Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package libibverbs for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2014-07-04 09:34:25
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/libibverbs (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.libibverbs.new (New)

Package is "libibverbs"

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2014-06-12 08:28:52.960034756 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.libibverbs.new/libibverbs.changes       
2014-07-04 09:34:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+Thu Jun 26 12:45:56 CEST 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Do not build & package the static lib.
+- Add baselibs.conf as source.
+Tue Jun  3 11:24:34 CEST 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Update to OFED 3.12 final.
+Thu Apr 10 15:16:13 UTC 2014 - stefan.f...@suse.com
+- removed unneeded patches for new version:
+    libibverbs-Infrastructure_to_support_verbs_extensions.patch
+    libibverbs-XRC_man_pages.patch
+    libibverbs-Add_support_for_XRC_SRQs.patch
+    libibverbs-Introduce_XRC_domains_XRCDs.patch
+    libibverbs-Use-IBV_SEND_INLINE-in-example-pingpong-programs.patch
+    libibverbs-Add_ibv_open_qp_for_XRC_receive_QPs.patch
+    libibverbs-Add_support_for_XRC_QPs.patch
+    libibverbs-Add_XRC_sample_application.patch
+    libibverbs-Add-general-definitions-to-support-uverbs-extensions.patch
+    libibverbs-Fix_XRC_sample_application_ibv_xsrq_pingpong_issues.patch
+Thu Apr  3 11:41:39 CEST 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Fix underquoting and change AC_HELP_MESSAGE to AS_HELP_MESSAGE
+  in libibverbs-Use-neighbour-lookup-for-RoCE-UD-QPs-Eth-L2-resoluti.patch
+- Add libibverbs-autotools.patch that correctly quotes another
+  AS_HELP_MESSGE call and a use of AC_MSG_ERROR.
+Mon Mar 31 18:52:02 CEST 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Add patches from Mellanox (bnc#871161):
+  * libibverbs-Add-ibv_port_cap_flags.patch
+    Add ibv_port_cap_flag
+  * libibverbs-Use-neighbour-lookup-for-RoCE-UD-QPs-Eth-L2-resoluti.patch
+    Use neighbour lookup for RoCE UD QPs Eth L2 resolution.
+  * libibverbs-Add-ibv_query_port_ex-support.patch
+    Add extended support for ibv_query_port.
+  * libibverbs-Add-receive-flow-steering-support.patch
+    Add support to steer receiving flows.
+Mon Mar 31 15:43:20 CEST 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Fix libibverbs-s390.patch to not make header unusable.
+Fri Mar 28 18:33:34 CET 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Fix spec file to get ibdev2netdev installed in the rigth place.
+- Adapt libibverbs-s390.patch to changed sources.
+Thu Mar 27 15:41:54 CET 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- On request from Mellanox add the ibdev2netdev script from
+  the compat-rdma package in OFED. This script shows which IB
+  device is attached to which network device (bnc#870419).
+Thu Mar 20 00:21:09 CET 2014 - r...@suse.de
+- fix arch.h to be usable on s390 additional to s390x
+Tue Feb 11 14:13:09 CET 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Add and adapt patches from Mellanox that add XRC support
+  (bnc#858729):
+  libibverbs-Add_ibv_open_qp_for_XRC_receive_QPs.patch
+  libibverbs-Add_support_for_XRC_QPs.patch
+  libibverbs-Add_support_for_XRC_SRQs.patch
+  libibverbs-Add_XRC_sample_application.patch
+  libibverbs-Fix_XRC_sample_application_ibv_xsrq_pingpong_issues.patch
+  libibverbs-Infrastructure_to_support_verbs_extensions.patch
+  libibverbs-Introduce_XRC_domains_XRCDs.patch
+  libibverbs-Use-IBV_SEND_INLINE-in-example-pingpong-programs.patch
+  libibverbs-XRC_man_pages.patch
+Tue Feb 11 13:48:00 CET 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Fix source URI.
+Mon Feb 10 22:11:03 CET 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Fix baselibs.conf.
+Mon Feb  3 14:56:20 CET 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Readd baselibs.conf.
+Thu Jan 30 18:08:20 CET 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- License is GPL-2.0 or BSD-2-Clause
+- Add COPYING to package documentation.
+Fri Jan 17 17:54:30 CET 2014 - p...@suse.de
+- Update to 1.1.7 from OFED 3.12
+- Add libibverbs-s390.patch for s390 support.
+Mon Aug 12 12:13:52 UTC 2013 - klein...@mpip-mainz.mpg.de
+- Re-added accidentlly removed ntohl() in examples/pingping.c.
+Tue Sep 18 12:21:59 CEST 2012 - p...@suse.de
+- Simplify spec file a bit by using a define for the library name.
+Fri Aug 31 19:15:16 CEST 2012 - p...@suse.de
+- update to 1.1.4-1.24.gb89d4d7 from OFED
+- Rename configure.patch to libibverbs-no_silent_rules.patch.
+- Pass V=1 to make in case silent rules were added.
+Sun Aug 26 19:27:18 UTC 2012 - jeng...@inai.de
+- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
+- Kill configure.patch: absence of AM_SILENT_RULES is no problem
+- Redo libibverbs-fix_aliasing.patch with proper approach
+- Parallel build with %_smp_mflags
+Thu Jun 28 13:58:06 CEST 2012 - p...@suse.de
+- Fix aliasing issue in example program.
+Tue May  8 18:07:36 CEST 2012 - p...@suse.de
+- BuildRequire automake, autoconf and libtool.
+Wed Dec 15 15:37:47 CET 2010 - p...@suse.de
+- Add a runtime package with tools and their man pages.
+- Split off the dynamic library into its own versioned sub package.
+- Split off the static library into its own sub package.
+- Clean up the spec file.
+Thu Oct 21 16:18:23 UTC 2010 - stefan.f...@novell.com
+- update to v1.1.4-0.14.gb6c138b for OFED 1.5.2 
+Sun May 23 20:48:20 CEST 2010 - jjo...@novell.com
+- Same tarball, different name.  Leaving the postfix
+  -0.6.g932f1a2 on the tarball to identify it for future updates
+Sun May 23 18:48:55 CEST 2010 - jjo...@novell.com
+- Updated to v1.1.3 from OFED 1.5.1
+Sat Jul 11 02:34:52 CEST 2009 - jjo...@suse.de
+- Updated to v1.1.2 from OFED 1.4.1 release
+Wed Oct 15 21:49:34 CEST 2008 - jjo...@suse.de
+- Updated to release from OFED 1.3.1
+Thu Feb 28 19:10:47 CET 2008 - jjo...@suse.de
+- Updated to release from OFED 1.3 GA
+- Added man7 to devel files list
+Tue Jan 29 15:18:53 CET 2008 - jjo...@suse.de
+- Updated to release from OFED 1.3 rc2
+Wed Jun 20 11:58:35 CEST 2007 - hvo...@suse.de
+- Initial Package, Version 1.1.1 
++++ 1 more lines (skipped)
++++ between /dev/null
++++ and /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.libibverbs.new/libibverbs.changes



