Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package pigz.1466 for openSUSE:12.2:Update 
checked in at 2013-03-26 18:00:08
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:12.2:Update/pigz.1466 (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:12.2:Update/.pigz.1466.new (New)

Package is "pigz.1466", Maintainer is ""

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2013-02-26 18:15:11.936010755 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:12.2:Update/.pigz.1466.new/pigz.changes  2013-03-26 
18:00:09.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Tue Mar 19 10:59:35 UTC 2013 - ag...@suse.com
+- fix temporary file permission bug (bnc#803933, CVE-2013-0296)
+Fri Sep 30 15:54:33 UTC 2011 - u...@suse.com
+- cross-build workaround: use fake cc script to work around build
+  system that does not honor CC
+Thu Jun  2 12:20:22 CEST 2011 - vis...@suse.cz
+- update to 2.1.6
+- package unpigz
+- create debug packages
+- package manpage
+Tue Apr 20 00:44:25 CEST 2010 - ag...@suse.de
+- fix dictzip with #CPU == 1 (bnc#597756)
+Wed Mar  3 16:12:37 CET 2010 - vis...@suse.de
+- include symlinks patch 
+Tue Oct 20 16:32:03 CEST 2009 - jmate...@suse.de
+- initial package



Other differences:
++++++ pigz.spec ++++++
# spec file for package pigz
# Copyright (c) 2013 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

Name:           pigz
Version:        2.1.6
Release:        0
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildRequires:  binutils
BuildRequires:  filesystem
BuildRequires:  glibc-devel
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel
Requires:       glibc
Requires:       zlib
Source:         %name-%version.tar.bz2
Patch1:         pigz-dictzip.patch
Patch2:         pigz-spl.patch
Patch3:         pigz-do-symlinks.patch
Patch4:         pigz-always-thread.patch
Patch5:         pigz-tmpperm.patch
Url:            http://www.zlib.net/pigz/
Summary:        Multi-core gzip version
License:        Zlib
Group:          Productivity/Archiving/Compression

A parallel implementation of gzip for modern multi-processor,
multi-core machines

%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1

echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nexec %__cc \"\$@\"" >cc
chmod 755 cc
export PATH=.:$PATH
%{__make} CFLAGS="$MYCFLAGS" PREFIX=%{_prefix} LIBDIR=%{_libdir}

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
cp -v pigz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/
cp -v unpigz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/

#man page
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/
cp -v pigz.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/
cp -v pigz.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/unpigz.1
gzip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/pigz.1
gzip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/unpigz.1

%{__rm} -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"

%doc %{_mandir}/man1/pigz.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/unpigz.1.gz

++++++ pigz-always-thread.patch ++++++
Dictzip only really works in the threaded code paths. So let's force
use them and ignore the non-parallel case (bnc#597756).

