Results of the test with images for RPi 1 and 2 from Aug 6

Raspberry Pi 1:
from RapberryPi1/ image works, however command "yast lan" crashes;
from RaspberryPi1:/upstream image builds a corrupt ext4 partition

Raspberry Pi 2:
from RaspberryPi2/ image does not boot (non of these images ever booted)
from RaspberryPi2:/Staging image works.

I compared the installed packages from the two working images and found some 
obvious differences, kernel and firmware, but other packages only has 
differences in the building versions, the part of the version of the package 
after the last -. Except:

llibmicrohttpd10-0.9.41-1.2 <-> ibmicrohttpd10-0.9.42-1.1
libyui-ncurses-pkg6-2.46.2-1.4 <-> libyui-ncurses-pkg6-2.47.0-1.1
libzypp-15.4.0-1.1 <-> libzypp-15.9.0-1.1
vim-7.4.788-1.1 <-> vim-7.4.712-1.1
yast2-bootloader-3.1.127-1.1 <-> yast2-bootloader-3.1.138-1.1
zypper-1.12.3-1.1 <-> zypper-1.12.8-1.1

This dpes not give me a clue why "yast lan" crashes on the RPi1 and is OK on 
the RPI2.


member openSUSE
Freek de Kruijf

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