Other differences:
++++++ libibverbs.spec ++++++
# spec file for package libibverbs (Version 1.1.4)
# Copyright (c) 2010-2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

Name:           libibverbs
Summary:        Infiniband verbs library
Version:        1.1.7
Release:        1
License:        GPL-2.0 or BSD-2-Clause
Group:          System/Libraries
# For the time being no source URL as the tarball available there differs
Source0:        %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Source1:        ibdev2netdev
Source2:        baselibs.conf
Patch1:         libibverbs-fix_aliasing.patch
Patch2:         libibverbs-1.1.4-fix-deleted-ntohl.patch
Patch3:         libibverbs-s390.patch
Patch6:         libibverbs-Add-ibv_port_cap_flags.patch
Patch8:         libibverbs-Add-ibv_query_port_ex-support.patch
Patch9:         libibverbs-Add-receive-flow-steering-support.patch
Patch10:        libibverbs-autotools.patch
BuildRequires:  automake autoconf libtool
BuildRequires:  pkg-config
BuildRequires:  libnl3-devel
URL:            http://www.openfabrics.org/
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build

%define so_major 1
%define lname %{name}%{so_major}

libibverbs is a library that allows userspace processes to use
InfiniBand "verbs" as described in the InfiniBand Architecture
Specification.  This includes direct hardware access for fast path

%package     -n %{lname}
Summary:        Infiniband verbs library
Group:          System/Libraries

%description -n %{lname}
libibverbs is a library that allows userspace processes to use
InfiniBand "verbs" as described in the InfiniBand Architecture
Specification.  This includes direct hardware access for fast path

This package contains the runtime library.

%package        runtime
Group:          Productivity/Networking/System
Summary:        Tools for the Infiniband Verbs library and manpages

%description    runtime
This package contains the Infiniband verbs tools and their man pages.

%package        devel
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Summary:        Development files for the libibverbs library
Requires:       %{name}-runtime = %{version}

%description    devel
Static libraries and header files for the Infiniband verbs library.

%setup -q
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch9 -p1

autoreconf -fi
%configure --disable-silent-rules --disable-static
make %{?_smp_mflags}

%post -n %{lname} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n %{lname} -p /sbin/ldconfig

make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_sysconfdir/libibverbs.d
install -m 755 %{S:1} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
rm -f %{buildroot}%_libdir/libibverbs.la 

%files runtime
%defattr(-, root, root)

%files -n %{lname}
%defattr(-, root, root)

%files devel

++++++ baselibs.conf ++++++
++++++ ibdev2netdev ++++++
#! /bin/bash

        echo "$(basename $0) <options>"
        echo "-h, --help                print help message"
        echo "-v, --verbose             print more info"

case $1 in
        "-h" | "--help")
                exit 0

if (( $# > 1 )); then
        exit -1

if (( $# == 1 )) && [ "$1" != "-v" ]; then
        exit -1

ibdevs=$(ls /sys/class/infiniband/)

devs=$(ls /sys/class/net/ | grep ^[ei])
if [ "x$devs" == "x" ]; then
        # no relevant devices - quit immediately

for d in $devs; do
        if [ -f /sys/class/net/$d/dev_id ]; then

if [ "x$oldstyle" == "xn" ]; then
        for d in $ibdevs; do
                ibrsc=$(cat /sys/class/infiniband/$d/device/resource)
                eths=$(ls /sys/class/net/)
                for eth in $eths; do
                        if [ -f /sys/class/net/$eth/device/resource ]; then
                                if [ "x$ethrsc" == "x$ibrsc" ]; then
                                        if [ -f /sys/class/net/$eth/dev_id ]; 
                                                port=$(printf "%d" $port)
                                                port=$(( port + 1 ))
                                                if [ "$1" == "-v" ]; then
                                                        ibstate=$(printf "%-6s" 
$(cat /sys/class/infiniband/$d/ports/$port/state | gawk '{print $2}'))
                                                        devid=$(printf "MT%d" 
$(cat /sys/class/infiniband/$d/device/device))
"%-15s" $(strings /sys/class/infiniband/$d/device/vpd | head -1))
                                                        partid=$(printf "%-11s" 
$(strings /sys/class/infiniband/$d/device/vpd | head -4 | tail -1 | gawk 
'{print $1}'))
                                                if [ -f 
/sys/class/net/$eth/carrier ]; then
/sys/class/net/$eth/carrier 2> /dev/null)
                                                        if (( link_state == 1 
)); then
                                                if [ "$1" == "-v" ]; then
                                                        echo "$d ($devid - 
$partid) $devdesc fw $fwver port $port ($ibstate) ==> $eth ($link_state)"
                                                        echo "$d port $port ==> 
$eth ($link_state)"
### old style

function print_line()
        echo "$1 port $2 <===> $3"

function find_guid()
        ibdevs=$(ls /sys/class/infiniband/)
        for ibdev in $ibdevs; do
                ports=$(ls /sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/ports/)
                for port in $ports; do
                        gids=$(ls /sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/ports/$port/gids)
                        for gid in $gids; do
/sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/ports/$port/gids/$gid | cut -b 21- | sed -e 
                                if [ x$pguid == x$1 ]; then
                                        print_line $ibdev $port $2