Index: pigz-2.1.5/pigz.c
--- pigz-2.1.5.orig/pigz.c
+++ pigz-2.1.5/pigz.c
@@ -2820,7 +2820,7 @@ local void process(char *path)
 #ifndef NOTHREAD
-    else if (procs > 1)
+    else if (1)
++++++ pigz-dictzip.patch ++++++
diff -u -r pigz-2.1.6.orig/pigz.c pigz-2.1.6/pigz.c
--- pigz-2.1.6.orig/pigz.c      2010-01-17 21:09:37.000000000 +0100
+++ pigz-2.1.6/pigz.c   2011-06-02 12:29:12.245689087 +0200
@@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
         } \
     } while (0)
+#define DZIP_HEADER_LEN    24
 /* globals (modified by main thread only when it's the only thread) */
 local int ind;              /* input file descriptor */
 local int outd;             /* output file descriptor */
@@ -322,11 +324,12 @@
 local int list;             /* true to list files instead of compress */
 local int first = 1;        /* true if we need to print listing header */
 local int decode;           /* 0 to compress, 1 to decompress, 2 to test */
+local int dictzip;          /* true to write random access dictionary */
 local int level;            /* compression level */
 local int rsync;            /* true for rsync blocking */
 local int procs;            /* maximum number of compression threads (>= 1) */
 local int dict;             /* true to initialize dictionary in each thread */
-local size_t size;          /* uncompressed input size per thread (>= 32K) */
+size_t size;          /* uncompressed input size per thread (>= 32K) */
 /* saved gzip/zip header data for decompression, testing, and listing */
 local time_t stamp;                 /* time stamp from gzip header */
@@ -560,6 +563,17 @@
     return dos;
+long long get_file_size(int fd)
+    long long old_pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
+    long long retval;
+    retval = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+    lseek(fd, old_pos, SEEK_SET);
+    return retval;
 /* put a 4-byte integer into a byte array in LSB order or MSB order */
 #define PUT2L(a,b) (*(a)=(b)&0xff,(a)[1]=(b)>>8)
 #define PUT4L(a,b) (PUT2L(a,(b)&0xffff),PUT2L((a)+2,(b)>>16))
@@ -613,12 +627,27 @@
         head[0] = 31;
         head[1] = 139;
         head[2] = 8;                /* deflate */
-        head[3] = name != NULL ? 8 : 0;
+        head[3] = 0;
+        if (dictzip)
+            head[3] |= 4;
+        if (name != NULL)
+            head[3] |= 8;
         PUT4L(head + 4, mtime);
         head[8] = level == 9 ? 2 : (level == 1 ? 4 : 0);
         head[9] = 3;                /* unix */
         writen(outd, head, 10);
         len = 10;
+        if (dictzip) {
+            long long file_len = get_file_size(ind);
+            int extra_len = DZIP_HEADER_LEN + ((file_len / size) + 2) * 
+            char *extra = (char*)malloc(extra_len);
+            memset(extra, 0, extra_len);
+            writen(outd, extra, extra_len);
+            free(extra);
+            len += extra_len;
+        }
         if (name != NULL)
             writen(outd, (unsigned char *)name, strlen(name) + 1);
         if (name != NULL)
@@ -1165,6 +1194,10 @@
     unsigned long ulen;             /* total uncompressed size (overflow ok) */
     unsigned long clen;             /* total compressed size (overflow ok) */
     unsigned long check;            /* check value of uncompressed data */
+    char *extra = NULL;             /* dictzip extra header field */
+    int dz_cur;                     /* dictzip current pointer to header */
+    long long file_len = get_file_size(ind);
+    int extra_len = DZIP_HEADER_LEN + ((file_len / size) + 2) * sizeof(int);
@@ -1172,6 +1205,25 @@
     Trace(("-- write thread running"));
     head = put_header();
+    if (dictzip) {
+        extra = (char*)malloc(extra_len + 32);
+        memset(extra, 0, extra_len);
+        if (extra_len >= ((1ULL << 16) - 1))
+            bail("file too long for dictzip\n", "");
+        /* extra length */
+        PUT2L(extra, extra_len - 2);
+        /* Random Access ID */
+        extra[2] = 'R';
+        extra[3] = 'A';
+        /* RA version 99 */
+        /* XXX need to standardize! */
+        PUT2L(extra + 6, 99);
+        // PUT2L(extra + 6, 1);
+        dz_cur = 0;
+    }
     /* process output of compress threads until end of input */    
     ulen = clen = 0;
     check = CHECK(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
@@ -1191,6 +1243,15 @@
         ulen += (unsigned long)len;
         clen += (unsigned long)(job->out->len);
+        if (dictzip) {
+            if (((dz_cur * 4) + DZIP_HEADER_LEN + sizeof(int)) > extra_len) {
+                printf(" %d > %d\n", dz_cur, file_len / size);
+                bail ("input file too large\n", "");
+            }
+            PUT4L(extra + (dz_cur * 4) + DZIP_HEADER_LEN, job->out->len);
+            dz_cur++;
+        }
         /* write the compressed data and drop the output buffer */
         Trace(("-- writing #%ld", seq));
         writen(outd, job->out->buf, job->out->len);
@@ -1215,6 +1276,22 @@
     /* write trailer */
     put_trailer(ulen, clen, check, head);
+    if (dictzip) {
+        /* chunk length */
+        PUT4L(extra + 8, size);
+        /* chunk count */
+        PUT4L(extra + 12, dz_cur);
+//        PUT4L(extra + 12, (file_len / size) + 1);
+        /* Target file size (64 bit) */
+        PUT4L(extra + 16, file_len);
+        PUT4L(extra + 20, file_len >> 32);
+        /* write extra header */
+        if (lseek(outd, 10, SEEK_SET) != 10)
+            bail("couldn't seek in output file\n", "");
+        writen(outd, extra, extra_len);
+        free(extra);
+    }
     /* verify no more jobs, prepare for next use */
     assert(compress_head == NULL && peek_lock(compress_have) == 0);
@@ -2625,6 +2702,18 @@
         /* prepare gzip header information for compression */
         name = headis & 1 ? justname(in) : NULL;
