
Le 10/10/2013 12:47, Dirk Stöcker a écrit :
> Hello,
> now the Raspbery-Pi image at least builds, but it does not work. What is the 
> current state of this? Does someone try to fix this. Are the reasons for 
> failure known?

It has been fixed but not yet rebuilt. This image is too old.

> One thing is obvious - the name contains armv7, whereas it should be arm6.

It is "normal", because we use armv7 (qemu) builders. But yes, it is not good 
to have armv7 here.

> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/ARM:/Factory:/Contrib:/RaspberryPi/images/openSUSE-Factory-ARM-JeOS-raspberrypi.armv7l.raw.xz

Please do not use it until it has been rebuilt.


> Ciao

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