function find_mac()
        ibdevs=$(ls /sys/class/infiniband/)
        for ibdev in $ibdevs; do
                type=$(cat /sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/node_type|cut -d ' ' -f 
                ports=$(ls /sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/ports/)
                for port in $ports; do
                        gids=$(ls /sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/ports/$port/gids)
                        for gid in $gids; do
                                if [[ "$type" = "RNIC" ]]; then
/sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/ports/$port/gids/$gid | cut -b 1-14|sed -e 
/sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/ports/$port/gids/$gid | cut -b 21-22)
                                        first=$(( first ^ 2 ))
                                        first=$(printf "%02x" $first)
/sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/ports/$port/gids/$gid | cut -b 21- | sed -e 
's/://g' | cut -b 3-6)
/sys/class/infiniband/$ibdev/ports/$port/gids/$gid | cut -b 21- | sed -e 
's/://g' | cut -b 11-)
                                if [ x$pmac == x$1 ]; then
                                        print_line $ibdev $port $2

ifcs=$(ifconfig -a | egrep '^eth|^ib' | gawk '{print $1}')

for ifc in $ifcs; do
        len=$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifc/addr_len)
        if (( len == 20 )); then
                guid=$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifc/address | cut -b 37- | sed -e 
                find_guid $guid $ifc
        elif (( len == 6)); then
                mac=$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifc/address | sed -e 's/://g')        
                find_mac $mac $ifc

++++++ libibverbs-1.1.4-fix-deleted-ntohl.patch ++++++
Name: Robert Klein <klein...@mpip-mainz.mpg.de>
Date: 2012-08-12 12:00:00 +0200
Subject: add accidentally removed ntohl

Jan Engelhardts strict-aliasing patch accidentally removed an ntohl.
this patch reintroduces it.


 examples/pingpong.c |    6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Index: libibverbs-1.1.7/examples/pingpong.c
--- libibverbs-1.1.7.orig/examples/pingpong.c   2014-01-17 18:40:47.915091677 
+++ libibverbs-1.1.7/examples/pingpong.c        2014-01-17 18:44:07.357475561 
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ void wire_gid_to_gid(const char *wgid, u
        for (tmp[8] = 0, i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                memcpy(tmp, wgid + i * 8, 8);
-               sscanf(tmp, "%x", &v32);
-               v32n = ntohl(v32);
-               memcpy(&gid->raw[i*4], &v32n, sizeof(v32n));
+               sscanf(tmp, "%x", &v32n);
+               v32 = ntohl(v32n);
+               memcpy(&gid->raw[i*4], &v32, sizeof(v32));
++++++ libibverbs-Add-ibv_port_cap_flags.patch ++++++
>From 26de70dc2ff34a66a5c6785d29ffbdbd71ad7287 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matan Barak <mat...@mellanox.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:55:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Add ibv_port_cap_flags

Add an enum that describes ibv_port_cap_flags that complies
with the respective kernel enum.

This value could be fetched when using ibv_query_port in

Signed-off-by: Matan Barak <mat...@mellanox.com>
Signed-off-by: Or Gerlitz <ogerl...@mellanox.com>
 include/infiniband/verbs.h |   22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/infiniband/verbs.h b/include/infiniband/verbs.h
index 3696495..18c4dd5 100644
--- a/include/infiniband/verbs.h
+++ b/include/infiniband/verbs.h
@@ -190,6 +190,28 @@ enum {
+enum ibv_port_cap_flags {
+       IBV_PORT_SM                             = 1 <<  1,
+       IBV_PORT_NOTICE_SUP                     = 1 <<  2,
+       IBV_PORT_TRAP_SUP                       = 1 <<  3,
+       IBV_PORT_OPT_IPD_SUP                    = 1 <<  4,
+       IBV_PORT_AUTO_MIGR_SUP                  = 1 <<  5,
+       IBV_PORT_SL_MAP_SUP                     = 1 <<  6,
+       IBV_PORT_MKEY_NVRAM                     = 1 <<  7,
+       IBV_PORT_PKEY_NVRAM                     = 1 <<  8,
+       IBV_PORT_LED_INFO_SUP                   = 1 <<  9,
+       IBV_PORT_SYS_IMAGE_GUID_SUP             = 1 << 11,
+       IBV_PORT_PKEY_SW_EXT_PORT_TRAP_SUP      = 1 << 12,
+       IBV_PORT_EXTENDED_SPEEDS_SUP            = 1 << 14,
+       IBV_PORT_CM_SUP                         = 1 << 16,
+       IBV_PORT_SNMP_TUNNEL_SUP                = 1 << 17,
+       IBV_PORT_REINIT_SUP                     = 1 << 18,
+       IBV_PORT_DEVICE_MGMT_SUP                = 1 << 19,
+       IBV_PORT_VENDOR_CLASS                   = 1 << 24,
+       IBV_PORT_CLIENT_REG_SUP                 = 1 << 25,
+       IBV_PORT_IP_BASED_GIDS                  = 1 << 26,
 struct ibv_port_attr {
        enum ibv_port_state     state;
        enum ibv_mtu            max_mtu;

++++++ libibverbs-Add-ibv_query_port_ex-support.patch ++++++
>From 2f314d77bcf0d6cd0922f908bf077f05c906a83d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matan Barak <mat...@mellanox.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 19:09:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Add ibv_query_port_ex support

This patch adds extended support for ibv_query_port.

This allows to request fields that aren't availible by the current
ibv_query_port API and avoid fetching from vendor library fields that
the user doesn't need, which gives more room for optimizations.