         mtime = headis & 2 ? st.st_mtime : 0;
+        /* Find a sane chunk size */
+        if (dictzip) {
+            long long file_len = get_file_size(ind);
+            int extra_len;
+            extra_len = DZIP_HEADER_LEN + ((file_len / size) + 2) * 
+            while (extra_len >= ((1 << 16) - 1)) {
+                size += (1 << 10ULL);
+                extra_len = DZIP_HEADER_LEN + ((file_len / size) + 2) * 
+            }
+        }
@@ -2678,6 +2767,8 @@
         out = malloc(strlen("<stdout>") + 1);
         if (out == NULL)
             bail("not enough memory", "");
+        if (dictzip)
+            bail("need to have a seekable output for dictzip\n", "");
         strcpy(out, "<stdout>");
         outd = 1;
         if (!decode && !force && isatty(outd))
@@ -2796,6 +2887,7 @@
 "  -i, --independent    Compress blocks independently for damage recovery",
 "  -R, --rsyncable      Input-determined block locations for rsync",
 "  -d, --decompress     Decompress the compressed input",
+"  -e, --dictzip        Write dictzip random seek information in gzip header",
 "  -t, --test           Test the integrity of the compressed input",
 "  -l, --list           List the contents of the compressed input",
 "  -f, --force          Force overwrite, compress .gz, links, and to terminal",
@@ -2868,17 +2960,18 @@
     force = 0;                      /* don't overwrite, don't compress links */
     recurse = 0;                    /* don't go into directories */
     form = 0;                       /* use gzip format */
+    dictzip = 0;                    /* don't write dictzip information */
 /* long options conversion to short options */
 local char *longopts[][2] = {
     {"LZW", "Z"}, {"ascii", "a"}, {"best", "9"}, {"bits", "Z"},
-    {"blocksize", "b"}, {"decompress", "d"}, {"fast", "1"}, {"force", "f"},
-    {"help", "h"}, {"independent", "i"}, {"keep", "k"}, {"license", "L"},
-    {"list", "l"}, {"name", "N"}, {"no-name", "n"}, {"no-time", "T"},
-    {"processes", "p"}, {"quiet", "q"}, {"recursive", "r"}, {"rsyncable", "R"},
-    {"silent", "q"}, {"stdout", "c"}, {"suffix", "S"}, {"test", "t"},
-    {"to-stdout", "c"}, {"uncompress", "d"}, {"verbose", "v"},
+    {"blocksize", "b"}, {"decompress", "d"}, {"dictzip", "e"}, {"fast", "1"},
+    {"force", "f"}, {"help", "h"}, {"independent", "i"}, {"keep", "k"},
+    {"license", "L"}, {"list", "l"}, {"name", "N"}, {"no-name", "n"},
+    {"no-time", "T"}, {"processes", "p"}, {"quiet", "q"}, {"recursive", "r"},
+    {"rsyncable", "R"}, {"silent", "q"}, {"stdout", "c"}, {"suffix", "S"},
+    {"test", "t"}, {"to-stdout", "c"}, {"uncompress", "d"}, {"verbose", "v"},
     {"version", "V"}, {"zip", "K"}, {"zlib", "z"}};
 #define NLOPTS (sizeof(longopts) / (sizeof(char *) << 1))
@@ -2984,6 +3077,7 @@
             case 'b':  get = 1;  break;
             case 'c':  pipeout = 1;  break;
             case 'd':  decode = 1;  headis = 0;  break;
+            case 'e':  dictzip = 1; dict = 0;  break;
             case 'f':  force = 1;  break;
             case 'h':  help();  break;
             case 'i':  dict = 0;  break;
@@ -3112,6 +3206,19 @@
                 fprintf(stderr, "warning: output is concatenated zip files ");
                 fprintf(stderr, "-- pigz will not be able to extract\n");
+            /* dictzip sanity checks */
+            if (dictzip && (form > 1)) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "warning: dictzip only works on gzip files\n");
+            }
+#if 0
+            if (dictzip && (size >= (64 << 10))) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "warning: dictzip needs chunks < 64k.\n");
+                size = (63 << 10);
+            }
             process(strcmp(argv[n], "-") ? argv[n] : NULL);
++++++ pigz-do-symlinks.patch ++++++
--- pigz-2.1.6/pigz.c.orig      2011-06-02 12:36:40.043909605 +0200
+++ pigz-2.1.6/pigz.c   2011-06-02 12:39:32.148763023 +0200
@@ -2596,11 +2596,13 @@
+#if 0
         if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK && !force && !pipeout) {
             if (verbosity > 0)
                 fprintf(stderr, "%s is a symbolic link -- skipping\n", in);
         if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR && !recurse) {
             if (verbosity > 0)
                 fprintf(stderr, "%s is a directory -- skipping\n", in);
++++++ pigz-spl.patch ++++++
--- pigz-2.1.6/pigz.c.orig      2011-06-02 12:36:25.000000000 +0200
+++ pigz-2.1.6/pigz.c   2011-06-02 12:36:40.043909605 +0200
@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@
         nm += len - 4;
         len = 4;
         if (strcmp(nm, ".zip") == 0 || strcmp(nm, ".ZIP") == 0 ||
-            strcmp(nm, ".tgz") == 0)
+            strcmp(nm, ".tgz") == 0 || strcmp(nm, ".spl") == 0)
             return 4;
     if (len > 3) {
++++++ pigz-tmpperm.patch ++++++
Index: pigz/pigz.c
--- pigz-2.2.4/pigz.c   (Revision 4038)
+++ pigz-2.2.5/pigz.c   (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -3228,7 +3228,7 @@
         memcpy(out, to, len);
         strcpy(out + len, decode ? "" : sufx);
         outd = open(out, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY |
-                         (force ? 0 : O_EXCL), 0666);
+                         (force ? 0 : O_EXCL), 0600);
         /* if exists and not -f, give user a chance to overwrite */
         if (outd < 0 && errno == EEXIST && isatty(0) && verbosity) {
@@ -3244,7 +3244,7 @@
             } while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r');
             if (reply == 1)
                 outd = open(out, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY,
-                            0666);
+                            0600);
         /* if exists and no overwrite, report and go on to next */
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