Op maandag 7 december 2015 11:59:36 schreef Andy Norrie:
> SD Image writer is supplied via the SD card owners to write a bootable
> image to the SD card. It is the normal way to make a bootable SD card for
> the Pi. On the older Pi (ARM6) Suse runs fine but neither that version or a
> downloaded one works on the Pi 2. I have downloaded several images eg
> opensuse-13.1-arm-jeos-raspberrypi.arm7i-1.12.1-build38.15.raw
>  and I can read the first partition on the disk (fat) and it seems correct
> but it does not boot. I dont see any errors on the SD card eg log file. I
> was hoping someone else had this working as I am a bit stuck.
> Thanks, Andy

Raspberry Pi 1 has an armv6  architecture, whereas Raspberry Pi 2 has an armv7 
architecture, so it is not weird it does not work.

You need an image for the Raspberry Pi 2, which you can find on

I only worked with JeOS iages.

AFAIK both work and are in fact openSUSE Tumbleweed systems. After 
installation you can keep current, if you wish, with Tumbleweed by using 
"zypper up"


member openSUSE
Freek de Kruijf

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Freek de Kruijf

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