Signed-off-by: Matan Barak <mat...@mellanox.com>
Signed-off-by: Or Gerlitz <ogerl...@mellanox.com>
 include/infiniband/verbs.h |  102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/device.c               |    2 +
 src/verbs.c                |    7 ++-
 3 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/infiniband/verbs.h b/include/infiniband/verbs.h
index 5eac403..97898a0 100644
--- a/include/infiniband/verbs.h
+++ b/include/infiniband/verbs.h
@@ -491,6 +491,69 @@ struct ibv_ah_attr_ex {
        uint16_t                vid;
+enum {
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_STATE                 = 1 << 0,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_MAX_MTU               = 1 << 1,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_ACTIVE_MTU            = 1 << 2,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_GID_TBL_LEN           = 1 << 3,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_CAP_FLAGS             = 1 << 4,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_MAX_MSG_SZ            = 1 << 5,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_BAD_PKEY_CNTR         = 1 << 6,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_QKEY_VIOL_CNTR        = 1 << 7,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_PKEY_TBL_LEN          = 1 << 8,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_LID                   = 1 << 9,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_SM_LID                = 1 << 10,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_LMC                   = 1 << 11,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_MAX_VL_NUM            = 1 << 12,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_SM_SL                 = 1 << 13,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_SUBNET_TIMEOUT        = 1 << 14,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_INIT_TYPE_REPLY       = 1 << 15,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_ACTIVE_WIDTH          = 1 << 16,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_ACTIVE_SPEED          = 1 << 17,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_PHYS_STATE            = 1 << 18,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_LINK_LAYER            = 1 << 19,
+       /* mask of the fields that exists in the standard query_port_command */
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_STD_MASK              = (1 << 20) - 1,
+       /* mask of all supported fields */
+enum ibv_query_port_ex_attr_mask {
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_ATTR_MASK1            = 1 << 0,
+       IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_ATTR_MASKS            = (1 << 1) - 1
+struct ibv_port_attr_ex {
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       enum ibv_port_state     state;
+                       enum ibv_mtu            max_mtu;
+                       enum ibv_mtu            active_mtu;
+                       int                     gid_tbl_len;
+                       uint32_t                port_cap_flags;
+                       uint32_t                max_msg_sz;
+                       uint32_t                bad_pkey_cntr;
+                       uint32_t                qkey_viol_cntr;
+                       uint16_t                pkey_tbl_len;
+                       uint16_t                lid;
+                       uint16_t                sm_lid;
+                       uint8_t                 lmc;
+                       uint8_t                 max_vl_num;
+                       uint8_t                 sm_sl;
+                       uint8_t                 subnet_timeout;
+                       uint8_t                 init_type_reply;
+                       uint8_t                 active_width;
+                       uint8_t                 active_speed;
+                       uint8_t                 phys_state;
+                       uint8_t                 link_layer;
+                       uint8_t                 reserved;
+               };
+               struct ibv_port_attr            port_attr;
+       };
+       uint32_t                comp_mask;
+       uint32_t                mask1;
 enum ibv_srq_attr_mask {
        IBV_SRQ_MAX_WR  = 1 << 0,
@@ -904,6 +967,10 @@ enum verbs_context_mask {
 struct verbs_context {
        /*  "grows up" - new fields go here */
+       int (*drv_query_port_ex)(struct ibv_context *context, uint8_t port_num,
+                                struct ibv_port_attr_ex *port_attr);
+       int (*lib_query_port_ex)(struct ibv_context *context, uint8_t port_num,
+                                 struct ibv_port_attr_ex *port_attr);
        struct ibv_ah * (*drv_ibv_create_ah_ex)(struct ibv_pd *pd,
                                                struct ibv_ah_attr_ex *attr);
        struct ibv_qp *(*open_qp)(struct ibv_context *context,
@@ -1032,6 +1099,41 @@ static inline int ___ibv_query_port(struct ibv_context 
 #define ibv_query_port(context, port_num, port_attr) \
        ___ibv_query_port(context, port_num, port_attr)
+static inline int ibv_query_port_ex(struct ibv_context *context,
+                                   uint8_t port_num,
+                                   struct ibv_port_attr_ex *port_attr)
+       struct verbs_context *vctx;
+       if (0 == port_attr->comp_mask)
+               return ibv_query_port(context, port_num,
+                                     &port_attr->port_attr);
+       /* Check that only valid flags were given */
+       if ((!port_attr->comp_mask & IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_ATTR_MASK1) ||
+           (port_attr->comp_mask & ~IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_ATTR_MASKS) ||
+           (port_attr->mask1 & ~IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_MASK)) {
+               errno = EINVAL;
+               return -errno;
+       }
+       vctx = verbs_get_ctx_op(context, lib_query_port_ex);
+       if (!vctx) {
+               /* Fallback to legacy mode */
+               if (port_attr->comp_mask == IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_ATTR_MASK1 &&
+                   !(port_attr->mask1 & ~IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_STD_MASK))
+                       return ibv_query_port(context, port_num,
+                                             &port_attr->port_attr);
+               /* Unsupported field was requested */
+               errno = ENOSYS;
+               return -errno;
+       }
+       return vctx->lib_query_port_ex(context, port_num, port_attr);
  * ibv_query_gid - Get a GID table entry
diff --git a/src/device.c b/src/device.c
index beb7b3c..29ad726 100644
--- a/src/device.c
+++ b/src/device.c
@@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ struct ibv_context *__ibv_open_device(struct ibv_device 
                 * context_ex->lib_new_func1 = __verbs_new_func1;
                 * context_ex->lib_new_func2 = __verbs_new_func2;
+                context_ex->lib_query_port_ex =
+                        context_ex->drv_query_port_ex;
        context->device = device;
diff --git a/src/verbs.c b/src/verbs.c
index e7343a9..f8245b0 100644
--- a/src/verbs.c
+++ b/src/verbs.c
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ struct ibv_ah *__ibv_create_ah(struct ibv_pd *pd, struct 
ibv_ah_attr *attr)
        int err;
        struct ibv_ah *ah = NULL;
-       struct ibv_port_attr port_attr;
+       struct ibv_port_attr_ex port_attr;
        int dst_family;
        int src_family;
        int oif;
@@ -570,7 +570,10 @@ struct ibv_ah *__ibv_create_ah(struct ibv_pd *pd, struct 
ibv_ah_attr *attr)
                goto return_ah;
-       err = ibv_query_port(pd->context, attr->port_num, &port_attr);
+       port_attr.comp_mask = IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_ATTR_MASK1;
+       port_attr.mask1 = IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_LINK_LAYER |
+                         IBV_QUERY_PORT_EX_CAP_FLAGS;
+       err = ibv_query_port_ex(pd->context, attr->port_num, &port_attr);
        if (err) {
                fprintf(stderr, PFX "ibv_create_ah failed to query port.\n");

