Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package ghc-vector-binary-instances for 
openSUSE:Leap:15.2 checked in at 2020-05-21 12:58:40
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Leap:15.2/ghc-vector-binary-instances (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Leap:15.2/.ghc-vector-binary-instances.new.2738 

Package is "ghc-vector-binary-instances"

Thu May 21 12:58:40 2020 rev:2 rq:805497 version:

        2020-02-09 11:25:58.199317773 +0100
      2020-05-21 12:58:40.446708125 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,5 @@
+Thu May  7 08:38:41 UTC 2020 - Peter Simons <psim...@suse.com>
+- Update Cabal file to get more accurate dependency information.


Other differences:
++++++ ghc-vector-binary-instances.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.XQLd65/_old  2020-05-21 12:58:40.850709004 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.XQLd65/_new  2020-05-21 12:58:40.854709013 +0200
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 License:        BSD-3-Clause
 URL:            https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkg_name}
 BuildRequires:  ghc-Cabal-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-binary-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-rpm-macros

++++++ vector-binary-instances.cabal ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.XQLd65/_old  2020-05-21 12:58:40.882709074 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.XQLd65/_new  2020-05-21 12:58:40.886709083 +0200
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
-Name:                vector-binary-instances
-x-revision: 1
-Synopsis:            Instances of Data.Binary for vector
-   Instances for Binary for the types defined in the vector package,
-   making it easy to serialize vectors to and from disk. We use the
-   generic interface to vectors, so all vector types are supported.
-   Specific instances are provided for unboxed, boxed and storable
-   vectors.
-   .
-   To serialize a vector:
-   .
-   > *Data.Vector.Binary> let v = Data.Vector.fromList [1..10]
-   > *Data.Vector.Binary> v
-   > fromList [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] :: Data.Vector.Vector
-   > *Data.Vector.Binary> encode v
-   .
-   Which you can in turn compress before writing to disk:
-   .
-   > compress . encode $ v
-   > Chunk "\US\139\b\NUL\NUL\N...\229\240,\254:\NUL\NUL\NUL" Empty
-   .
-   Try the cereal-vector package if you are looking for Data.Serialize
-   instances.
--- URL for the project homepage or repository.
-Homepage:            https://github.com/bos/vector-binary-instances
-bug-reports:         https://github.com/bos/vector-binary-instances/issues
-License:             BSD3
-License-file:        LICENSE
-Author:              Don Stewart
-Maintainer:          don...@gmail.com, b...@serpentine.com, Ben Gamari 
-Tested-With:         GHC==8.6.1, GHC==8.0.2, GHC==7.10.3, GHC==7.8.4, 
GHC==7.6.3, GHC==7.4.2
--- A copyright notice.
--- Copyright:
--- Stability of the pakcage (experimental, provisional, stable...)
-Stability:           Experimental
-Category:            Data
-Build-type:          Simple
--- Constraint on the version of Cabal needed to build this package.
-Cabal-version:       >=1.8
-  Ghc-options: -Wall
-  -- Modules exported by the library.
-  Exposed-modules:
-    Data.Vector.Binary
-  -- Packages needed in order to build this package.
-  Build-depends:
-    base > 3 && < 4.14,
-    vector >= 0.6 && < 0.13,
-    binary >= 0.5 && < 0.11
-Benchmark benchmarks
-  Type:           exitcode-stdio-1.0
-  Main-is:        Benchmarks.hs
-  Build-depends:
-    base >= 4.7,
-    vector-binary-instances,
-    vector,
-    bytestring,
-    binary,
-    gauge,
-    deepseq
-  hs-source-dirs: benchmarks
-Test-Suite tests
-  Type:           exitcode-stdio-1.0
-  Main-is:        test/Main.hs
-  Build-depends:
-    base,
-    vector-binary-instances,
-    vector,
-    binary,
-    tasty,
-    tasty-quickcheck
-source-repository head
-  type:     git
-  location: https://github.com/bos/vector-binary-instances
+Name:                vector-binary-instances
+x-revision: 2
+Synopsis:            Instances of Data.Binary for vector
+   Instances for Binary for the types defined in the vector package,
+   making it easy to serialize vectors to and from disk. We use the
+   generic interface to vectors, so all vector types are supported.
+   Specific instances are provided for unboxed, boxed and storable
+   vectors.
+   .
+   To serialize a vector:
+   .
+   > *Data.Vector.Binary> let v = Data.Vector.fromList [1..10]
+   > *Data.Vector.Binary> v
+   > fromList [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] :: Data.Vector.Vector
+   > *Data.Vector.Binary> encode v
+   .
+   Which you can in turn compress before writing to disk:
+   .
+   > compress . encode $ v
+   > Chunk "\US\139\b\NUL\NUL\N...\229\240,\254:\NUL\NUL\NUL" Empty
+   .
+   Try the cereal-vector package if you are looking for Data.Serialize
+   instances.
+-- URL for the project homepage or repository.
+Homepage:            https://github.com/bos/vector-binary-instances
+bug-reports:         https://github.com/bos/vector-binary-instances/issues
+License:             BSD3
+License-file:        LICENSE
+Author:              Don Stewart
+Maintainer:          don...@gmail.com, b...@serpentine.com, Ben Gamari 
+Tested-With:         GHC==8.10.1, GHC==8.8.3, GHC==8.6.5, GHC==8.0.2, 
GHC==7.10.3, GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.6.3, GHC==7.4.2
+-- A copyright notice.
+-- Copyright:
+-- Stability of the pakcage (experimental, provisional, stable...)
+Stability:           Experimental
+Category:            Data
+Build-type:          Simple
+-- Constraint on the version of Cabal needed to build this package.
+Cabal-version:       >=1.8
+  Ghc-options: -Wall
+  -- Modules exported by the library.
+  Exposed-modules:
+    Data.Vector.Binary
+  -- Packages needed in order to build this package.
+  Build-depends:
+    base > 3 && < 4.15,
+    vector >= 0.6 && < 0.13,
+    binary >= 0.5 && < 0.11
+Benchmark benchmarks
+  Type:           exitcode-stdio-1.0
+  Main-is:        Benchmarks.hs
+  Build-depends:
+    base >= 4.7,
+    vector-binary-instances,
+    vector,
+    bytestring,
+    binary,
+    gauge,
+    deepseq
+  hs-source-dirs: benchmarks
+Test-Suite tests
+  Type:           exitcode-stdio-1.0
+  Main-is:        test/Main.hs
+  Build-depends:
+    base,
+    vector-binary-instances,
+    vector,
+    binary,
+    tasty,
+    tasty-quickcheck
+source-repository head
+  type:     git
+  location: https://github.com/bos/vector-binary-instances

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