yast2-firewall ====
Version update (4.3.1 -> 4.3.2)

- AutoYaST: Only export modified zones when it is asked to export a
  reduced profile. (bsc#1171356)
- 4.3.2

==== yast2-firstboot ====
Version update (4.3.1 -> 4.3.3)

- Handle exceptions when parsing xml file (related to bsc#1170886)
- 4.3.3
- Configure the wizard layout according to the product features.
- Related to jsc#PM-1998.
- 4.3.2

==== yast2-installation ====
Version update (4.3.9 -> 4.3.10)

- Configure the wizard layout according to the product features.
- Related to jsc#PM-1998.
- 4.3.10

==== yast2-instserver ====
Version update (4.2.3 -> 4.3.0)

- Handle exceptions when parsing xml file (related to bsc#1170886)
- 4.3.0

==== yast2-trans ====
Version update (84.87.20200718.91334c214c -> 84.87.20200725.1c0c8c4fe3)
Subpackages: yast2-trans-af yast2-trans-ar yast2-trans-bg yast2-trans-bn 
yast2-trans-bs yast2-trans-ca yast2-trans-cs yast2-trans-cy yast2-trans-da 
yast2-trans-de yast2-trans-el yast2-trans-en_GB yast2-trans-es yast2-trans-et 
yast2-trans-fa yast2-trans-fi yast2-trans-fr yast2-trans-gl yast2-trans-gu 
yast2-trans-hi yast2-trans-hr yast2-trans-hu yast2-trans-id yast2-trans-it 
yast2-trans-ja yast2-trans-jv yast2-trans-ka yast2-trans-km yast2-trans-ko 
yast2-trans-lo yast2-trans-lt yast2-trans-mk yast2-trans-mr yast2-trans-nb 
yast2-trans-nl yast2-trans-pa yast2-trans-pl yast2-trans-pt yast2-trans-pt_BR 
yast2-trans-ro yast2-trans-ru yast2-trans-si yast2-trans-sk yast2-trans-sl 
yast2-trans-sr yast2-trans-sv yast2-trans-ta yast2-trans-th yast2-trans-tr 
yast2-trans-uk yast2-trans-vi yast2-trans-wa yast2-trans-xh yast2-trans-zh_CN 
yast2-trans-zh_TW yast2-trans-zu

- Update to version 84.87.20200725.1c0c8c4fe3:
  * New POT for text domain 'installation'.
  * New POT for text domain 'firewall'.
  * New POT for text domain 'configuration_management'.
  * New POT for text domain 'base'.
  * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'.
  * New POT for text domain 'pkg-bindings'.
  * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'.

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