++++++ libibverbs-Add-receive-flow-steering-support.patch ++++++
>From db47da4a0b79fb3c20a744db2f70ab6b32c8a7eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matan Barak <mat...@mellanox.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 14:20:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Add receive flow steering support

The RDMA stack allows for applications to create IB_QPT_RAW_PACKET
QPs, which receive plain Ethernet packets, specifically packets that
don't carry any QPN to be matched by the receiving side. Applications
using these QPs must be provided with a method to program some steering
rule with the HW so packets arriving at the local port can be routed to them.

In a similar manner, when the device supports flow streeing, IB UD QPs
created by IPoIB allow user-space applications to steer specific TCP/IP
flows to their QPs.

This patch adds ibv_create_flow(), which allow providing a flow specification
for a QP.  When there's a match between the specification and a received packet,
the packet is forwarded to that QP, in a the same way one uses 
for IB UD multicast handling.

Flow specifications are provided as instances of struct ibv_flow_spec_yyy,
which describes L2, L3 and L4 headers.  Currently specs for Ethernet, IPv4,
TCP and UDP are defined.  Flow specs are made of values and masks.

The input to ib_create_flow() is a struct ib_flow_attr, which contains
a few mandatory control elements and optional flow specs.

 struct ibv_flow_attr {
        uint32_t comp_mask;
        enum ibv_flow_attr_type type;
        uint16_t size;
        uint16_t priority;
        uint8_t  num_of_specs;
        uint8_t  port;
        uint32_t flags;
        /* Following are the optional layers according to user request
         * struct ibv_flow_spec_xxx [L2]
         * struct ibv_flow_spec_yyy [L3/L4]

These flow specs are defined and used in a way which allows adding new spec
types without kernel/user ABI change, just with a little API enhancement which
defines the newly added spec.

The flow spec structures are defined with TLV (Type-Length-Value) entries, which
allows calling ib_create_flow() with a list of variable length of optional 

For the actual processing of ibv_flow_attr the kernel uses the number
of specs and the size mandatory fields along with the TLV nature of
the specs.

The returned value from ibv_create_flow() is a struct ibv_flow, which contains
a handle provided by the kernel to be used when calling ibv_destroy_flow().

The ib_flow_attr enum type supports usage of flow steering for promiscuous
and sniffer purposes:

    IBV_FLOW_ATTR_NORMAL - "regular" rule, steering according to rule 

    IBV_FLOW_ATTR_ALL_DEFAULT - default unicast and multicast rule, receive
        all Ethernet traffic which isn't steered to any QP


ALL_DEFAULT and MC_DEFAULT rules options are valid only for Ethernet link type.

Signed-off-by: Hadar Hen Zion <had...@mellanox.com>
Signed-off-by: Or Gerlitz <ogerl...@mellanox.com>
Signed-off-by: Matan Barak <mat...@mellanox.com>
 include/infiniband/driver.h   |    4 +
 include/infiniband/kern-abi.h |   99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/infiniband/verbs.h    |  128 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/cmd.c                     |  105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/device.c                  |    4 +
 src/libibverbs.map            |    2 
 6 files changed, 340 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Index: libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/driver.h
--- libibverbs-1.1.7.orig/include/infiniband/driver.h   2014-03-05 
10:36:36.000000000 +0100
+++ libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/driver.h        2014-03-31 
18:49:19.376994127 +0200
@@ -194,6 +194,10 @@ int ibv_cmd_destroy_ah(struct ibv_ah *ah
 int ibv_cmd_attach_mcast(struct ibv_qp *qp, const union ibv_gid *gid, uint16_t 
 int ibv_cmd_detach_mcast(struct ibv_qp *qp, const union ibv_gid *gid, uint16_t 
+struct ibv_flow *ibv_cmd_create_flow(struct ibv_qp *qp,
+                                    struct ibv_flow_attr *flow_attr);
+int ibv_cmd_destroy_flow(struct ibv_flow *flow_id);
 int ibv_dontfork_range(void *base, size_t size);
 int ibv_dofork_range(void *base, size_t size);
Index: libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/kern-abi.h
--- libibverbs-1.1.7.orig/include/infiniband/kern-abi.h 2014-03-31 
18:49:19.331995166 +0200
+++ libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/kern-abi.h      2014-03-31 
18:50:51.914859071 +0200
@@ -103,6 +103,13 @@ enum {
 #define IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_FLAG_EXTENDED                0x80ul
+enum {
+                                        IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_FLAGS_SHIFT) +
+                                       IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_THRESHOLD,
  * Make sure that all structs defined in this file remain laid out so
  * that they pack the same way on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures (to
@@ -677,6 +684,76 @@ struct ibv_kern_send_wr {
        } qp_type;
+struct ibv_kern_eth_filter {
+       __u8  dst_mac[6];
+       __u8  src_mac[6];
+       __u16  ether_type;
+       __u16  vlan_tag;
+struct ibv_kern_spec_eth {
+       __u32 type;
+       __u16  size;
+       __u16 reserved;
+       struct ibv_kern_eth_filter val;
+       struct ibv_kern_eth_filter mask;
+struct ibv_kern_ipv4_filter {
+       __u32 src_ip;
+       __u32 dst_ip;
+struct ibv_kern_spec_ipv4 {
+       __u32  type;
+       __u16  size;
+       __u16 reserved;
+       struct ibv_kern_ipv4_filter val;
+       struct ibv_kern_ipv4_filter mask;
+struct ibv_kern_tcp_udp_filter {
+       __u16 dst_port;
+       __u16 src_port;
+struct ibv_kern_spec_tcp_udp {
+       __u32  type;
+       __u16  size;
+       __u16 reserved;
+       struct ibv_kern_tcp_udp_filter val;
+       struct ibv_kern_tcp_udp_filter mask;
+struct ibv_kern_spec {
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       __u32 type;
+                       __u16 size;
+                       __u16 reserved;
+               } hdr;
+               struct ibv_kern_spec_eth eth;
+               struct ibv_kern_spec_ipv4 ipv4;
+               struct ibv_kern_spec_tcp_udp tcp_udp;
+       };
+struct ibv_kern_flow_attr {
+       __u32 type;
+       __u16 size;
+       __u16 priority;
+       __u8 num_of_specs;
+       __u8 reserved[2];
+       __u8 port;
+       __u32 flags;
+       /* Following are the optional layers according to user request
+        * struct ibv_kern_flow_spec_xxx
+        * struct ibv_kern_flow_spec_yyy
+        */
 struct ibv_post_send {
        __u32 command;
        __u16 in_words;
@@ -764,6 +841,24 @@ struct ibv_attach_mcast {
        __u64 driver_data[0];
+struct ibv_create_flow  {
+       struct ex_hdr hdr;
+       __u32 comp_mask;
+       __u32 qp_handle;
+       struct ibv_kern_flow_attr flow_attr;
+struct ibv_create_flow_resp {
+       __u32 comp_mask;
+       __u32 flow_handle;
+struct ibv_destroy_flow  {
+       struct ex_hdr hdr;
+       __u32 comp_mask;
+       __u32 flow_handle;
 struct ibv_detach_mcast {
        __u32 command;
        __u16 in_words;
@@ -906,7 +1001,9 @@ enum {
        IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_OPEN_QP_V2 = -1,
 struct ibv_modify_srq_v3 {
Index: libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/verbs.h
--- libibverbs-1.1.7.orig/include/infiniband/verbs.h    2014-03-31 
18:49:19.367994335 +0200
+++ libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/verbs.h 2014-03-31 18:49:19.377994104 
@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ enum ibv_device_cap_flags {
        IBV_DEVICE_RC_RNR_NAK_GEN       = 1 << 12,
        IBV_DEVICE_SRQ_RESIZE           = 1 << 13,
        IBV_DEVICE_N_NOTIFY_CQ          = 1 << 14,
-       IBV_DEVICE_XRC                  = 1 << 20
+       IBV_DEVICE_XRC                  = 1 << 20,
 enum ibv_atomic_cap {
@@ -965,8 +966,113 @@ enum verbs_context_mask {
        VERBS_CONTEXT_RESERVED  = 1 << 4
+enum ibv_flow_flags {
+enum ibv_flow_attr_type {
+       /* steering according to rule specifications */
+       IBV_FLOW_ATTR_NORMAL            = 0x0,
+       /* default unicast and multicast rule -
+        * receive all Eth traffic which isn't steered to any QP
+        */
+       IBV_FLOW_ATTR_ALL_DEFAULT       = 0x1,
+       /* default multicast rule -
+        * receive all Eth multicast traffic which isn't steered to any QP
+        */
+       IBV_FLOW_ATTR_MC_DEFAULT        = 0x2,
+enum ibv_flow_spec_type {
+       IBV_FLOW_SPEC_ETH       = 0x20,
+       IBV_FLOW_SPEC_IPV4      = 0x30,
+       IBV_FLOW_SPEC_TCP       = 0x40,
+       IBV_FLOW_SPEC_UDP       = 0x41,
+struct ibv_flow_eth_filter {
+       uint8_t         dst_mac[6];
+       uint8_t         src_mac[6];
+       uint16_t        ether_type;
+       /*
+        * same layout as 802.1q: prio 3, cfi 1, vlan id 12
+        */
+       uint16_t        vlan_tag;
+struct ibv_flow_spec_eth {
+       enum ibv_flow_spec_type  type;
+       uint16_t  size;
+       struct ibv_flow_eth_filter val;
+       struct ibv_flow_eth_filter mask;
+struct ibv_flow_ipv4_filter {
+       uint32_t src_ip;
+       uint32_t dst_ip;
+struct ibv_flow_spec_ipv4 {
+       enum ibv_flow_spec_type  type;
+       uint16_t  size;
+       struct ibv_flow_ipv4_filter val;
+       struct ibv_flow_ipv4_filter mask;
+struct ibv_flow_tcp_udp_filter {
+       uint16_t dst_port;
+       uint16_t src_port;
+struct ibv_flow_spec_tcp_udp {
+       enum ibv_flow_spec_type  type;
+       uint16_t  size;
+       struct ibv_flow_tcp_udp_filter val;
+       struct ibv_flow_tcp_udp_filter mask;
+struct ibv_flow_spec {
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       enum ibv_flow_spec_type type;
+                       uint16_t                size;
+               } hdr;
+               struct ibv_flow_spec_eth eth;
+               struct ibv_flow_spec_ipv4 ipv4;
+               struct ibv_flow_spec_tcp_udp tcp_udp;
+       };
+struct ibv_flow_attr {
+       uint32_t comp_mask;
+       enum ibv_flow_attr_type type;
+       uint16_t size;
+       uint16_t priority;
+       uint8_t num_of_specs;
+       uint8_t port;
+       uint32_t flags;
+       /* Following are the optional layers according to user request
+        * struct ibv_flow_spec_xxx [L2]
+        * struct ibv_flow_spec_yyy [L3/L4]
+        */
+struct ibv_flow {
+       uint32_t           comp_mask;
+       struct ibv_context *context;
+       uint32_t           handle;
 struct verbs_context {
        /*  "grows up" - new fields go here */
+       int (*drv_ibv_destroy_flow) (struct ibv_flow *flow);
+       int (*lib_ibv_destroy_flow) (struct ibv_flow *flow);
+       struct ibv_flow * (*drv_ibv_create_flow) (struct ibv_qp *qp,
+                                                 struct ibv_flow_attr
+                                                 *flow_attr);
+       struct ibv_flow * (*lib_ibv_create_flow) (struct ibv_qp *qp,
+                                                 struct ibv_flow_attr
+                                                 *flow_attr);
        int (*drv_query_port_ex)(struct ibv_context *context, uint8_t port_num,
                                 struct ibv_port_attr_ex *port_attr);
        int (*lib_query_port_ex)(struct ibv_context *context, uint8_t port_num,
@@ -1156,6 +1262,26 @@ struct ibv_pd *ibv_alloc_pd(struct ibv_c
 int ibv_dealloc_pd(struct ibv_pd *pd);
+static inline struct ibv_flow *ibv_create_flow(struct ibv_qp *qp,
+                                              struct ibv_flow_attr *flow)
+       struct verbs_context *vctx = verbs_get_ctx_op(qp->context,
+                                                     lib_ibv_create_flow);
+       if (!vctx || !vctx->lib_ibv_create_flow)
+               return NULL;
+       return vctx->lib_ibv_create_flow(qp, flow);
+static inline int ibv_destroy_flow(struct ibv_flow *flow_id)
+       struct verbs_context *vctx = verbs_get_ctx_op(flow_id->context,
+                                                     lib_ibv_destroy_flow);
+       if (!vctx || !vctx->lib_ibv_destroy_flow)
+               return -ENOSYS;
+       return vctx->lib_ibv_destroy_flow(flow_id);
  * ibv_open_xrcd - Open an extended connection domain
Index: libibverbs-1.1.7/src/cmd.c
--- libibverbs-1.1.7.orig/src/cmd.c     2014-03-05 10:36:36.000000000 +0100
+++ libibverbs-1.1.7/src/cmd.c  2014-03-31 18:49:19.377994104 +0200
@@ -1268,3 +1268,108 @@ int ibv_cmd_detach_mcast(struct ibv_qp *
        return 0;
+static int ib_spec_to_kern_spec(struct ibv_flow_spec *ib_spec,
+                               struct ibv_kern_spec *kern_spec)
+       kern_spec->hdr.type = ib_spec->hdr.type;
+       switch (ib_spec->hdr.type) {
+       case IBV_FLOW_SPEC_ETH:
+               kern_spec->eth.size = sizeof(struct ibv_kern_spec_eth);
+               memcpy(&kern_spec->eth.val, &ib_spec->eth.val,
+                      sizeof(struct ibv_flow_eth_filter));
+               memcpy(&kern_spec->eth.mask, &ib_spec->eth.mask,
+                      sizeof(struct ibv_flow_eth_filter));
+               break;
+       case IBV_FLOW_SPEC_IPV4:
+               kern_spec->ipv4.size = sizeof(struct ibv_kern_spec_ipv4);
+               memcpy(&kern_spec->ipv4.val, &ib_spec->ipv4.val,
+                      sizeof(struct ibv_flow_ipv4_filter));
+               memcpy(&kern_spec->ipv4.mask, &ib_spec->ipv4.mask,
+                      sizeof(struct ibv_flow_ipv4_filter));
+               break;
+       case IBV_FLOW_SPEC_TCP:
+       case IBV_FLOW_SPEC_UDP:
+               kern_spec->tcp_udp.size = sizeof(struct ibv_kern_spec_tcp_udp);
+               memcpy(&kern_spec->tcp_udp.val, &ib_spec->tcp_udp.val,
+                      sizeof(struct ibv_flow_ipv4_filter));
+               memcpy(&kern_spec->tcp_udp.mask, &ib_spec->tcp_udp.mask,
+                      sizeof(struct ibv_flow_tcp_udp_filter));
+               break;
+       default:
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+struct ibv_flow *ibv_cmd_create_flow(struct ibv_qp *qp,
+                                    struct ibv_flow_attr *flow_attr)
+       struct ibv_create_flow *cmd;
+       struct ibv_create_flow_resp resp;
+       struct ibv_flow *flow_id;
+       size_t cmd_size;
+       size_t written_size;
+       int i, err;
+       void *kern_spec;
+       void *ib_spec;
+       cmd_size = sizeof(*cmd) + (flow_attr->num_of_specs *
+                                 sizeof(struct ibv_kern_spec));
+       cmd = alloca(cmd_size);
+       flow_id = malloc(sizeof(*flow_id));
+       if (!flow_id)
+               return NULL;
+       memset(cmd, 0, cmd_size);
+       cmd->qp_handle = qp->handle;
+       cmd->flow_attr.type = flow_attr->type;
+       cmd->flow_attr.priority = flow_attr->priority;
+       cmd->flow_attr.num_of_specs = flow_attr->num_of_specs;
+       cmd->flow_attr.port = flow_attr->port;
+       cmd->flow_attr.flags = flow_attr->flags;
+       kern_spec = cmd + 1;
+       ib_spec = flow_attr + 1;
+       for (i = 0; i < flow_attr->num_of_specs; i++) {
+               err = ib_spec_to_kern_spec(ib_spec, kern_spec);
+               if (err)
+                       goto err;
+               cmd->flow_attr.size +=
+                       ((struct ibv_kern_spec *)kern_spec)->hdr.size;
+               kern_spec += ((struct ibv_kern_spec *)kern_spec)->hdr.size;
+               ib_spec += ((struct ibv_flow_spec *)ib_spec)->hdr.size;
+       }
+       written_size = sizeof(*cmd) + cmd->flow_attr.size;
+       IBV_INIT_CMD_RESP_EX_VCMD(cmd, written_size, written_size, CREATE_FLOW,
+                                 &resp, sizeof(resp));
+       if (write(qp->context->cmd_fd, cmd, written_size) != written_size)
+               goto err;
+       VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(&resp, sizeof(resp));
+       flow_id->context = qp->context;
+       flow_id->handle = resp.flow_handle;
+       return flow_id;
+       free(flow_id);
+       return NULL;
+int ibv_cmd_destroy_flow(struct ibv_flow *flow_id)
+       struct ibv_destroy_flow cmd;
+       int ret = 0;
+       memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+       IBV_INIT_CMD_EX(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), DESTROY_FLOW);
+       cmd.flow_handle = flow_id->handle;
+       if (write(flow_id->context->cmd_fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) != sizeof(cmd))
+               ret = errno;
+       free(flow_id);
+       return ret;
Index: libibverbs-1.1.7/src/device.c
--- libibverbs-1.1.7.orig/src/device.c  2014-03-31 18:49:19.367994335 +0200
+++ libibverbs-1.1.7/src/device.c       2014-03-31 18:49:19.378994081 +0200
@@ -171,6 +171,10 @@ struct ibv_context *__ibv_open_device(st
                 context_ex->lib_query_port_ex =
+                context_ex->lib_ibv_create_flow =
+                        context_ex->drv_ibv_create_flow;
+                context_ex->lib_ibv_destroy_flow =
+                        context_ex->drv_ibv_destroy_flow;
        context->device = device;
Index: libibverbs-1.1.7/src/libibverbs.map
--- libibverbs-1.1.7.orig/src/libibverbs.map    2014-03-05 10:36:36.000000000 
+++ libibverbs-1.1.7/src/libibverbs.map 2014-03-31 18:49:19.378994081 +0200
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ IBVERBS_1.0 {
+               ibv_cmd_create_flow;
+               ibv_cmd_destroy_flow;
++++++ libibverbs-Use-neighbour-lookup-for-RoCE-UD-QPs-Eth-L2-resoluti.patch 
++++ 1453 lines (skipped)

++++++ libibverbs-autotools.patch ++++++
 configure.ac |   13 +++++++------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

Index: configure.ac
--- configure.ac.orig   2014-04-03 11:43:26.659194576 +0200
+++ configure.ac        2014-04-03 15:36:29.279084919 +0200
@@ -10,14 +10,15 @@ AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign subdir-objects
 m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])])
 dnl Checks for programs
-    AS_HELP_STRING([--with-valgrind],
-        [Enable Valgrind annotations (small runtime overhead, default NO)]))
+  [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-valgrind],
+       [Enable Valgrind annotations (small runtime overhead, default NO)])])
 if test x$with_valgrind = x || test x$with_valgrind = xno; then
     AC_DEFINE([NVALGRIND], 1, [Define to 1 to disable Valgrind annotations.])
++++++ libibverbs-fix_aliasing.patch ++++++
From: Jan Engelhardt <jeng...@inai.de>
Date: 2012-08-26 21:34:11.356459793 +0200

src: fix breakage of alignment constraints and strict aliasing

src/verbs.c: In function 'is_link_local_gid':
src/verbs.c:689:2: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break 
strict-aliasing rules [-Wstrict-aliasing]
src/verbs.c:690:2: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break 
strict-aliasing rules [-Wstrict-aliasing]
examples/pingpong.c: In function 'wire_gid_to_gid':
examples/pingpong.c:76:3: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break 
strict-aliasing rules [-Wstrict-aliasing]
examples/pingpong.c: In function 'gid_to_wire_gid':
examples/pingpong.c:85:3: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break 
strict-aliasing rules [-Wstrict-aliasing]

 examples/pingpong.c |   13 ++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

Index: examples/pingpong.c
--- examples/pingpong.c.orig    2014-01-17 17:56:03.555235512 +0100
+++ examples/pingpong.c 2014-01-17 18:00:03.448680268 +0100
@@ -67,21 +67,24 @@ int pp_get_port_info(struct ibv_context
 void wire_gid_to_gid(const char *wgid, union ibv_gid *gid)
        char tmp[9];
-       uint32_t v32;
+       uint32_t v32, v32n;
        int i;
        for (tmp[8] = 0, i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                memcpy(tmp, wgid + i * 8, 8);
                sscanf(tmp, "%x", &v32);
-               *(uint32_t *)(&gid->raw[i * 4]) = ntohl(v32);
+               v32n = ntohl(v32);
+               memcpy(&gid->raw[i*4], &v32n, sizeof(v32n));
 void gid_to_wire_gid(const union ibv_gid *gid, char wgid[])
        int i;
+       uint32_t v32;
-       for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-               sprintf(&wgid[i * 8], "%08x",
-                       htonl(*(uint32_t *)(gid->raw + i * 4)));
+       for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+               memcpy(&v32, gid->raw + i * 4, sizeof(v32));
+               sprintf(&wgid[i * 8], "%08x", htonl(v32));
+       }
++++++ libibverbs-s390.patch ++++++
Cc: alexey_ishc...@ru.ibm.com
Subject: DAPL support for Linux on System z

s390: Add DAPL support for Linux on System z in libibverbs

Changes required to support the OFED stack on the System z platform. These
changes include:
        * mb, rmb, wmb, and wc_wmb macro definitions for the System z platform;
        * new Infiniband verb command identifier.
The new Infiniband verb command was added to allow data transfer from user
space applications to infiniband devices on System z.

 include/infiniband/arch.h     |    7 +++++++
 include/infiniband/kern-abi.h |    6 ++++--
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Index: libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/arch.h
--- libibverbs-1.1.7.orig/include/infiniband/arch.h     2014-03-05 
10:36:36.000000000 +0100
+++ libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/arch.h  2014-03-31 14:20:50.479614972 
@@ -115,6 +115,13 @@ static inline uint64_t ntohll(uint64_t x
 #define wmb()   mb()
 #define wc_wmb() wmb()
+#elif defined(__s390x__) || defined(__s390__)
+#define mb()    asm volatile("" ::: "memory")
+#define rmb()   mb()
+#define wmb()   mb()
+#define wc_wmb() wmb()
 #warning No architecture specific defines found.  Using generic implementation.
Index: libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/kern-abi.h
--- libibverbs-1.1.7.orig/include/infiniband/kern-abi.h 2014-03-05 
10:36:36.000000000 +0100
+++ libibverbs-1.1.7/include/infiniband/kern-abi.h      2014-03-31 
14:20:50.480614949 +0200
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ enum {
 #define IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_COMMAND_MASK         0xff
@@ -904,7 +905,8 @@ enum {
+       IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_OPEN_QP_V2 = -1,
 struct ibv_modify_srq_v3 {
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